
Written  7:27 am  Aug 22, 1985 by sources-request@panda in comp.sources.unix
	Note title: changes to notes

Mod.sources:  Volume 2, Issue 36
Submitted by: genrad!mit-eddie!mirror!rs (Rich Salz)

This note contains modifications to the latest version of notes, 1.7.

The diffs listed below will modify notes (version 1.7, at least) to
understand moderated newsgroups, as well as "local" notesfiles.

In a MODERATED notesfile, any attempt to write a note or send mail
is turned into a call that sends mail to the moderator.  For example,
is the MODERATED flag is on for net.announce, any attempt to post
their will instead be sent as mail to mark@cbosgd.att (or whatever).
Note that it is still possible to "Copy" a note into a MODERATED
notesfile.  This can be prohibited by (a) turning off write permission
on the all MODERATED notesfiles, or (b) added some trivial code to
adnote.c.  I did (a); if anyone wants the code for (b), let me know.

The mapping of notesfile names to moderators is done in a file
named "moderators" in the notesfile utility directory (default is
/usr/spool/notes/.utilities).  This file contains lines like:
    notesfile_name <spaces_or_tabs> mail_address
Blank lines, or lines starting with '#', are ignored.  Here are
a couple of lines from my "moderators" file:

Here are a couple of lines from my .utilties/moderator file:
# This comes from the posting by Gene Spafford
# Correct addresses for mirror systems by R$, 19aug85.
mod.map		wjh12!ihnp4!cbosgd!mark
mod.map.uucp	wjh12!ihnp4!cbosgd!uucpmap
# Here's handling an ARPA gateway'd list
fa.laser-lover		furuta%washington@cca

# Here's one that we gateway ourselves
ms.loops		loops-users%berkeley@cca
# Any valid address is ok
ms.prisoner		inmet!masscomp!allegra!sjuvax!ianucci

Enough talk, here are the diffs.


By Paul Pomes, CSO, Univ of Illinois (paul@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu)
Wed Jul  1 14:02:47 CDT 1987

I've applied Rich's changes to the latest edition of notes from the UofI
CS Dept.  A few changes were made:

  The M,m keys in a moderated notesfile can send mail to arbitrary
  addresses.  Previously mail went only to the moderator.

  A new note/response must be a non-zero size before the user is prompted
  for a signature file.

  The nfadmin program has two new flags, M and L, for setting the 
  moderated and local bits in a notesfile.

  The notes.1 and nfadmin.8 man pages have been updated to mention the
  new NFSIG environment variable, and the behavior of local/moderated

  The Notesfile Reference manual has been updated as well.

A complete distribution of the virgin sources, plus the RCS recorded changes,
is available for anonymous FTP from uxc.cso.uiuc.edu:pub/Notes.tar.Z .