Ease 3.0 to Ease 3.1 patch

Bruce Barnett barnett at grymoire.crd.ge.com
Tue Feb 26 15:04:58 AEST 1991

This is the official "Patch1" for Ease 3.0 which will upgrade the
release to Ease 3.1

It fixes some portability problems.

Use by typing:
	patch -p <Patch1

diff -c -r ../3.0/Makefile ./Makefile
*** ../3.0/Makefile	Mon Feb 25 17:17:25 1991
--- ./Makefile	Mon Feb 25 17:33:50 1991
*** 1,3 ****
--- 1,13 ----
+ #	$Header: /home/kreskin/u0/barnett/Src/Ease/ease/RCS/Makefile,v 1.2 1991/02/25 22:07:29 barnett Exp $
+ #
+ #	$Log: Makefile,v $
+ # Revision 1.2  1991/02/25  22:07:29  barnett
+ # Added RCS header, amd specified value for MAKE variable
+ #
+ # Revision 1.1  1991/02/25  14:37:28  barnett
+ # Initial revision - release to net
+ #
+ #
  # where do you want to place the binaries and scripts?
  # the programs are: et cfc cfdiff cfstrip
*** 8,14 ****
! # What arguments to cfc do you want for cfc (see the file CONVERT)
  #what extenstion do you want for the manual pages?
--- 18,24 ----
! # What arguments to cfc do you want for cfc (see the file CONVERTING)
  #what extenstion do you want for the manual pages?
*** 16,22 ****
  	cd cfc; ${MAKE} ${FLAGS}  $@
--- 26,32 ----
! MAKE=make
  	cd cfc; ${MAKE} ${FLAGS}  $@
diff -c -r ../3.0/src/Makefile ./src/Makefile
*** ../3.0/src/Makefile	Mon Feb 25 17:18:23 1991
--- ./src/Makefile	Mon Feb 25 17:35:59 1991
*** 1,8 ****
  # Makefile for Ease Translator (et).
! #	$Header: /home/kreskin/u0/barnett/Src/Ease/ease/src/RCS/Makefile,v 2.1 1990/01/30 13:54:13 jeff Exp barnett $
  #	$Log: Makefile,v $
  # Revision 2.1  1990/01/30  13:54:13  jeff
  # Updated for release 2.1 Aplha.
--- 1,11 ----
  # Makefile for Ease Translator (et).
! #	$Header: /home/kreskin/u0/barnett/Src/Ease/ease/src/RCS/Makefile,v 3.1 1991/02/25 22:09:52 barnett Exp $
  #	$Log: Makefile,v $
+ # Revision 3.1  1991/02/25  22:09:52  barnett
+ # Fixed some portability problems
+ #
  # Revision 2.1  1990/01/30  13:54:13  jeff
  # Updated for release 2.1 Aplha.
*** 26,41 ****
  OWNER = root
  GROUP = staff
  MODE = 755
  #INSTALL = install -c -m ${MODE} -o ${OWNER} -g ${GROUP}
! # define this for grammar debugging
! DEFS =
! # I had strange errors happen when I use SunOS Optimizer.....
! # In particular, with SunOS 4.0.3, Sparc, and -O (-O2)....
! # Maybe you better not use -O with SunOS
  LP = lpr
  LPFLAGS = -J"Ease Source"
--- 29,50 ----
  OWNER = root
  GROUP = staff
  MODE = 755
+ # Some systems don't have a working version of install
  #INSTALL = install -c -m ${MODE} -o ${OWNER} -g ${GROUP}
! # Special Debug flags
! # select this one to debug the grammar
! # The following are used with the SunOS malloc() debug package.
! #DEFS = -DMALLOC_DEBUG	#  Part of the SunOS malloc package
! #LIBS = /usr/lib/debug/malloc.o -ll
! #CFLAGS = -g  ${DEFS} ${INCLUDE}
! #
! # Normally, You will want the selections below 
! DEFS = 
! LIBS = -ll
  LP = lpr
  LPFLAGS = -J"Ease Source"
*** 51,57 ****
  all: et
  et: ${OBJ}
! 	cc ${CFLAGS} -o et ${OBJ} -ll
  clean: FRC
  	rm -f et *.o lexan.c parser.c y.output yacc.acts yacc.tmp \
--- 60,66 ----
  all: et
  et: ${OBJ}
! 	cc ${CFLAGS} -o et ${OBJ} ${LIBS}
  clean: FRC
  	rm -f et *.o lexan.c parser.c y.output yacc.acts yacc.tmp \
diff -c -r ../3.0/src/fixstrings.h ./src/fixstrings.h
*** ../3.0/src/fixstrings.h	Mon Feb 25 17:17:52 1991
--- ./src/fixstrings.h	Mon Feb 25 17:35:01 1991
*** 1,15 ****
!  * $Revision: 2.1 $
!  * Check-in $Date: 90/01/30 14:28:33 $
   * $State: Exp $
!  * $Author: jeff $
!  * $Log:	/isis/usr2/share/src/local/tc/ease/src/RCS/fixstrings.h,v $
!  * Version 2.1  90/01/30  14:28:33  jeff
   * Bring RCS version number in line with netwide version 2.1.  No code
   * changes.
