
| This file contains a number of assembly code utility routines needed by the
| kernel.  They are:

.define	_bios13		| make BIOS 13 call for disk I/O (real mode only)
.define	_build_sig	| build 4 word structure pushed onto stack for signals
.define	_check_mem	| check a block of memory, return the valid size
.define	_cim_at_wini	| clear the AT winchester interrupt mask
.define	_cim_floppy	| clear the floppy interrupt mask
.define	_cim_printer	| clear the printer interrupt mask
.define	_cim_xt_wini	| clear the XT winchester interrupt mask
.define	_cp_mess	| copies messages from source to destination
.define	_exit		| dummy for library routines
.define	.fat		| dummy for library routines
.define _get_byte	| read a byte from anywhere and return it
.define	_in_byte	| read a byte from a port and return it
.define	_klib_1hook	| init from real mode for real or protected mode
.define	_klib_2hook	| init from protected mode for real or protected mode
.define	_lock		| disable interrupts
.define	_out_byte	| write a byte to a port
.define	_phys_copy	| copy data from anywhere to anywhere in memory
.define	_port_read	| transfer data from (disk controller) port to memory
.define	_port_write	| transfer data from memory to (disk controller) port
.define	_reset		| reset the system (real mode only)
.define	_scr_down	| scroll screen a line down (in software, by copying)
.define	_scr_up		| scroll screen a line up (in software, by copying)
.define	_sim_printer	| set the printer interrupt mask
.define	_tasim_printer	| test and set the printer interrupt mask
.define	_test_and_set	| test and set locking primitive on a word in memory
.define	.trp		| dummy for library routines
.define	_unlock		| enable interrupts
.define	_vid_copy	| copy data to video ram (perhaps during retrace only)
.define	_wait_retrace	| wait for retrace interval

| The routines only guarantee to preserve the registers the 'C' compiler
| expects to be preserved (si, di, bp, sp, segment registers, and direction
| bit in the flags), though some of the older ones preserve bx, cx and dx.

#include <minix/config.h>
#include <minix/const.h>
#include "const.h"
#include "sconst.h"
#include "protect.h"

#error /* this is not the 32-bit version */

#define EM_MASK		0xFFF0	/* extended memory mask for hi word */
#define EM_XFER_VEC	0x15	/* copy (normal or extended) memory */
#	define EM_XFER_FUNC	0x87
#define JMP_OPCODE	0xE9	/* opcode used for patching */
#define OFF_MASK	0x000F	/* offset mask for phys_b -> hclick:offset */

| imported functions

.extern		p_restart
.extern		p_save
.extern		_restart
.extern		save

| exported variables

.define		splimit

| imported variables

.extern		_Ax, _Bx, _Cx, _Dx, _Es
.extern		_blank_color
.extern		_gdt
.extern		_protected_mode
.extern		_snow
.extern		_vec_table
.extern		_vid_mask
.extern		_vid_port

|*				bios13					     *
| PUBLIC void bios13();

_bios13:			| make a BIOS 0x13 call for disk I/O
	push ax			| save the registers
	push bx
	push cx
	push dx
	push es
	mov ax,_Ax		| load parameters
	mov bx,_Bx
	mov cx,_Cx
	mov dx,_Dx
	mov es,_Es
	int 0x13		| make the BIOS call
	mov _Ax,ax		| save results
	mov _Bx,bx
	mov _Cx,cx
	mov _Dx,dx
	pop es
	pop dx
	pop cx
	pop bx
	pop ax

|*				build_sig				     *
| PUBLIC void build_sig(char *sig_stuff, struct proc *rp, int sig)
| Build a structure that is pushed onto the stack for signals.  It contains
| pc, psw, etc., and is machine dependent. The format is the same as generated
| by hardware interrupts, except that after the "interrupt", the signal number
| is also pushed.  The signal processing routine within the user space first
| pops the signal number, to see which function to call.  Then it calls the
| function.  Finally, when the function returns to the low-level signal
| handling routine, control is passed back to where it was prior to the signal
| by executing a return-from-interrupt instruction, hence the need for using
| the hardware generated interrupt format on the stack.

