
# This is the database that contains information about the
# microcomputers available for running Xinu.  The file describes
# machine hardware, domain names, and classes (groups) of machines,
# as well as the physical tty lines and downloader to use.
# Part 1: tty lines and machines to which they connect.  The
#	  Ethernet downloader is usually edl.XXX, where XXX
#	  gives the machine type.  Internet addresses in dotted
#	  decimal notation can be substituted for domain names.
#tty	    domain name		cputype  downloader	uploader
LSI.1	LSI11/2 sdl.lsi	sul.lsi
LSI.2 	LSI11/2 sdl.lsi	sul.lsi
LSI.3 	LSI11/2 sdl.lsi	sul.lsi
LSI.4 	LSI11/2 sdl.lsi	sul.lsi
LSI.5 	LSI11/2 sdl.lsi	sul.lsi
LSI.6 	LSI11/2 sdl.lsi	sul.lsi
LSI.7 	LSI11/2 sdl.lsi	sul.lsi
LSI.8	 	LSI11/2 sdl.lsi	sul.lsi
# Notice percent-sign separator on next line...
# Part 2: class names and tty to which they correspond.  Note that
#	  it is possible to put a physical machine in multiple
#	  classes, so in the example, machine 8 in class LSI is
#	  the same as machine 1 in class SERVE11.
#class index	tty	timeout	arguments(optional)
LSI	1	LSI.1	20	" "
LSI	2	LSI.2	15	" "
LSI	3	LSI.3	15	" "
LSI	4	LSI.4	15	" "
LSI	5	LSI.5	15	" "
LSI	6	LSI.6	15	" "
LSI	7	LSI.7	15	" "
LSI	8	LSI.8	15	" "
SERVE11 1	LSI.8	60	"-a"