
.\"	@(#)u5	6.1 (Berkeley) 5/22/86
K. L. Thompson and D. M. Ritchie,
.IT The
Programmer's Manual,
Bell Laboratories, 1978 (PS2:3)\(dd
Lists commands,
system routines and interfaces, file formats,
and some of the maintenance procedures.
You can't live without this,
although you will probably only need to read section 1.
D. M. Ritchie and K. L. Thompson,
Time-sharing System,''
CACM, July 1974. (PS2:1)\(dd
\(dg These documents (previously in Volume 2 of the Bell Labs
Unix distribution) are provided among the "User Supplementary"
Documents for 4.3BSD, available from the Usenix Association.
\(dd These are among the "Programmer Supplementary" Documents for 4.3BSD.
PS1 is Volume 1, PS2 is Volume 2.
An overview of the system,
for people interested in operating systems.
Worth reading by anyone who programs.
Contains a remarkable number of one-sentence observations
on how to do things right.
The Bell System Technical Journal
Special Issue on 
July/August, 1978,
contains many papers describing recent developments,
and some retrospective material.
The 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering
(October, 1976)
contains several 
papers describing the use of the
Programmer's Workbench
.UC PWB ) (
version of
Document Preparation:
B. W. Kernighan,
``A Tutorial Introduction to the
Text Editor'' (USD:12)
``Advanced Editing on
.UC UNIX ,''
(USD:13) Bell Laboratories, 1978.\(dg
Beginners need the introduction;
the advanced material will help you get the most
out of the editor.
M. E. Lesk,
``Typing Documents on
.UC UNIX ,''
Bell Laboratories, 1978. (USD:20)\(dg
Describes the
.UL \-ms
macro package, which isolates the novice
from the vagaries of
.UL nroff
.UL troff ,
and takes care of most formatting situations.
If this specific package isn't available on your system,
something similar probably is.
The most likely alternative is the
macro package
.UL \-mm ;
see your local guru if you use
*The macro package -me is additionally available on Berkeley Unix Systems.
-mm is typically not available.
B. W. Kernighan and L. L. Cherry,
``A System for Typesetting Mathematics,''
Bell Laboratories Computing Science Tech. Rep. 17. (USD:26)\(dg
M. E. Lesk,
``Tbl \(em A Program to Format Tables,''
Bell Laboratories CSTR 49, 1976. (USD:28)\(dg
J. F. Ossanna, Jr.,
``NROFF/TROFF User's Manual,''
Bell Laboratories CSTR 54, 1976. (USD:24)\(dg
.UL troff
is the basic formatter used by
.UL \-ms ,
.UL eqn
.UL tbl .
The reference manual is indispensable
if you are going to write or maintain these
or similar programs.
But start with:
B. W. Kernighan,
``A TROFF Tutorial,''
Bell Laboratories, 1976. (USD:25)\(dg
An attempt to unravel the intricacies of
.UL troff .
B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie,
The C Programming Language,
Prentice-Hall, 1978.
Contains a tutorial introduction,
complete discussions of all language features,
and the reference manual.
B. W. Kernighan and R. Pike,
The Unix Programming Environment,
Prentice-Hall, 1984.
Contains many examples of C programs which use the system
interfaces, and explanations of ``why''.
B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie,
.UC UNIX \& ``
Bell Laboratories, 1978. (PS2:3)\(dd
Describes how to interface with the system from C programs:
I/O calls, signals, processes.
S. R. Bourne,
``An Introduction to the
Bell Laboratories, 1978. (USD:3)\(dg
An introduction and reference manual for the Version 7 shell.
Mandatory reading if you intend to make effective use
of the programming power
of this shell.
S. C. Johnson,
``Yacc \(em Yet Another Compiler-Compiler,''
Bell Laboratories CSTR 32, 1978. (PS1:15)\(dd
M. E. Lesk,
``Lex \(em A Lexical Analyzer Generator,''
Bell Laboratories CSTR 39, 1975. (PS1:16)\(dd
S. C. Johnson,
``Lint, a C Program Checker,''
Bell Laboratories CSTR 65, 1977. (PS1:9)\(dd
S. I. Feldman,
``MAKE \(em A Program for Maintaining Computer Programs,''
Bell Laboratories CSTR 57, 1977. (PS1:12)\(dd
J. F. Maranzano and S. R. Bourne,
``A Tutorial Introduction to ADB,''
Bell Laboratories CSTR 62, 1977. (PS1:10)\(dd
An introduction to a powerful but complex debugging tool.
S. I. Feldman and P. J. Weinberger,
``A Portable Fortran 77 Compiler,''
Bell Laboratories, 1978. (PS1:2)\(dd
A full Fortran 77 for