
Keith Bostic keith at seismo.UUCP
Tue Mar 12 03:43:49 AEST 1985

========= cut here

/*	protosw.h	4.11	82/04/24	*/

 * Protocol switch table.
 * Each protocol has a handle initializing one of these structures,
 * which is used for protocol-protocol and system-protocol communication.
 * A protocol is called through the pr_init entry before any other.
 * Thereafter it is called every 200ms through the pr_fasttimo entry and
 * every 500ms through the pr_slowtimo for timer based actions.
 * The system will call the pr_drain entry if it is low on space and
 * this should throw away any non-critical data.
 * Protocols pass data between themselves as chains of mbufs using
 * the pr_input and pr_output hooks.  Pr_input passes data up (towards
 * UNIX) and pr_output passes it down (towards the imps); control
 * information passes up and down on pr_ctlinput and pr_ctloutput.
 * The protocol is responsible for the space occupied by any the
 * arguments to these entries and must dispose it.
 * The userreq routine interfaces protocols to the system and is
 * described below.
struct protosw {
	short	pr_type;		/* socket type used for */
	short	pr_family;		/* protocol family */
	short	pr_protocol;		/* protocol number */
	short	pr_flags;		/* see below */
/* protocol-protocol hooks */
	int	(*pr_input)();		/* input to protocol (from below) */
	int	(*pr_output)();		/* output to protocol (from above) */
	int	(*pr_ctlinput)();	/* control input (from below) */
	int	(*pr_ctloutput)();	/* control output (from above) */
/* user-protocol hook */
	int	(*pr_usrreq)();		/* user request: see list below */
/* utility hooks */
	int	(*pr_init)();		/* initialization hook */
	int	(*pr_fasttimo)();	/* fast timeout (200ms) */
	int	(*pr_slowtimo)();	/* slow timeout (500ms) */
	int	(*pr_drain)();		/* flush any excess space possible */

#define	PR_SLOWHZ	2		/* 2 slow timeouts per second */
#define	PR_FASTHZ	5		/* 5 fast timeouts per second */

 * Values for pr_flags
#define	PR_ATOMIC	0x01		/* exchange atomic messages only */
#define	PR_ADDR		0x02		/* addresses given with messages */
/* in the current implementation, PR_ADDR needs PR_ATOMIC to work */
#define	PR_CONNREQUIRED	0x04		/* connection required by protocol */
#define	PR_WANTRCVD	0x08		/* want PRU_RCVD calls */

 * The arguments to usrreq are:
 *	(*protosw[].pr_usrreq)(up, req, m, addr);
 * where up is a (struct socket *), req is one of these requests,
 * m is a optional mbuf chain, and addr is an optional meta-internetwork
 * address representation.  The protocol is responsible for
 * disposal of the mbuf chain.  A non-zero return from usrreq gives an
 * UNIX error number which should be passed to higher level software.
#define	PRU_ATTACH		0	/* attach protocol to up */
#define	PRU_DETACH		1	/* detach protocol from up */
#define	PRU_CONNECT		2	/* establish connection to peer */
#define	PRU_ACCEPT		3	/* accept connection from peer */
#define	PRU_DISCONNECT		4	/* disconnect from peer */
#define	PRU_SHUTDOWN		5	/* won't send any more data */
#define	PRU_RCVD		6	/* have taken data; more room now */
#define	PRU_SEND		7	/* send this data */
#define	PRU_ABORT		8	/* abort (fast DISCONNECT, DETATCH) */
#define	PRU_CONTROL		9	/* control operations on protocol */
#define	PRU_SENSE		10	/* return status into m */
#define	PRU_RCVOOB		11	/* retrieve out of band data */
#define	PRU_SENDOOB		12	/* send out of band data */
#define	PRU_SOCKADDR		13	/* fetch socket's address */
/* begin for protocols internal use */
#define	PRU_FASTTIMO		14	/* 200ms timeout */
#define	PRU_SLOWTIMO		15	/* 500ms timeout */
#define	PRU_PROTORCV		16	/* receive from below */
#define	PRU_PROTOSEND		17	/* send to below */

#define	PRU_NREQ		18

char *prurequests[] = {

 * The arguments to the ctlinput routine are
 *	(*protosw[].pr_ctlinput)(cmd, arg);
 * where cmd is one of the commands below, and arg is
 * an optional argument (caddr_t).
 * N.B. The IMP code, in particular, pressumes the values
 *      of some of the commands; change with extreme care.
#define	PRC_IFDOWN		0	/* interface transition */
#define	PRC_ROUTEDEAD		1	/* select new route if possible */
#define	PRC_QUENCH		4	/* some said to slow down */
#define	PRC_HOSTDEAD		6	/* normally from IMP */
#define	PRC_HOSTUNREACH		7	/* ditto */
#define	PRC_UNREACH_NET		8	/* no route to network */
#define	PRC_UNREACH_HOST	9	/* no route to host */
#define	PRC_UNREACH_PROTOCOL	10	/* dst says bad protocol */
#define	PRC_UNREACH_PORT	11	/* bad port # */
#define	PRC_MSGSIZE		12	/* message size forced drop */
#define	PRC_REDIRECT_NET	13	/* net routing redirect */
#define	PRC_REDIRECT_HOST	14	/* host routing redirect */
#define	PRC_TIMXCEED_INTRANS	17	/* packet lifetime expired in transit */
#define	PRC_TIMXCEED_REASS	18	/* lifetime expired on reass q */
#define	PRC_PARAMPROB		19	/* header incorrect */

#define	PRC_NCMDS		20

char	*prcrequests[] = {
	"IFDOWN",	"ROUTEDEAD",	"#2",		"#3",

#ifdef KERNEL
struct	protosw protosw[], *protoswLAST;
extern	struct protosw *pffindproto(), *pffindtype();

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