Student software bashing (was: rtm and uucp)

Larry Campbell campbell at redsox.UUCP
Sat Nov 19 04:17:22 AEST 1988

In article <3917 at ncrcae.Columbia.NCR.COM> rogerc at ncrcae.Columbia.NCR.COM (Roger Collins) writes:
}The single most shocking realization I had upon entering the professional
}world after student life (Univ. of Florida, 1987) was that programmers
}credited with writing the BEST operating system in the world wrote
}some of the worst code I had every seen.

The BEST operating system in the world?  Which one is that?  Got your
asbestos suit on?  "Go ahead, punk, make my day..."

Seriously, if I'm correct in guessing that you're talking about UNIX, I don't
think anyone -- even anyone from AT&T -- would claim with a straight face
that UNIX is the world's most reliable, maintainable, and well coded
operating system in the world.  It is probably the most portable, probably
the most flexible, and probably the most fun for programmers to play with,
but far from the most elegantly written.
Larry Campbell                          The Boston Software Works, Inc.
campbell at                        120 Fulton Street
wjh12!redsox!campbell                   Boston, MA 02146

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