Ode to a 19" monitor

ittc!fbresz at uunet.uu.net ittc!fbresz at uunet.uu.net
Sat Aug 4 00:49:12 AEST 1990

We have a few 19" color monitors around for the reasons you mentioned.
Also we bought them when Sun considered them a standard?

Also we have 19" Mono for our Word Processing FRAME users.  They REALLY
need it.

On a 17" MONO, I find that by choosing my FONT carefully I can get 2 34x80
windows side by side without overlapping,  this is essential.  It has the
added feature that noone will use my terminal because they can't read it.
We have one 19" high-res resolution 1600 x 1280 monitor.  This thing is
great, albeit expensive.


If you listen carefully to SUNs hype you will find the following phrase a
lot.  Sun wants to own the desktop.  In fact I have a hat from them that
says this.  Clearly the desktop cannot support such a bulky monitor I mean
where would all of those middle managers put their coffee cups.

					Frank P. Bresz }*{
					ITTC Network Administrator
|fbresz at ittc.wec.com |  My opinions are my own, I'm not paid
|uunet!ittc!fbresz   |  enough to make an official statement  
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