
        P A S C A L   N E W S

19 January 77 >> Bug in pxp manual section <<

There is a bug in the description of the `d' option in the  pxp  manual
section.  Its description should read ``Don't include declaration parts
in a profile'' rather than ``Include declaration parts in a profile.''

26 September 77  >> Known bugs <<

The following bugs in the Pascal system are known.  As they  are  rela-
tively minor they may not be fixed for some time.

1) Due to a bug in the parser generator used to generate "pi" an  empty
"then" part of an "if" statement is diagnosed as a syntax error.

2) The name of the containing include file is occasionally not  printed
before  a semantic error diagnostic from an include file when the error
occurs on the last routine in that file.

3) Right marginal comments which are past the margin in pxp are  folded
onto  the  next line; however, the next time the program is reformatted
they will be treated as aligned comments.   They should  be  recognized
as still being right marginal comments.

4. If a single input file is larger than 65,000 characters  then  lines
may  be  printed  incorrectly  in  error listings as the compiler keeps
pointers into the source file in 16 bits.  If you have files this large
you should use "include" files.

5. On machines without floating point the interpreter will occasionally
terminate abnormally with an "IOT trap -- Core dumped" when interrupted
and while printing out the last statistics.  This happens if it is int-
errupted in the floating point interpreter, because the floating  point
interpreter gets mad when it is "reentered".  This problem may be fixed

This list of bugs will be updated if new bugs are discovered.