[TUHS] v7 K&R C

Dave Horsfall dave at horsfall.org
Thu May 14 09:36:57 AEST 2020

On Tue, 12 May 2020, Paul Winalski wrote:

> Absolutely.  The projects that I ran effectively used C++ as a 
> stronger-typed version of C.  A small subset of C++ features were 
> allowed, but among the prohibited features were:


> o operator overloading


I never could figure out why Stroustrup implemented that "feature"; let's 
see, this operator usually means this, except when you use it in that 
situation in which case it means something else.  Now, try debugging that.

I had to learn C++ for a project at $WORK years ago (the client demanded 
it), and boy was I glad when I left...

-- Dave

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