August 28, 1977

This directory contains all the source for the interpreter px.
The script "makepx" will make a new "px", the script "printpx"
will print a copy of all the stuff here.  The binaries here can be installed
immediately with "install".   If you have no floating point use a.outNOFLOAT
rather than a.out; do
	mv a.outNOFLOAT a.out

In making a px for a system without floating point, the program "flt40"
is used to massage the interpreter code to make it run a good deal faster.

					Bill Joy
					Computer Science Division
					EECS Department
					University of California, Berkeley
					Berkeley, California  94704

					Office:	(415) 642-4948
					Home:	(415) 524-4510