Relay-Version: version B 2.10.3 4.3bsd-beta 6/6/85; site seismo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.3 4.3bsd-beta 6/6/85; site seismo.UUCP Path: seismo!keith From: keith@seismo.UUCP (Keith Bostic) Newsgroups: net.sources,net.bugs.2bsd Subject: 2.9BSD Message-ID: <2793@seismo.UUCP> Date: 17 Jul 85 07:46:29 GMT Date-Received: 17 Jul 85 07:46:29 GMT Distribution: net Organization: Center for Seismic Studies, Arlington, VA Lines: 129 Keywords: 2.9BSD networking release Xref: seismo net.sources:3180 net.bugs.2bsd:226 A new copy of the 2.9BSD release of UNIX for the PDP family will be available starting around the 29th of July. This release was developed from the original 2.9 release by Berkeley. Several people have been working on this release over the past nine months, in three major areas: to make the system run reliably, to make the networking code work and to bring the system closer to 4.2 standards. While we are going to continue to further develop the system, we think that we are at a point where other people can benefit from the work done up to now. The 2.9 that we're offering has working networking code, many of the 4.2 system calls, and is much more stable than the original release. The release is available from two sites, Harvard University and The Center for Seismic Studies. As noted above, we hope to start cutting tapes around the 29th of July. The release will be in "tar" format, 1600 bpi and will consist of a replacement /usr/src. To get your copy please send a 2400 ft. mag tape, a copy of your 2.9 BSD Berkeley license, and a self-addressed, stamped package. Nobody is making any money from this, so *please* make it as easy for us as possible -- don't forget the return postage and the self-addressed package. You can send your tape to either of the following addresses: Keith Bostic Scott Bradner Center for Seismic Studies Harvard University Suite 1450 William James Hall 1300 N. 17th St. Rm 1232 Arlington VA 22209 33 Kirkland St. Cambridge MA 02138 Note: Because of certain legal requirements, if you request a tape from Harvard, please enclose $100.00 to cover costs, checks payable to Harvard University. ================ For everyone's information, the 5 most asked questions from this week's mail. Q: Is this the last release you'll make? A: This release is definitely temporary. We are continuing to work on the system, and hope to have another release available sometime this fall. Most of the basic groundwork has been done; what we're trying to do now is to clean up the kernel and make sure that all of the stuff floating around actually works. We also hope to move closer to the 4BSD release. Q: What's the difference between your stuff and 2.9BSD from Berkeley? A: This release is much more stable, has a great many bug fixes, is much faster and has networking. Q: Where else can I get UNIX for the PDP's? And whose is best? A: Basically, there are 2 other places you can get it, not counting the standard Berkeley 2.9 release. The first is DEC -- they're releasing Ultrix for the 11's fairly soon. The last I heard they were looking for sites for beta-testing. Advantages: Supported by DEC. Wider selection of peripherals. True 4.2 networking. Disadvantages: It costs bucks. No source code is available. Based on V7 kernel. Some of the 2.9 features such as vfork are missing. NOTE: I do not know the DEC system well, and I don't want to get into a flame war about how good it is. Please call your local DEC rep and make your own decision. The second is from Greg Travis. I'm sure that most of you saw Greg's posting to net.bugs.2bsd a few days ago; you might want to refer back to that notice for more information on exactly what his system consists of. For more information, you can contact Greg at: Greg Travis 1022 E. 3rd St. Institute for Social Research Bloomington IN 47405 ...!ihnp4!inuxc!isrnix!greg Greg has contributed heavily to our release and I would estimate that about 70% of the items he mentioned in his posting have been included in our system; the major differences in the two systems are that our release is more similar to the 4BSD release and has networking. Other than that I don't anticipate major differences in the capabilities of the two systems. Q: Where can I get networking for my PDP? And will it talk to my VAX? A: There are only two networking PDP UNIXes around, to my knowledge. The first is the DEC one, mentioned above and ours. The DEC one (as far as I know) is a true 4.2 networking, while ours is around a 4.1b/c networking interface. We do hope to have a 4.2 interface in sometime, but not quite yet. Either networking will talk to your VAX, obviously the DEC one will do it a little more easily. To port a 4.2 networking program to our system requires a few hours work. Q: Are you guys going to support this puppy? A: No. Well, not much. Well, just a little, okay? We will not officially support it, e.g. we all have other work and our bosses somewhat unreasonably expect us to do it. We *are* interested in making it work, we are continuing to develop the system and we will definitely try to help you out. If nothing else, we'll put you in contact with someone who has solved the problem you're working on. Finally, a little recognition -- a few people have contributed a lot of time and effort to getting this stuff working. Credit goes to: Scooter Morris -- University of California Terry Slattery -- U.S. Naval Academy Michael Petry -- University of Maryland Louis Mamakos -- University of Maryland Stephen Uitti -- Purdue Daniel Lanciani -- Harvard Greg Travis -- Institute for Social Research Well, that's about it, folks. If you have any questions about 2.9 feel free to contact me. Keith Bostic ARPA: keith@seismo UUCP: seismo!keith (703) 276-7900