	push bp			| save bp
	mov bp,sp		| set bp to sp for accessing params
	push bx			| save bx
	push si			| save si
	mov bx,4(bp)		| bx points to sig_stuff
	mov si,6(bp)		| si points to proc table entry
	mov ax,8(bp)		| ax = signal number
	mov (bx),ax		| put signal number in sig_stuff
	mov ax,PCREG(si)	| ax = signalled process' PC
	mov 2(bx),ax		| put pc in sig_stuff
	mov ax,CSREG(si)	| ax = signalled process' cs
	mov 4(bx),ax		| put cs in sig_stuff
	mov ax,PSWREG(si)	| ax = signalled process' PSW
	mov 6(bx),ax		| put psw in sig_stuff
	pop si			| restore si
	pop bx			| restore bx
	pop bp			| restore bp
	ret			| return to caller

|*				check_mem				     *
| PUBLIC phys_bytes check_mem(phys_bytes base, phys_bytes size);
| Check a block of memory, return the amount valid.
| Only every 16th byte is checked.
| The memory and initial size must be <= 1M for non-protected mode.
| An initial size of 0 means everything.
| This really should do some alias checks.

	push	bp
	mov	bp,sp
	push	ds
	mov	dx,4+2(bp)	| base in dx:ax
	sub	ax,ax		| prepare for early exit
	test	dx,#notop(HCHIGH_MASK)
	jnz	cm_1exit	| can't handle bases above 1M
	mov	ax,4(bp)	| ax = base segment = base / 16 % 0x10000
	andb	al,#HCLOW_MASK
	orb	al,dl
	movb	cl,#HCLICK_SHIFT
	ror	ax,cl
	mov	bx,4+4(bp)	| size in dx:bx
	mov	dx,4+4+2(bp)
	test	dx,#notop(HCHIGH_MASK)
	jz	over_cm_reduce
	movb	dl,#HCHIGH_MASK
	mov	bx,#0xFFFF
	andb	bl,#HCLOW_MASK	| cx = size in hclicks = size / 16 % 0x10000
	orb	bl,dl
	ror	bx,cl
	mov	cx,bx
	push	cx		| save size in clicks
	mov	bx,4(bp)	| bx = base offset = base % 16
	and	bx,#OFF_MASK
	mov	ds,ax
	movb	dl,#TEST1PATTERN
	xchgb	dl,(bx)		| write test pattern, remember original value
	xchgb	dl,(bx)		| restore original value, read test pattern
	cmpb	dl,#TEST1PATTERN	| must agree if good real memory
	jnz	cm_exit		| if different, memory is unusable
	movb	dl,#TEST2PATTERN
	xchgb	dl,(bx)
	xchgb	dl,(bx)
	cmpb	dl,#TEST2PATTERN
	jnz	cm_exit
	inc	ax		| next segment, test for wraparound at 1M
	loopnz	cm_loop
	pop	ax
	sub	ax,cx		| verified size in phys_clicks
	movb	dl,ah		| convert to phys_bytes in dx:ax
	movb	cl,#HCLICK_SHIFT
	shl	ax,cl
	shr	dx,cl
	and	dx,#HCHIGH_MASK
	pop	ds
	pop	bp

|*				cim_at_wini				     *
|*				cim_floppy				     *
|*				cim_printer				     *
|*				cim_xt_wini				     *
| All these routines are meant to be called from the task level where
| interrupts should not be globally disabled, so they return with interrupts
| enabled.

| PUBLIC void cim_at_wini();
| Clear the AT winchester interrupt mask.

	andb	al,#notop(AT_WINI_MASK)
	out	INT2_MASK

| PUBLIC void cim_floppy();
| Clear the AT winchester interrupt mask.

	andb	al,#notop(FLOPPY_MASK)

| PUBLIC void cim_printer();
| Clear the printer interrupt mask.

