Club American 333/CT and Bus Mastering

Warren D. Calhoun calhoun at usaos.uucp
Sun Feb 24 03:15:10 AEST 1991

  I own a Club American 333/CT machine and was wondering if anyone knows
if it should support bus mastering.  I want to add an Adaptek AHA1542B
SCSI Host Adapter but I don't want to waste my time if it won't work.

  Alternatively, is there any way to determine if a motherboard supports
bus mastering without trying a card that uses it and having it work (or

  BTW: I know that the best way to find out would be to ask the manufacturer
but I have been told (repeatedly) that they support their machines through
their dealers and I have been unable to find one in my area that can answer
the question.  (Obviously, I don't think I'd buy one again.)

| SSG W.D. Calhoun                  |       UUCP: ...!uunet!usaos!calhoun    |
| Gas Turbine Engine (52F) Branch   |   INTERNET: calhoun%usaos at |
| The U.S. Army Ordnance School     | CompUServe: 76336.2212 at  |
| Fort Belvoir, Virginia  22060     |      Voice: (703) 664-3396/3595        | 

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