!  * 
   * Revision 2.0  88/06/15  14:41:57  root
   * Baseline release for net posting. ADR.
--- 1,18 ----
!  * $Revision: 3.1 $
!  * Check-in $Date: 1991/02/25 22:09:52 $
   * $State: Exp $
!  * $Author: barnett $
!  * $Log: fixstrings.h,v $
!  * Revision 3.1  1991/02/25  22:09:52  barnett
!  * Fixed some portability problems
!  *
!  * Revision 2.1  1990/01/30  14:28:33  jeff
   * Bring RCS version number in line with netwide version 2.1.  No code
   * changes.
!  *
   * Revision 2.0  88/06/15  14:41:57  root
   * Baseline release for net posting. ADR.
*** 26,28 ****
--- 29,35 ----
  #define strlen	Xstrlen
  #define index	Xindex
  #define rindex	Xrindex
+ extern char *Xstrcpy();
+ extern char *Xindex();
+ extern char *Xstrcat();
diff -c -r ../3.0/src/idman.c ./src/idman.c
*** ../3.0/src/idman.c	Mon Feb 25 17:18:32 1991
--- ./src/idman.c	Mon Feb 25 17:36:09 1991
*** 1,6 ****
  #ifdef FLUKE
  # ifndef LINT
!     static char RCSid[] = "@(#)FLUKE  $Header: /tmp_mnt/home/kreskin/u0/barnett/Src/Ease/ease/src/RCS/idman.c,v 3.0 1991/02/22 18:50:27 barnett Exp $";
  # endif LINT
  #endif FLUKE
--- 1,6 ----
  #ifdef FLUKE
  # ifndef LINT
!     static char RCSid[] = "@(#)FLUKE  $Header: /home/kreskin/u0/barnett/Src/Ease/ease/src/RCS/idman.c,v 3.1 1991/02/25 22:09:52 barnett Exp $";
  # endif LINT
  #endif FLUKE
*** 18,23 ****
--- 18,26 ----
   *	All rights reserved.
   * $Log: idman.c,v $
+  * Revision 3.1  1991/02/25  22:09:52  barnett
+  * Fixed some portability problems
+  *
   * Revision 3.0  1991/02/22  18:50:27  barnett
   * Added support for HP/UX and IDA sendmail.
*** 38,43 ****
--- 41,47 ----
  		  ErrorReport (),
  		  PrintWarning (),
  		  PrintError ();
+ extern char *	  malloc ();
  char	IDused[] = "                          "; /* 26 blanks */
diff -c -r ../3.0/src/lexan.l ./src/lexan.l
*** ../3.0/src/lexan.l	Mon Feb 25 17:18:47 1991
--- ./src/lexan.l	Mon Feb 25 17:36:31 1991
*** 2,8 ****
  #ifdef FLUKE
  # ifndef LINT
!     static char RCSid[] = "@(#)FLUKE  $Header: /tmp_mnt/home/kreskin/u0/barnett/Src/Ease/ease/src/RCS/lexan.l,v 3.0 1991/02/22 18:50:27 barnett Exp $";
  # endif LINT
  #endif FLUKE
--- 2,8 ----
  #ifdef FLUKE
  # ifndef LINT
!     static char RCSid[] = "@(#)FLUKE  $Header: /home/kreskin/u0/barnett/Src/Ease/ease/src/RCS/lexan.l,v 3.1 1991/02/25 22:09:52 barnett Exp $";
  # endif LINT
  #endif FLUKE
*** 23,28 ****
--- 23,31 ----
   *	All rights reserved.
   * $Log: lexan.l,v $
+  * Revision 3.1  1991/02/25  22:09:52  barnett
+  * Fixed some portability problems
+  *
   * Revision 3.0  1991/02/22  18:50:27  barnett
   * Added support for HP/UX and IDA sendmail.
