
 *      Program Name:   errlst.h
 *      Date: March 6, 1996
 *      Author: S.M. Schultz
 *      -----------------   Modification History   ---------------
 *      Version Date            Reason For Modification
 *      1.0     05Mar96         1. Initial release into the public domain.

 * Definitions used by the 'mkerrlst' program which creates error message 
 * files.
 * The format of the file created is:
 *	struct	ERRLSTHDR	ehdr;
 *	struct	ERRLST  emsg[num_of_msgs];
 *	struct	{
 *		char	msg[] = "error message string";
 *		char	lf = '\n';
 *		} [num_of_messages];
 * Note:  the newlines are NOT included in the message lengths, the newlines
 *        are present to make it easy to 'cat' or 'vi' the file.

		short	magic;
		short	maxmsgnum;
		short	maxmsglen;
		short	pad[5];		/* Reserved */

	struct	ERRLST
		off_t	offmsg;
		short	lenmsg;

#define	ERRMAGIC	012345
#define	_PATH_SYSERRLST	"/etc/syserrlst"