[TUHS] Grace Hopper

Larry McVoy lm at mcvoy.com
Sat Dec 9 10:05:06 AEST 2017

On Sat, Dec 09, 2017 at 10:26:39AM +1100, Dave Horsfall wrote:
> (At the risk of being flamed because it's not strictly Unix...)

It might not be Unix but seems appropriate to me, she was amazing.

> We gained Rear Admiral Grace Hopper on this day in 1906; known as "Amazing
> Grace", she was a remarkable woman, both in computers and the Navy.  She
> coined the term "debugging" when she extracted a moth from a set of relay
> contacts from a computer (the Harvard Mk I) and wrote "computer debugged" in
> the log, taping the deceased Lepidoptera in there as well.  She was
> convinced that computers could be programmed in an English-like language and
> developed Flow-Matic, which in turn became, err, COBOL...  She was
> posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2016 by Barack
> Obama.
> -- 
> Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU)  "Those who don't understand security will suffer."

Larry McVoy            	     lm at mcvoy.com             http://www.mcvoy.com/lm 

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