*** 54,59 ****
--- 57,64 ----
  extern struct he *LookupSymbol ();
  extern void	  ErrorReport ();
  extern void	  yymark();
+ extern void	  PrintError();
+ extern char *	  malloc ();
  int  Lcount;				/* line counter		    */
  char FNbuf[MaxFN];			/* file name buffer	    */
*** 68,74 ****
  #undef input
  # define input() (((yytchar=yychar=yysptr>yysbuf?U(*--yysptr):Getc(yyin,yyout))==10?(yylineno++,yytchar):yytchar)==EOF?0:yytchar)
! char
  Getc (yyin, yyout)
  	FILE *yyin, *yyout;
--- 73,79 ----
  #undef input
  # define input() (((yytchar=yychar=yysptr>yysbuf?U(*--yysptr):Getc(yyin,yyout))==10?(yylineno++,yytchar):yytchar)==EOF?0:yytchar)
! int
  Getc (yyin, yyout)
  	FILE *yyin, *yyout;
*** 88,94 ****
  	if (c == '\n') {
  		pc = linbuf;
  		if (fgets(linbuf, BUFSIZ, yyin) == NULL)
! 			*pc = EOF;
  			/* echo input as comment (except cpp comments) */
  			if (EchoInputAsComments) {
--- 93,99 ----
  	if (c == '\n') {
  		pc = linbuf;
  		if (fgets(linbuf, BUFSIZ, yyin) == NULL)
! 			*pc = (char) EOF;
  			/* echo input as comment (except cpp comments) */
  			if (EchoInputAsComments) {
*** 96,102 ****
  				(linbuf[0] == '#' ? "" : "# "), linbuf);
! 	return c;
--- 101,107 ----
  				(linbuf[0] == '#' ? "" : "# "), linbuf);
!  	return (c == (char) EOF) ? EOF : c;
diff -c -r ../3.0/src/main.c ./src/main.c
*** ../3.0/src/main.c	Mon Feb 25 17:18:37 1991
--- ./src/main.c	Mon Feb 25 17:36:15 1991
*** 1,6 ****
  #ifdef FLUKE
  # ifndef LINT
!     static char RCSid[] = "@(#)FLUKE  $Header: /isis/usr2/share/src/local/tc/ease/src/RCS/main.c,v 2.2 90/05/07 11:14:02 jeff Exp $";
  # endif LINT
  #endif FLUKE
--- 1,6 ----
  #ifdef FLUKE
  # ifndef LINT
!     static char RCSid[] = "@(#)FLUKE  $Header: /home/kreskin/u0/barnett/Src/Ease/ease/src/RCS/main.c,v 3.1 1991/02/25 22:09:52 barnett Exp $";
  # endif LINT
  #endif FLUKE
*** 16,26 ****
   *	All rights reserved.
!  * $Log:	/isis/usr2/share/src/local/tc/ease/src/RCS/main.c,v $
!  * Version 2.2  90/05/07  11:14:02  jeff
   * Add support for the "-q" flag which controls whether input lines
   * are passed through as comments in the output stream.
!  * 
   * Version 2.1  90/01/30  15:37:16  jeff
   * Filter input file through cpp before processing it.
--- 16,29 ----
   *	All rights reserved.
!  * $Log: main.c,v $
!  * Revision 3.1  1991/02/25  22:09:52  barnett
!  * Fixed some portability problems
!  *
!  * Revision 2.2  1990/05/07  11:14:02  jeff
   * Add support for the "-q" flag which controls whether input lines
   * are passed through as comments in the output stream.
!  *
   * Version 2.1  90/01/30  15:37:16  jeff
   * Filter input file through cpp before processing it.
*** 45,50 ****
--- 48,57 ----
  #include "fixstrings.h"
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <ctype.h>
+ extern int malloc_debug();
+ extern int malloc_verify();
+ #endif /* MALLOC_DEBUG */
  extern FILE *DIAGf;			/* diagnostic file */
  char *infile = 0;			/* input file name */
*** 83,88 ****
--- 90,98 ----
  int argc;		/* argument count for "et"  */
  char *argv[];		/* argument vector for "et" */
+         malloc_debug(1);
  	InitError ();			/* initialize error conditions */
  	InitSymbolTable ();		/* initialize the symbol table */
  	PreLoad ();			/* preload special identifiers */
*** 131,137 ****
  register int   margc;		/* argument count  */
  register char **margv;		/* argument vector */
-      register char  **argp;
       int	cppflags = 0;
       int	otherflags = 0;
       int arg;
--- 141,146 ----
*** 184,189 ****
--- 193,200 ----
  	printf ("##           TO THIS FILE WILL DISAPPEAR THE     ##\n");
  	printf ("##           NEXT TIME THAT EASE IS RUN.         ##\n");
  	printf ("##                                               ##\n");
+ 	printf ("##           $Revision: 3.1 $                    ##\n");
+ 	printf ("##                                               ##\n");
  	printf ("###################################################\n");
*** 209,215 ****
  	i+=strlen(*argp) + 1;
      if ( ! (cmd = (char *) calloc(i + sizeof CPP, sizeof(char))))
        return -1;	/* no room */
!     (void *) strcpy(cmd,CPP);
      for (argp = argv; *++argp; )
        if (**argp == '-' &&
  	  index(CPPARGS, (*argp)[1]))
--- 220,226 ----
  	i+=strlen(*argp) + 1;
      if ( ! (cmd = (char *) calloc(i + sizeof CPP, sizeof(char))))
        return -1;	/* no room */
!     (void ) strcpy(cmd,CPP);
      for (argp = argv; *++argp; )
        if (**argp == '-' &&
  	  index(CPPARGS, (*argp)[1]))
diff -c -r ../3.0/src/parser.y ./src/parser.y
*** ../3.0/src/parser.y	Mon Feb 25 17:18:52 1991
--- ./src/parser.y	Mon Feb 25 17:36:35 1991
*** 1,7 ****
  #ifdef FLUKE
  # ifndef LINT
!     static char RCSid[] = "@(#)FLUKE  $Header: /tmp_mnt/home/kreskin/u0/barnett/Src/Ease/ease/src/RCS/parser.y,v 3.0 1991/02/22 18:50:27 barnett Exp $";
  # endif LINT
  #endif FLUKE
--- 1,7 ----
  #ifdef FLUKE
  # ifndef LINT
!     static char RCSid[] = "@(#)FLUKE  $Header: /home/kreskin/u0/barnett/Src/Ease/ease/src/RCS/parser.y,v 3.1 1991/02/25 22:09:52 barnett Exp $";
  # endif LINT
  #endif FLUKE
*** 22,27 ****
--- 22,30 ----
   *	All rights reserved.
