[TUHS] [TUHS} Typing Tutor [and tuhs archive]

Will Senn will.senn at gmail.com
Sun Feb 7 10:49:00 AEST 2021

Doug said:
> Among Fred's many distinctive and endearing
> quirks was the fact that he was a confirmed two-finger typist--proof that
> typing technique is an insignificant factor in programmer productivity.

I wrote my most lasting programs before I learned to type - many of which are still in production some 20+ years later. Tolkeim and Gilbarco credit processors, SMTPE and IRIG-B GPS satellite time signal processing hardware drivers, and others more ancient and specialized. Ah, those were the days... not the good old days mind you, but memorable.

Am I alone in seeing the utter irony in my sitting here, my two thumbs searching frantically for the right letters on a keyboard the size of a 1/3rd of a credit card, designed to slow typists down (qwerty), missing as many letters as I get right? Ugh... what lunacy progress hath wrought!

> I thought this would be an excuse to tell another ftg story, but I
> don't want to repeat myself and a search for "Grampp" in the tuhs archives
> misses many that have already been told. Have the entries been lost or
> is the index defective?

What’s an ftg? Grampp, I’ve heard about.


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