#if ASLD
	andb	al,#notop(PRINTER_MASK)
	andb	al,#notop(PRINTER_MASK) & 0xFF

| PUBLIC void cim_xt_wini();
| Clear the xt_wini interrupt mask.

	andb	al,#notop(XT_WINI_MASK)

|*				cp_mess					     *
| PUBLIC void cp_mess(int src, phys_clicks src_clicks, vir_bytes src_offset,
|		      phys_clicks dst_clicks, vir_bytes dst_offset);
| This routine makes a fast copy of a message from anywhere in the address
| space to anywhere else.  It also copies the source address provided as a
| parameter to the call into the first word of the destination message.
| Note that the message size, 'Msize' is in WORDS (not bytes) and must be set
| correctly.  Changing the definition of message in the type file and not
| changing it here will lead to total disaster.

	push es			| save es
	push ds			| save ds
	mov bx,sp		| index off bx because machine can't use sp
	push si			| save si
	push di			| save di

	mov	ax,12(bx)	| destination click
#error /* Small click sizes are not supported (right shift will lose bits). */
	shl	ax,cl		| destination segment
	mov	es,ax
	mov	di,14(bx)	| offset of destination message

| Be careful not to destroy ds before we're finished with the bx pointer.
| We're using bx and not the more natural bp to save pushing bp.

	mov	ax,6(bx)	| process number of sender
	mov	si,10(bx)	| offset of source message
	mov	bx,8(bx)	| source click (finished with bx as a pointer)
	shl	bx,cl		| source segment
	mov	ds,bx

	stow			| copy sender's process number to dest message
	add si,*2		| don't copy first word
	mov cx,*Msize-1		| remember, first word doesn't count
	rep			| iterate cx times to copy 11 words
	movw			| copy the message
	pop di			| restore di
	pop si			| restore si
	pop ds			| restore ds
	pop es			| restore es	
	ret			| that's all folks!

|*				exit					     *
| PUBLIC void exit();
| Some library routines use exit, so provide a dummy version.
| Actual calls to exit cannot occur in the kernel.
| Same for .fat
| Same for .trp.

	j _exit

|*				get_byte				     *
| PUBLIC u16_t get_byte(u16_t segment, 16_t *offset);
| Load and return the byte at the far pointer  segment:offset.

	mov	cx,ds		| save ds
	pop	dx		| return adr
	pop	ds		| segment
	pop	bx		| offset
	sub	sp,#2+2		| adjust for parameters popped
	movb	al,(bx)		| load the byte to return
	xorb	ah,ah		| 
	mov	ds,cx		| restore ds
	jmp	(dx)		| return

|*				in_byte					     *
| PUBLIC unsigned in_byte(port_t port);
| Read an (unsigned) byte from the i/o port  port  and return it.

	pop	bx
	pop	dx		| port
	dec	sp
	dec	sp
	in			| input 1 byte
	subb	ah,ah		| unsign extend
	jmp	(bx)

|*				klib_1hook				     *
| PUBLIC void klib_1hook();
| Initialize klib from real mode for real or protected mode,
| Do nothing for real mode.
| For protected mode, patch some real mode functions at their starts to jump
| to their protected mode equivalents, according to the patch table.

	cmpb	_protected_mode,#0
	jz	hook1_done
	mov	si,#patch_table
	lodw			| original function
	mov	bx,ax
	seg	cs
	movb	(bx),#JMP_OPCODE
	lodw			| new function - target of jump
	sub	ax,bx		| relative jump
	sub	ax,#3		| adjust by length of jump instruction
	seg	cs
	mov	1(bx),ax
	lodw			| next original function
	test	ax,ax
	jnz	patch1

|*				klib_2hook				     *
| PUBLIC void klib_prot_mode_init();
| Initialize klib protected real mode for real or protected mode,
| Do nothing for real mode.
| For protected mode, load idt, task reg and flags.

	cmpb	_protected_mode,#0
	jz	hook2_done
	deflidt	(_gdt+BIOS_IDT_SELECTOR) | loaded by BIOS, but in wrong mode!
	mov	ax,#TSS_SELECTOR	| no other TSS is used
	sub	ax,ax		| zero
	push	ax		| set flags to known good state
	popf			| especially, clear nested task and int enable

|*				lock					     *
| PUBLIC void lock();
| Disable CPU interrupts.
	cli			| disable interrupts
	ret			| return to caller

|*				phys_copy				     *
| PUBLIC void phys_copy(phys_bytes source, phys_bytes destination,
|			phys_bytes bytecount);
| Copy a block of physical memory.