   * $Log: parser.y,v $
+  * Revision 3.1  1991/02/25  22:09:52  barnett
+  * Fixed some portability problems
+  *
   * Revision 3.0  1991/02/22  18:50:27  barnett
   * Added support for HP/UX and IDA sendmail.
*** 58,64 ****
  extern void	   AssignType ();
  extern void	   RemoveSymbol ();
  extern void	   yyerror ();
  extern short RMatch;		/* ruleset match flag 		      */
  char *Cbuf = " ";		/* character buffer   		      */
--- 61,66 ----
*** 71,76 ****
--- 73,90 ----
  extern int yychar;
  extern int	yydebug;
+ static void	
+ Free( ptr )
+ char *ptr;
+   {
+       if (ptr == (char *)0) {
+ /*	  fprintf(stderr,"Freeing a null pointer\n"); */
+       } else {
+ 	  if (free(ptr) < 0 ) {
+ 	      fprintf(stderr,"Free() returned an error\n");
+ 	  }
+       }
+   };
  static char *
       register int ch;
*** 243,249 ****
  		|	strval SCONST {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $2, (char *) NULL);
! 				free ($1);
--- 257,263 ----
  		|	strval SCONST {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $2, (char *) NULL);
! 				Free ($1);
*** 250,262 ****
  /* conval specifies what can be in a concat() function */
  conval		:	strval COMMA ifcon {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $3, (char *) NULL);
! 				free ($1);
! 				free ($3);
  		|	ifcon COMMA strval {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $3, (char *) NULL);
! 				free ($1);
! 				free ($3);
  		|	ifcon {
  				$$ = $1;
--- 264,276 ----
  /* conval specifies what can be in a concat() function */
  conval		:	strval COMMA ifcon {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $3, (char *) NULL);
! 				Free ($1);
! 				Free ($3);
  		|	ifcon COMMA strval {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $3, (char *) NULL);
! 				Free ($1);
! 				Free ($3);
  		|	ifcon {
  				$$ = $1;
*** 274,281 ****
  ifres		:	mval elseres {
  				if ($2 != NULL) {
  					$$ = ListAppend ($1, $2, "$|");
! 					free ($1);
! 					free ($2);
  				} else
  					$$ = $1;
--- 288,295 ----
  ifres		:	mval elseres {
  				if ($2 != NULL) {
  					$$ = ListAppend ($1, $2, "$|");
! 					Free ($1);
! 					Free ($2);
  				} else
  					$$ = $1;
*** 335,347 ****
  		|	namelist COMMA IDENT {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $3->psb, " ");
! 				free ($1);
  				RemoveSymbol ($3);
  		|	namelist COMMA strval {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $3, " ");
! 				free ($1);
! 				free ($3);
--- 349,361 ----
  		|	namelist COMMA IDENT {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $3->psb, " ");
! 				Free ($1);
  				RemoveSymbol ($3);
  		|	namelist COMMA strval {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $3, " ");
! 				Free ($1);
! 				Free ($3);
*** 518,524 ****
  		|	tlist LBRACE IDENT idlist RBRACE SEMI {
  				EmitDef (def_trusted, (struct he *) NULL, 
  					 ListAppend ($3->psb, $4, " "), (char *) NULL);
! 				free ($4);
  				RemoveSymbol ($3);
--- 532,538 ----
  		|	tlist LBRACE IDENT idlist RBRACE SEMI {
  				EmitDef (def_trusted, (struct he *) NULL, 
  					 ListAppend ($3->psb, $4, " "), (char *) NULL);
! 				Free ($4); /* Gets a Null pointer */
  				RemoveSymbol ($3);
*** 557,563 ****
  		|	mflags COMMA flagid {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, ConvFlg($3), (char *) NULL);
! 				free ($1);
--- 571,577 ----
  		|	mflags COMMA flagid {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, ConvFlg($3), (char *) NULL);
! 				Free ($1);
*** 667,674 ****
  dlist		:	LPAREN strval COMMA catstringlist RPAREN {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($2, MacScan ($4), " ");
! 				free ($2);
! 				free ($4);
  		|	LPAREN error RPAREN {
  				$$ = NULL;
--- 681,688 ----
  dlist		:	LPAREN strval COMMA catstringlist RPAREN {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($2, MacScan ($4), " ");
