
		    User Contributed Software

The subtree /usr/contrib contains programs contributed by the user
community.  The following software is included:

Directory	Description				Contributor(s)
---------	-----------				-----------
ansi		ANSI tape manipulation program		Warren Gee, UCSF
apl		APL system				Purdue
cpm		CP/M floppy access package		Helge Skrivervik
getsyspr	Kernel profiling tool			Walter Scott
grab		File system utility			Donn Seeley, UCSD
jove		EMACS style editor			Jonathan Payne
mh		MH mail system				Rand Corporation
newcsh		A C shell with command completion	Ken Greer, HP
news		``readnews'' bulletin board system	Matt Glickman, Berkeley
notes		notes files bulletin board system	Illinois
rcs		revision control system			Walter Tichy, Purdue
sccstorcs	sccs to rcs conversion kit		Ken Greer, HP
sched		modified scheduler			Darwyn Peachey

The individuals responsible for the software should be identified in
the accompanying documents which describe the user contributed
software.  All software included here has been written by outside
parties; we gratefully acknowledge their contributions.

This subtree may be extracted from the 2.9BSD first tape by the command
	mt fsf 7; cd /usr; tar x contrib

The organization of this subtree is such that a single make command
will compile and/or install all contributed software (with the exception
of the modified scheduler).  To compile everything, simply type


Once this is done, to install the software in the /usr/new area of
the file system type

	make cp

Subdirectories have README files and individual makefiles.  If you
want only some of the software contained here go to the appropriate
directories and use the previous commands to compile and install the
desired system.  As distributed, most software located here is set up
to be installed in ${DESTDIR}/usr/new, where DESTDIR is a make macro
which can be supplied on the command line.  Consult each directory's
README file for the information needed to change this.

The software included here is in use at Berkeley, or other sites
running 2.9BSD or 4.2BSD (or earlier derivatives). Please remember that
this is contributed software and, as such, we do not ``support'' it in
the same manner as that software which is part of the standard
distribution.  Each subsystem has a README file in its root directory.
This file should be consulted to find an interested party to which bugs
and/or bug fixes should be sent. In certain cases these people are
located at Berkeley.  This does not imply they are part of the PDP-11
Software Distribution or the Computer Systems Research Group; please
contact them as individuals.

	Mike Karels
	Carl Smith