	push	bp		| save only registers required by C
	mov	bp,sp		| set bp to point to source arg less 4

| check for extended memory

	mov	ax,SRCHI(bp)
	or	ax,DESTHI(bp)
	test	ax,#EM_MASK
	jnz	to_em_xfer

	push	si		| save si
	push	di		| save di
	push	ds		| save ds
	push	es		| save es

	mov	ax,SRCLO(bp)	| dx:ax = source address (dx is NOT segment)
	mov	dx,SRCHI(bp)
	mov	si,ax		| si = source offset = address % 16
	and	si,#OFF_MASK
|	andb	dl,#HCHIGH_MASK	| ds = source segment = address / 16 % 0x10000
				| mask is unnecessary because of EM_MASK test
	andb	al,#HCLOW_MASK
	orb	al,dl		| now bottom 4 bits of dx are in ax
	movb	cl,#HCLICK_SHIFT | rotate them to the top 4
	ror	ax,cl
	mov	ds,ax

	mov	ax,DESTLO(bp)	| dx:ax = destination addr (dx is NOT segment)
	mov	dx,DESTHI(bp)
	mov	di,ax		| di = dest offset = address % 16
	and	di,#OFF_MASK
|	andb	dl,#HCHIGH_MASK	| es = dest segment = address / 16 % 0x10000
	andb	al,#HCLOW_MASK
	orb	al,dl
	ror	ax,cl
	mov	es,ax

	mov	ax,COUNTLO(bp)	| dx:ax = remaining count
	mov	dx,COUNTHI(bp)

| copy upwards (can't handle overlapped copy)

	mov	cx,ax		| provisional count for this iteration
	test	ax,ax		| if count >= 0x8000, only do 0x8000 per iter
	js	pc_bigcount	| low byte already >= 0x8000
	test	dx,dx
	jz	pc_upcount	| less than 0x8000
	mov	cx,#0x8000	| use maximum count per iteration
	sub	ax,cx		| update count
	sbb	dx,#0		| can't underflow, so carry clear now for rcr
	rcr	cx,#1		| count in words, carry remembers if byte
	jnc	pc_even		| no odd byte
	movb			| copy odd byte
	rep			| copy 1 word at a time
	movw			| word copy

	mov	cx,ax		| test if remaining count is 0
	or	cx,dx
	jnz	pc_more		| more to do

	pop	es		| restore es
	pop	ds		| restore ds
	pop	di		| restore di
	pop	si		| restore si
	pop	bp		| restore bp
	ret			| return to caller

	sub	si,#0x8000	| adjust pointers so the offset doesn't
	mov	cx,ds		| overflow in the next 0x8000 bytes
	add	cx,#0x800	| pointers end up same physical location
	mov	ds,cx		| the current offsets are known >= 0x8000
	sub	di,#0x8000	| since we just copied that many
	mov	cx,es
	add	cx,#0x800
	mov	es,cx
	j	pc_loop		| start next iteration

| When source or target is above 1M, join em_xfer.
| Rely on MM and MEMTASK not to provide bad parameters, and omit checking the
| following:
|	count must be even
|	count must be < 64K
|	machine must be AT-compatible
| which are not required for phys_copy.

	shr	COUNTLO(bp),#1	| convert count to words
	pop	bp		| stack frame now agrees with em_xfer's
	j	_em_xfer

|*				em_xfer					     *
|  This file contains one routine which transfers words between user memory
|  and extended memory on an AT or clone.  A BIOS call (INT 15h, Func 87h)
|  is used to accomplish the transfer.  The BIOS call is "faked" by pushing
|  the processor flags on the stack and then doing a far call through the
|  saved vector table to the actual BIOS location.  An actual INT 15h would
|  get a MINIX complaint from an unexpected trap.