! 				Free ($2);
! 				Free ($4);
  		|	LPAREN error RPAREN {
  				$$ = NULL;
*** 680,686 ****
  		|	catstring COMMA catstringlist {
    				$$ = ListAppend( $1, $3, (char *) NULL);
!   				free($1);
  catstring	:	SCONST {
  				$$ = $1;
--- 694,700 ----
  		|	catstring COMMA catstringlist {
    				$$ = ListAppend( $1, $3, (char *) NULL);
!   				Free($1);
  catstring	:	SCONST {
  				$$ = $1;
*** 710,723 ****
  		|	mdefs COMMA mtdef {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $3, ", ");
! 				free ($1);
! 				free ($3);
  mtdef		:	mvar ASGN mval {
  				$$ = ListAppend (ConvMat ($1), MacScan ($3), "=");
! 				free ($3);
  				$$ = ListAppend (ConvMat (mat_flags), $4, "=");
--- 724,737 ----
  		|	mdefs COMMA mtdef {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $3, ", ");
! 				Free ($1);
! 				Free ($3);
  mtdef		:	mvar ASGN mval {
  				$$ = ListAppend (ConvMat ($1), MacScan ($3), "=");
! 				Free ($3);
  				$$ = ListAppend (ConvMat (mat_flags), $4, "=");
*** 730,737 ****
  				 Tsb = ListAppend (ConvMat(mat_sender), CheckRS ($3), "="),
  				 Tsb1 = ListAppend ("/", CheckRS ($5), (char *) NULL),
  						 (char *) NULL);
! 				free (Tsb);
! 				free (Tsb1);
  				$$ = ListAppend (ConvMat (mat_recipient), CheckRS ($3), "=");
--- 744,751 ----
  				 Tsb = ListAppend (ConvMat(mat_sender), CheckRS ($3), "="),
  				 Tsb1 = ListAppend ("/", CheckRS ($5), (char *) NULL),
  						 (char *) NULL);
! 				Free (Tsb);
! 				Free (Tsb1);
  				$$ = ListAppend (ConvMat (mat_recipient), CheckRS ($3), "=");
*** 741,748 ****
  				 Tsb = ListAppend (ConvMat(mat_recipient), CheckRS ($3), "="),
  				 Tsb1 = ListAppend ("/", CheckRS ($5), (char *) NULL),
  						 (char *) NULL);
! 				free (Tsb);
! 				free (Tsb1);
  		|	error {
  				$$ = NULL;
--- 755,762 ----
  				 Tsb = ListAppend (ConvMat(mat_recipient), CheckRS ($3), "="),
  				 Tsb1 = ListAppend ("/", CheckRS ($5), (char *) NULL),
  						 (char *) NULL);
! 				Free (Tsb);
! 				Free (Tsb1);
  		|	error {
  				$$ = NULL;
*** 781,788 ****
  		|	ruledefs IF LPAREN matchaddr RPAREN actionstmt {
  				EmitDef (def_ruleset, (struct he *) NULL, 
  					 ListAppend ($4, $6, "\t"), (char *) NULL);
! 			free ($4);
! 			free ($6);
                  | 	ruledefs ASM LPAREN SCONST RPAREN SEMI {
--- 795,802 ----
  		|	ruledefs IF LPAREN matchaddr RPAREN actionstmt {
  				EmitDef (def_ruleset, (struct he *) NULL, 
  					 ListAppend ($4, $6, "\t"), (char *) NULL);
! 			Free ($4);
! 			Free ($6);
                  | 	ruledefs ASM LPAREN SCONST RPAREN SEMI {
*** 797,803 ****
  		|	matchaddr matchtok {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $2, (char *) NULL);
! 				free ($1);
  		|	error {
  				$$ = NULL;
--- 811,817 ----
  		|	matchaddr matchtok {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $2, (char *) NULL);
! 				Free ($1); /* NULL */
  		|	error {
  				$$ = NULL;
*** 820,826 ****
                  |       YPALIAS LPAREN matchtok RPAREN {
  		         $$ = ListAppend("${",$3,(char *) NULL);
! /*			 free ($3); */
                  |       YPPASSWD LPAREN matchtok RPAREN {
  		         $$ = ListAppend("$\"",$3,(char *) NULL);
--- 834,840 ----
                  |       YPALIAS LPAREN matchtok RPAREN {
  		         $$ = ListAppend("${",$3,(char *) NULL);
! /*			 Free ($3); */
                  |       YPPASSWD LPAREN matchtok RPAREN {
  		         $$ = ListAppend("$\"",$3,(char *) NULL);
*** 832,838 ****
  actionstmt	:	action LPAREN rwaddr RPAREN SEMI {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $3, (char *) NULL);
! 				free ($3);
  				$$ = $3;
--- 846,852 ----
  actionstmt	:	action LPAREN rwaddr RPAREN SEMI {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $3, (char *) NULL);
! 				Free ($3);
  				$$ = $3;
*** 859,871 ****
  		|	rwaddr rwtok {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $2, (char *) NULL);
