14 character limitation in filenames

Denis McKeon dmckeon at hydra.unm.edu
Sun Feb 17 03:35:28 AEST 1991

Since AT&T's 14 isn't enough, and BSD's to null or 255 is slower to
read (or is it?), how about encoding the current max filename length
following the . or .. entries (conventionally the first two dir entries).

Conceptually: ( '_' == visible pad char)

ruler 789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789




You might take a performance hit to read '.' and the length, then read
the rest of the dir in length-size chunks - but you could do it more
like BSD (which I assume reads a dir block by block & looks for nulls)
- read a block, pull out the length, & walk down the dir in <length> chunks.
(The examples assume that length is (n*16)-2.)  

You take a whopping performance hit when you create a filename just
longer than the current max - while the OS goes off & makes a directory
with bigger name slots, copies the old names & other info, deletes old
dir, etc.  - but you get names of any (reasonable) length you want.
Reducing (unneeded) directory size is another problem.
Enforcing the . and .. first convention is a bit ungeneral.

This suggestion seems too simple to be workable - maybe I should go back 
and read Dietel some more - surely I'm overlooking some obvious problems - 
what's inherently bad about a file-system with heterogenous file name length?
How is this a worse solution than Berkeley's?  

dmckeon at hydra.unm.edu

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