|  This particular BIOS routine runs with interrupts off since the 80286
|  must be placed in protected mode to access the memory above 1 Mbyte.
|  So there should be no problems using the BIOS call, except it may take
|  too long and cause interrupts to be lost.
gdt:				| Begin global descriptor table
					| Dummy descriptor
	.word 0		| segment length (limit)
	.word 0		| bits 15-0 of physical address
	.byte 0		| bits 23-16 of physical address
	.byte 0		| access rights byte
	.word 0		| reserved
					| descriptor for GDT itself
	.word 0		| segment length (limit)
	.word 0		| bits 15-0 of physical address
	.byte 0		| bits 23-16 of physical address
	.byte 0		| access rights byte
	.word 0		| reserved
src:					| source descriptor
srcsz:	.word 0		| segment length (limit)
srcl:	.word 0		| bits 15-0 of physical address
srch:	.byte 0		| bits 23-16 of physical address
	.byte 0x93	| access rights byte
	.word 0		| reserved
tgt:					| target descriptor
tgtsz:	.word 0		| segment length (limit)
tgtl:	.word 0		| bits 15-0 of physical address
tgth:	.byte 0		| bits 23-16 of physical address
	.byte 0x93	| access rights byte
	.word 0		| reserved
					| BIOS CS descriptor
	.word 0		| segment length (limit)
	.word 0		| bits 15-0 of physical address
	.byte 0		| bits 23-16 of physical address
	.byte 0		| access rights byte
	.word 0		| reserved
					| stack segment descriptor
	.word 0		| segment length (limit)
	.word 0		| bits 15-0 of physical address
	.byte 0		| bits 23-16 of physical address
	.byte 0		| access rights byte
	.word 0		| reserved

|  Execute a transfer between user memory and extended memory.
|  status = em_xfer(source, dest, count);
|    Where:
|       status => return code (0 => OK)
|       source => Physical source address (32-bit)
|       dest   => Physical destination address (32-bit)
|       count  => Number of words to transfer
	push	bp		| Save registers
	mov	bp,sp
	push	si
	push	es
	push	cx
|  Pick up source and destination addresses and update descriptor tables
	mov ax,4(bp)
	seg cs
	mov srcl,ax
	mov ax,6(bp)
	seg cs
	movb srch,al
	mov ax,8(bp)
	seg cs
	mov tgtl,ax
	mov ax,10(bp)
	seg cs
	movb tgth,al
|  Update descriptor table segment limits
	mov cx,12(bp)
	mov ax,cx
	add ax,ax
	seg cs
	mov tgtsz,ax
	seg cs
	mov srcsz,ax

|  Now do actual DOS call
	push cs
	pop es
	mov si,#gdt
	movb ah,#EM_XFER_FUNC
	pushf			| fake interrupt
	calli	@_vec_table+4*EM_XFER_VEC

|  All done, return to caller.

	pop	cx		| restore registers
	pop	es
	pop	si
	mov	sp,bp
	pop	bp

|*				out_byte				     *
| PUBLIC void out_byte(port_t port, int value);
| Write  value  (cast to a byte)  to the I/O port  port.

	pop	bx
	pop	dx		| port
	pop	ax		| value
	sub	sp,#2+2
	out			| output 1 byte
	jmp	(bx)

|*				port_read				     *
| PUBLIC void port_read(port_t port, phys_bytes destination,unsigned bytcount);
| Transfer data from (hard disk controller) port to memory.

	push	bp
	mov	bp,sp
	push	cx
	push	dx
	push	di
	push	es
	mov	ax,4+2(bp)	| destination addr in dx:ax
	mov	dx,4+2+2(bp)
	mov	di,ax		| di = dest offset = address % 16
	and	di,#OFF_MASK
	andb	dl,#HCHIGH_MASK	| es = dest segment = address / 16 % 0x10000
	andb	al,#HCLOW_MASK
	orb	al,dl
	movb	cl,#HCLICK_SHIFT
	ror	ax,cl
	mov	es,ax

	mov	cx,4+2+4(bp)	| count in bytes
	shr	cx,#1		| count in words
	mov	dx,4(bp)	| port to read from
	pop	es
	pop	di
	pop	dx
	pop	cx
	mov	sp,bp
	pop	bp

|*				port_write				     *
| PUBLIC void port_write(port_t port, phys_bytes source, unsigned bytcount);
| Transfer data from memory to (hard disk controller) port.

	push	bp
	mov	bp,sp
	push	cx
	push	dx
	push	si
	push	ds
	mov	ax,4+2(bp)	| source addr in dx:ax
	mov	dx,4+2+2(bp)
	mov	si,ax		| si = source offset = address % 16
	and	si,#OFF_MASK
	andb	dl,#HCHIGH_MASK	| ds = source segment = address / 16 % 0x10000
	andb	al,#HCLOW_MASK
	orb	al,dl
	movb	cl,#HCLICK_SHIFT
	ror	ax,cl
	mov	ds,ax
	mov	cx,4+2+4(bp)	| count in bytes
	shr	cx,#1		| count in words
	mov	dx,4(bp)	| port to read from
	pop	ds
	pop	si
	pop	dx
	pop	cx
	mov	sp,bp
	pop	bp

|*				reset					     *
| PUBLIC void reset();
| Reset the system.
| This only works in real mode.
| For protected mode, it would be necessary to trap to privilege 0, then do
| something fatal like loading an IDT with offset 0 and interrupting.