! 				free ($1);
  		|	rwaddr IDENT LPAREN rwaddr RPAREN {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, (Tsb = MakeRSCall ($2, $4)), (char *) NULL);
! 				free ($1);
! 				free ($4);
! 				free (Tsb);
  		|	error {
  				$$ = NULL;
--- 873,885 ----
  		|	rwaddr rwtok {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $2, (char *) NULL);
! 				Free ($1);	/* NULL */
  		|	rwaddr IDENT LPAREN rwaddr RPAREN {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, (Tsb = MakeRSCall ($2, $4)), (char *) NULL);
! 				Free ($1);	/* NULL */
! 				Free ($4);
! 				Free (Tsb);
  		|	error {
  				$$ = NULL;
*** 892,901 ****
  							    (char *)NULL),
  						Tsb1 = ListAppend("$:", $6, "$)" ),
  						(char *) NULL);
! 				free (Tsb);
! 				free (Tsb1);
! 				free ($3);
! 				free ($6);
  		|	reftok {
  				$$ = $1;
--- 906,915 ----
  							    (char *)NULL),
  						Tsb1 = ListAppend("$:", $6, "$)" ),
  						(char *) NULL);
! 				Free (Tsb);
! 				Free (Tsb1);
! 				Free ($3);
! 				Free ($6);
  		|	reftok {
  				$$ = $1;
*** 908,916 ****
  				$$ = ListAppend(Tsb = ListAppend ("${", (char *)Cbuf, (char *)NULL),
  						Tsb1 = ListAppend ($5, "$}", (char *) NULL),
  						 (char *) NULL);
! 				free (Tsb);
! 				free (Tsb1);
! 				free ($5);
                  |	PROGRAM LPAREN IDENT COMMA rwaddr RPAREN {
--- 922,930 ----
  				$$ = ListAppend(Tsb = ListAppend ("${", (char *)Cbuf, (char *)NULL),
  						Tsb1 = ListAppend ($5, "$}", (char *) NULL),
  						 (char *) NULL);
! 				Free (Tsb);
! 				Free (Tsb1);
! 				Free ($5);
                  |	PROGRAM LPAREN IDENT COMMA rwaddr RPAREN {
*** 918,931 ****
  				$$ = ListAppend(Tsb = ListAppend ("$<", (char *)Cbuf, (char *)NULL),
  						Tsb1 = ListAppend ($5, "", (char *) NULL),
  						 (char *) NULL);
! 				free (Tsb);
! 				free (Tsb1);
! 				free ($5);
                  |	action LPAREN rwaddr RPAREN {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $3, (char *) NULL);
! 				free ($3);
--- 932,945 ----
  				$$ = ListAppend(Tsb = ListAppend ("$<", (char *)Cbuf, (char *)NULL),
  						Tsb1 = ListAppend ($5, "", (char *) NULL),
  						 (char *) NULL);
! 				Free (Tsb);
! 				Free (Tsb1);
! 				Free ($5);
                  |	action LPAREN rwaddr RPAREN {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $3, (char *) NULL);
! 				Free ($3);
*** 932,938 ****
  cantok		:	CANON LPAREN canval RPAREN {
  				$$ = Bracket ($3, TRUE);
! 				free ($3);
--- 946,952 ----
  cantok		:	CANON LPAREN canval RPAREN {
  				$$ = Bracket ($3, TRUE);
! 				Free ($3);
*** 941,948 ****
  		|	canval canvaltok {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $2, (char *) NULL);
! 				free ($1);
! 				free ($2);
--- 955,962 ----
  		|	canval canvaltok {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $2, (char *) NULL);
! 				Free ($1);
! /*				Free ($2); */
*** 952,958 ****
  		|	SCONST {
  				$$ = ListAppend (MacScan ($1), (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL);
! 				free ($1);
                  |	NEXT LPAREN RPAREN {	/* I Used next earlier, but now use default - because it is clearer syntax */
  				$$ = "$:";
--- 966,972 ----
  		|	SCONST {
  				$$ = ListAppend (MacScan ($1), (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL);
! 				Free ($1);
                  |	NEXT LPAREN RPAREN {	/* I Used next earlier, but now use default - because it is clearer syntax */
  				$$ = "$:";
*** 975,981 ****
  				$$ = Bracket ($3, FALSE);
! 				free ($3);
--- 989,995 ----
  				$$ = Bracket ($3, FALSE);
! 				Free ($3);
*** 1023,1030 ****
  resolution	:	mailerspec COMMA route {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $3, (char *) NULL);
! 				free ($1);
! 				free ($3);
  		|	mailerspec {
  			$$ = $1;
--- 1037,1044 ----
  resolution	:	mailerspec COMMA route {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $3, (char *) NULL);