	jmpi	0,0xFFFF

|*				scr_down & scr_up			     *
| PUBLIC void scr_down(unsigned videoseg, int source, int dest, int count);
| Scroll the screen down one line.
| PUBLIC void scr_up(unsigned videoseg, int source, int dest, int count);
| Scroll the screen up one line.
| These are identical except scr_down() must reverse the direction flag
| during the copy to avoid problems with overlap.

	push	bp
	mov	bp,sp
	push	si
	push	di
	push	ds
	push	es
	mov	ax,4(bp)	| videoseg (selector for video ram)
	mov	si,6(bp)	| source (offset within video ram)
	mov	di,8(bp)	| dest (offset within video ram)
	mov	cx,10(bp)	| count (in words)
	mov	ds,ax		| set source and dest segs to videoseg
	mov	es,ax
	rep			| do the copy
	pop	es
	pop	ds
	pop	di
	pop	si
	pop	bp
	cld			| restore (unnecessarily for scr_up)

|*				sim_printer				     *
| PUBLIC void sim_printer();
| Set the printer interrupt mask.
| This is meant to be called from the task level, so it returns with
| interrupts enabled.


|*				tasim_printer				     *
| PUBLIC unsigned tasim_printer();
| Set the printer interrupt mask, indivisibly with getting its old value.
| Return old value.
| This is meant to be called from the task level, so it returns with
| interrupts enabled.
| This might not work for multiple processors, unlike test_and_set().

	movb	ah,al
	movb	al,ah

|*				test_and_set				     *
| PUBLIC int test_and_set(int *flag);
| Set the flag to TRUE, indivisibly with getting its old value.
| Return old flag.

	pop	dx
	pop	bx
	sub	sp,#2
	mov	ax,#1
	xchg	ax,(bx)
	jmp	(dx)

|*				unlock					     *
| PUBLIC void unlock();
| Enable CPU interrupts.

	sti			| enable interrupts
	ret			| return to caller

|*				vid_copy				     *
| PUBLIC void vid_copy(char *buffer, unsigned videobase, int offset,
|		       int words);
| where
|     'buffer'    is a pointer to the (character, attribute) pairs
|     'videobase' is 0xB800 for color and 0xB000 for monochrome displays
|     'offset'    tells where within video ram to copy the data
|     'words'     tells how many words to copy
| if buffer is zero, the fill char (blank_color) is used
| This routine takes a string of (character, attribute) pairs and writes them
| onto the screen.  For a snowy display, the writing only takes places during
| the vertical retrace interval, to avoid displaying garbage on the screen.

	push bp			| we need bp to access the parameters
	mov bp,sp		| set bp to sp for indexing
	push si			| save the registers
	push di			| save di
	push bx			| save bx
	push cx			| save cx
	push dx			| save dx
	push es			| save es
vid.0:	mov si,4(bp)		| si = pointer to data to be copied
	mov es,6(bp)		| load es NOW: int routines may NOT ruin it
	mov di,8(bp)		| di = offset within video ram
	and di,_vid_mask	| only 4K or 16K counts
	mov cx,10(bp)		| cx = word count for copy loop
	mov dx,#0x3DA		| prepare to see if color display is retracing

	mov bx,di		| see if copy will run off end of video ram
	add bx,cx		| compute where copy ends
	add bx,cx		| bx = last character copied + 1
	sub bx,_vid_mask	| bx = # characters beyond end of video ram
	sub bx,#1		| note: dec bx doesn't set flags properly
				| it DOES for jle!!
	jle vid.1		| jump if no overrun
	sar bx,#1		| bx = # words that don't fit in video ram
	sub cx,bx		| reduce count by overrun

vid.1:	push cx			| save actual count used for later
	cmpb _snow,#0		| skip vertical retrace test if no snow
	jz vid.4