! 				Free ($1);
! 				Free ($3);
  		|	mailerspec {
  			$$ = $1;
*** 1042,1051 ****
  route		:	HOST LPAREN hword RPAREN COMMA userspec {
  				$$ = ListAppend (Tsb = ListAppend ("$@", $3, (char *) NULL),
  						 $6, (char *) NULL);
! 				free (Tsb);
! 				free ($6);
  		|	userspec {
  				$$ = $1;
--- 1056,1065 ----
  route		:	HOST LPAREN hword RPAREN COMMA userspec {
  				$$ = ListAppend (Tsb = ListAppend ("$@", $3, (char *) NULL),
  						 $6, (char *) NULL);
! 				Free (Tsb);
! 				Free ($6);
  		|	userspec {
  				$$ = $1;
*** 1057,1063 ****
  				$$ = Bracket ($3, FALSE);
! 				free ($3);
--- 1071,1077 ----
  				$$ = Bracket ($3, FALSE);
! 				Free ($3);
*** 1067,1083 ****
  		|	hostid IDENT {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $2->psb, (char *) NULL);
  				RemoveSymbol ($2);
! 				free ($1);
  		|	hostid rwtok {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $2, (char *) NULL);
! 				free ($1);
  userspec	:	USER LPAREN rwaddr RPAREN {
  				$$ = ListAppend ("$:", $3, (char *) NULL);
! 				free ($3);
--- 1081,1097 ----
  		|	hostid IDENT {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $2->psb, (char *) NULL);
  				RemoveSymbol ($2);
! 				Free ($1);
  		|	hostid rwtok {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $2, (char *) NULL);
! 				Free ($1);	/* NULL */
  userspec	:	USER LPAREN rwaddr RPAREN {
  				$$ = ListAppend ("$:", $3, (char *) NULL);
! 				Free ($3);
*** 1092,1098 ****
  fdefs		:	/* empty */
  		|	fdefs IDENT idlist COLON ftype SEMI {
  				AssignType (ListAppend ($2->psb, $3, " "), $5);
! 				free ($3);
  		|	error SEMI {
--- 1106,1112 ----
  fdefs		:	/* empty */
  		|	fdefs IDENT idlist COLON ftype SEMI {
  				AssignType (ListAppend ($2->psb, $3, " "), $5);
! 				Free ($3);	/* NULL */
  		|	error SEMI {
*** 1104,1110 ****
  		|	idlist COMMA IDENT {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $3->psb, " ");
! 				free ($1);
--- 1118,1124 ----
  		|	idlist COMMA IDENT {
  				$$ = ListAppend ($1, $3->psb, " ");
! 				Free ($1);
diff -c -r ../3.0/src/strops.c ./src/strops.c
*** ../3.0/src/strops.c	Mon Feb 25 17:18:49 1991
--- ./src/strops.c	Mon Feb 25 17:36:32 1991
*** 1,6 ****
  #ifdef FLUKE
  # ifndef LINT
!     static char RCSid[] = "@(#)FLUKE  $Header: /tmp_mnt/home/kreskin/u0/barnett/Src/Ease/ease/src/RCS/strops.c,v 3.0 1991/02/22 18:50:27 barnett Exp $";
  # endif LINT
  #endif FLUKE
--- 1,6 ----
  #ifdef FLUKE
  # ifndef LINT
!     static char RCSid[] = "@(#)FLUKE  $Header: /home/kreskin/u0/barnett/Src/Ease/ease/src/RCS/strops.c,v 3.1 1991/02/25 22:09:52 barnett Exp $";
  # endif LINT
  #endif FLUKE
*** 18,23 ****
--- 18,26 ----
   *	All rights reserved.
   * $Log: strops.c,v $
+  * Revision 3.1  1991/02/25  22:09:52  barnett
+  * Fixed some portability problems
+  *
   * Revision 3.0  1991/02/22  18:50:27  barnett
   * Added support for HP/UX and IDA sendmail.
*** 42,47 ****
--- 45,51 ----
  extern void	  FatalError (),
  		  PrintError (),
  		  ErrorReport ();
+ extern char *	  malloc ();
  short  Rformat = FALSE;			/* class read format flag	  */
  static char   *Ptok   = "$  ";		/* positional token structure     */
*** 55,68 ****
   *  Add the three new $%x, $%y, and $!x match operators that Sun introduced
   *  with release 3.0.
-  *
-  *  BUG (probably) - Sun has assigned a predefined meaning to the $y macro;
-  *  I imagine we will need to teach ease to avoid this letter.
! static char   *Hfield = "$%y";		/*    match in /etc/hosts */
  static char   *Mfield = "$% ";		/*    match in specified YP map */
  static char   *Nfield = "$! ";		/* no match in specified YP map */
  static char   *Mtest  = "$? ";		/* conditional macro test string  */
--- 59,68 ----
   *  Add the three new $%x, $%y, and $!x match operators that Sun introduced
   *  with release 3.0.