|vid.2:	in			| with a color display, you can only copy to
|	test al,*010		| the video ram during vertical retrace, so
|	jnz vid.2		| wait for start of retrace period.  Bit 3 of
vid.3:	in			| 0x3DA is set during retrace.  First wait
	testb al,*010		| until it is off (no retrace), then wait
	jz vid.3		| until it comes on (start of retrace)

vid.4:	cmp si,#0		| si = 0 means blank the screen
	je vid.7		| jump for blanking
	lock			| this is a trick for the IBM PC simulator only
	inc vidlock		| 'lock' indicates a video ram access
	rep			| this is the copy loop
	movw			| ditto

vid.5:	pop si			| si = count of words copied
	cmp bx,#0		| if bx < 0, then no overrun and we are done
	jle vid.6		| jump if everything fit
	mov 10(bp),bx		| set up residual count
	mov 8(bp),#0		| start copying at base of video ram
	cmp 4(bp),#0		| NIL_PTR means store blanks
	je vid.0		| go do it
	add si,si		| si = count of bytes copied
	add 4(bp),si		| increment buffer pointer
	j vid.0			| go copy some more

vid.6:	pop es			| restore registers
	pop dx			| restore dx
	pop cx			| restore cx
	pop bx			| restore bx
	pop di			| restore di
	pop si			| restore si
	pop bp			| restore bp
	ret			| return to caller

vid.7:	mov ax,_blank_color	| ax = blanking character
	rep			| copy loop
	stow			| blank screen
	j vid.5			| done

|*			      wait_retrace				     *
| PUBLIC void wait_retrace();
| Wait for the *start* of retrace period.
| The VERTICAL_RETRACE_MASK of the color vid_port is set during retrace.
| First wait until it is off (no retrace).
| Then wait until it comes on (start of retrace).
| We can't afford to worry about interrupts.

	mov	dx,_vid_port
	jnz	wait_no_retrace
	jz	wait_retrace

|*			variants for protected mode			     *
| Some routines are different in protected mode.
| The only essential difference is the handling of segment registers.
| One complication is that the method of building segment descriptors is not
| reentrant, so the protected mode versions must not be called by interrupt
| handlers.

|*				p_check_mem				     *
PCM_DENSITY	=	256	| resolution of check
				| the shift logic depends on this being 256
	pop	bx
	pop	_gdt+DS_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE
	pop	ax		| pop base into base of source descriptor
	movb	_gdt+DS_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE_MIDDLE,al
	pop	cx		| byte count in dx:cx
	pop	dx
	sub	sp,#4+4
	push	bx
	push	ds

	sub	ax,ax		| prepare for early exit
	test	dx,#0xFF00
	jnz	pcm_1exit	| can't handle bases above 16M
	movb	cl,ch		| divide size by 256 and discard high byte
	movb	ch,dl
	push	cx		| save divided size
	sub	bx,bx		| test bytes at bases of segments
	mov	ax,#DS_286_SELECTOR
	mov	ds,ax
	movb	dl,#TEST1PATTERN
	xchgb	dl,(bx)		| write test pattern, remember original value
	xchgb	dl,(bx)		| restore original value, read test pattern
	cmpb	dl,#TEST1PATTERN	| must agree if good real memory
	jnz	pcm_exit	| if different, memory is unusable
	movb	dl,#TEST2PATTERN
	xchgb	dl,(bx)
	xchgb	dl,(bx)
	cmpb	dl,#TEST2PATTERN
	jnz	pcm_exit
	seg	es		| next segement, test for wraparound at 16M
	seg	es		| assuming es == old ds
	adcb	_gdt+DS_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE_MIDDLE,#0
	loopnz	pcm_loop

	pop	ax
	sub	ax,cx		| verified size in multiples of PCM_DENSITY
	movb	dl,ah		| convert to phys_bytes in dx:ax
	subb	dh,dh
	movb	ah,al
	movb	al,dh
	pop	ds

|*				p_cp_mess				     *
| The real mode version attempts to be efficient by passing raw segments but
| that just gets in the way here.

	pop	dx
	pop	bx		| proc
	pop	cx		| source clicks
	pop	ax		| source offset
#error /* the only click size supported is 256, to avoid slow shifts here */
	addb	ah,cl		| calculate source offset
	adcb	ch,#0 		| and put in base of source descriptor
	mov	_gdt+DS_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE,ax
	movb	_gdt+DS_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE_MIDDLE,ch
	pop	cx		| destination clicks
	pop	ax		| destination offset
	addb	ah,cl		| calculate destination offset
	adcb	ch,#0 		| and put in base of destination descriptor
	mov	_gdt+ES_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE,ax
	movb	_gdt+ES_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE_MIDDLE,ch
	sub	sp,#2+2+2+2+2

	push	ds
	push	es
	mov	ax,#DS_286_SELECTOR
	mov	ds,ax
	mov	ax,#ES_286_SELECTOR
	mov	es,ax

	seg	es
	mov	0,bx		| sender's proc no. from arg, not msg
	mov	ax,si
	mov	bx,di
	mov	si,#2		| src offset is now 2 relative to start of seg
	mov	di,si		| and destination offset
	mov	cx,#Msize-1	| word count
	mov	di,bx
	mov	si,ax
	pop	es
	pop	ds
	jmp	(dx)

|*				p_phys_copy				     *
	pop	dx
	pop	_gdt+DS_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE
	pop	ax		| pop source into base of source descriptor
	movb	_gdt+DS_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE_MIDDLE,al
	pop	_gdt+ES_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE
	pop	ax		| pop destination into base of dst descriptor
	movb	_gdt+ES_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE_MIDDLE,al
	pop	cx		| byte count in bx:cx
	pop	bx
	sub	sp,#4+4+4

	push	di
	push	si
	push	es
	push	ds
	sub	si,si		| src offset is now 0 relative to start of seg
	mov	di,si		| and destination offset
	j	ppc_next

| It is too much trouble to align the segment bases, so word alignment is hard.
| Avoiding the book-keeping for alignment may be good anyway.

	push	cx
	mov	cx,#0x8000	| copy a large chunk of this many words
	pop	cx
	dec	bx
	pop	ds		| update the descriptors
	push	ds
	mov	ax,#DS_286_SELECTOR	| (re)load the selectors
	mov	ds,ax
	mov	ax,#ES_286_SELECTOR
	mov	es,ax
	test	bx,bx
	jnz	ppc_large

	shr	cx,#1		| word count
	movw			| move any leftover words
	rcl	cx,#1		| restore old bit 0
	movb			| move any leftover byte
	pop	ds
	pop	es
	pop	si
	pop	di
	jmp	(dx)

|*				p_port_read				     *
	pop	bx
	pop	dx		| port
	pop	_gdt+ES_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE
	pop	ax		| pop destination into base of dst descriptor
	movb	_gdt+ES_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE_MIDDLE,al
	pop	cx		| byte count
	sub	sp,#2+4+2
	push	es
	mov	ax,#ES_286_SELECTOR
	mov	es,ax
	mov	ax,di
	sub	di,di		| dst offset is now 0 relative to start of seg
	shr	cx,#1		| word count
	insw			| read everything
	mov	di,ax
	pop	es
	jmp	(bx)

|*				p_port_write				     *
	pop	bx
	pop	dx		| port
	pop	_gdt+DS_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE
	pop	ax		| pop offset into base of source descriptor
	movb	_gdt+DS_286_OFFSET+DESC_BASE_MIDDLE,al
	pop	cx		| byte count, discard high word
	sub	sp,#2+4+2
	push	ds
	mov	ax,#DS_286_SELECTOR
	mov	ds,ax
	mov	ax,si
	sub	si,si		| src offset is now 0 relative to start of seg
	shr	cx,#1		| word count
	outsw			| write everything
	mov	si,ax
	pop	ds
	jmp	(bx)

|*				data					     *
patch_table:			| pairs (old function, new function)
	.word	_check_mem, p_check_mem
	.word	_cp_mess, p_cp_mess
	.word	_phys_copy, p_phys_copy
	.word	_port_read, p_port_read
	.word	_port_write, p_port_write
	.word	_restart, p_restart	| in mpx file
	.word	save, p_save	| in mpx file
	.word	0		| end of table
splimit:			| stack limit for current task (kernel only)
	.word 0	
vidlock:			| dummy variable for use with lock prefix
	.word 0