  static char   *Mfield = "$% ";		/*    match in specified YP map */
  static char   *Nfield = "$! ";		/* no match in specified YP map */
  static char   *Mtest  = "$? ";		/* conditional macro test string  */
*** 208,215 ****
  	register char *searchptr;	/* string search pointer 	*/
  	register char *bptr, *eptr;	/* macro begin and end pointers */
  	char macname [MAXNAME];		/* macro name buffer		*/
! 	char s[11];			/* temp storage for warning below */
! 	int	quote;			/* flag for detecting a quote() function */
  	if ((searchptr = pstring) == NULL)
  		return ((char *) NULL);
--- 208,214 ----
  	register char *searchptr;	/* string search pointer 	*/
  	register char *bptr, *eptr;	/* macro begin and end pointers */
  	char macname [MAXNAME];		/* macro name buffer		*/
! 	int	quote = 0;			/* flag for detecting a quote() function */
  	if ((searchptr = pstring) == NULL)
  		return ((char *) NULL);
*** 230,236 ****
  			    *searchptr++='!'; /* insert a quote */
  			    /* insert the macro letter */
! 			    *searchptr++ = MakeMac (LookupSymbol (macname), ID_MACRO);
  			    /* now looking at quote(   */
  			    /* must skip over everything until )}, and then rewrite
  			       the rest of the macro */
--- 229,236 ----
  			    *searchptr++='!'; /* insert a quote */
  			    /* insert the macro letter */
! 			    *searchptr++ = MakeMac (LookupSymbol (macname),
! 						    (unsigned) ID_MACRO);
  			    /* now looking at quote(   */
  			    /* must skip over everything until )}, and then rewrite
  			       the rest of the macro */
*** 244,250 ****
  			      *bptr++ = *eptr;
  			    while (*eptr++ != '\0');
  			} else {
! 			    *searchptr++ = MakeMac (LookupSymbol (macname), ID_MACRO);
  			    bptr = eptr = searchptr;
  			    while (*eptr++ != '}')	/* delete until end of {name} */
  			      /* empty */ ;
--- 244,251 ----
  			      *bptr++ = *eptr;
  			    while (*eptr++ != '\0');
  			} else {
! 			    *searchptr++ = MakeMac (LookupSymbol (macname),
! 						    (unsigned) ID_MACRO);
  			    bptr = eptr = searchptr;
  			    while (*eptr++ != '}')	/* delete until end of {name} */
  			      /* empty */ ;
*** 259,265 ****
  				PrintError ("Invalid macro format: %s", searchptr + 1);
  				return ((char *) NULL);
! 			*searchptr++ = MakeMac (LookupSymbol (macname), ID_MACRO);
  			bptr = eptr = searchptr;
  			while (isupper(*eptr))	/* delete old macro chars */
--- 260,267 ----
  				PrintError ("Invalid macro format: %s", searchptr + 1);
  				return ((char *) NULL);
! 			*searchptr++ = MakeMac (LookupSymbol (macname),
! 						(unsigned) ID_MACRO);
  			bptr = eptr = searchptr;
  			while (isupper(*eptr))	/* delete old macro chars */
*** 336,342 ****
  	register char *res;	/* resultant conditional string		     */
! 	Mtest[2] = MakeMac (testmac, ID_MACRO);	   /* get one-char macro rep */
  	res = (char *) malloc (strlen (ifstring) + 6);
  	if (res == NULL)
  		FatalError ("System out of string space in MakeCond ()", (char *) NULL);
--- 338,344 ----
  	register char *res;	/* resultant conditional string		     */
! 	Mtest[2] = MakeMac (testmac, (unsigned) ID_MACRO); /* get one-char macro rep */
  	res = (char *) malloc (strlen (ifstring) + 6);
  	if (res == NULL)
  		FatalError ("System out of string space in MakeCond ()", (char *) NULL);
*** 474,484 ****
  				     *  a simple macro name for a YP map.
  				     *  FLUKE jps 25-apr-86
! 				    Nfield[2] = MakeMac (class, ID_MACRO);
  				    return (Nfield);
  				} else {
  				Cfield[1] = '~';
! 				Cfield[2] = MakeMac (class, ID_CLASS);
  				return (Cfield);
--- 476,486 ----
  				     *  a simple macro name for a YP map.
  				     *  FLUKE jps 25-apr-86
! 				    Nfield[2] = MakeMac (class, (unsigned) ID_MACRO);
  				    return (Nfield);
  				} else {
  				Cfield[1] = '~';
! 				Cfield[2] = MakeMac (class, (unsigned) ID_CLASS);
  				return (Cfield);
*** 493,503 ****
  				     *  a simple macro name for a YP map.
  				     *  FLUKE jps 25-apr-86
! 				    Mfield[2] = MakeMac (class, ID_MACRO);
  				    return (Mfield);
  				} else {
  				Cfield[1] = '=';
! 				Cfield[2] = MakeMac (class, ID_CLASS);
  				return (Cfield);
--- 495,505 ----
  				     *  a simple macro name for a YP map.
  				     *  FLUKE jps 25-apr-86
! 				    Mfield[2] = MakeMac (class, (unsigned) ID_MACRO);
  				    return (Mfield);
  				} else {
  				Cfield[1] = '=';
! 				Cfield[2] = MakeMac (class, (unsigned) ID_CLASS);
  				return (Cfield);

Bruce G. Barnett	barnett at crd.ge.com	uunet!crdgw1!barnett

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