
5001	PRINT: bad relation name %0~
5002	PRINT: %0 is a view and can't be printed~
5003	PRINT: Relation %0 is protected.~
5102	CREATE: duplicate relation name %0~
5103	CREATE: %0 is a system relation~
5104	CREATE %0: invalid attribute name %1~
5105	CREATE %0: duplicate attribute name %1~
5106	CREATE %0: invalid attribute format "%2" on attribute %1~
5107	CREATE %0: excessive domain count on attribute %1~
5108	CREATE %0: excessive relation width on attribute %1~
5201	DESTROY: %0 is a system relation~
5202	DESTROY: %0 does not exist or is not owned by you~
5203	DESTROY: %0 is an invalid integrity constraint identifier~
5204	DESTROY: %0 is an invalid protection constraint identifier~
5300	INDEX: cannot find primary relation~
5301	INDEX: more than maximum number of domains~
5302	INDEX: invalid domain %0~
5303	INDEX: relation %0 not owned by you~
5304	INDEX: relation %0 is already an index~
5305	INDEX: relation %0 is a system relation~
5306	INDEX: %0 is a view and an index can't be built on it~
5401	HELP: relation %0 does not exist~
5402	HELP: cannot find manual section "%0"~
5403	HELP: relation %0 is not a view~
5404	HELP: relation %0 has no permissions on it granted~
5405	HELP: relation %0 has no integrity constraints on it~
5410	HELP: tree buffer overflowed~
5411	HELP: tree stack overflowed~
5500	MODIFY: relation %0 does not exist~
5501	MODIFY: you do not own relation %0~
5502	MODIFY %0: you may not provide keys on a heap~
5503	MODIFY %0: too many keys provided~
5504	MODIFY %0: cannot modify system relation~
5507	MODIFY %0: duplicate key "%1"~
5508	MODIFY %0: key width (%1) too large for isam~
5510	MODIFY %0: bad storage structure "%1"~
5511	MODIFY %0: bad attribute name "%1"~
5512	MODIFY %0: "%1" not allowed or specified more than once~
5513	MODIFY %0: fillfactor value %1 out of bounds~
5514	MODIFY %0: minpages value %1 out of bounds~
5515	MODIFY %0: "%1" should be "fillfactor", "maxpages", or "minpages"~
5516	MODIFY %0: maxpages value %1 out of bounds~
5517	MODIFY %0: minpages value exceeds maxpages value~
5518	MODIFY %0: invalid sequence specifier "%1" for domain %2.~
5519	MODIFY: %0 is a view and can't be modified~
5520	MODIFY: %0: sequence specifier "%1" on domain %2
	is not allowed with the specified storage structure.~
5600	SAVE: cannot save system relation "%0"~
5601	SAVE: bad month "%0"~
5602	SAVE: bad day "%0"~
5603	SAVE: bad year "%0"~
5604	SAVE: relation %0 does not exist or is not owned by you~
5800	COPY: relation %0 doesn't exist~
5801	COPY: attribute %0 in relation %1 doesn't exist
	or it has been listed twice.~
5803	COPY: too many attributes~
5804	COPY: bad length for attribute %0.  Length="%1"~
5805	COPY: can't open file %0~
5806	COPY: can't create file %0~
5807	COPY: unrecognizable dummy domain "%0"~
5808	COPY: domain %0 size too small for conversion.
	There were %2 tuples successfully copied from %3 into %4~
5809	COPY: bad input string for domain %0. Input was "%1".
	There were %2 tuples successfully copyied from %3 into %4~
5810	COPY: unexpected end of file while filling domain %0.
	There were %1 tuples successfully copyied from %2 into %3~
5811	COPY: bad type for attribute %0. Type="%1"~
5812	COPY: The relation "%0" has a secondary index.
	The index(es) must be destroyed before doing a copy "from".~
5813	COPY: You are not allowed to update the relation %0.~
5814	COPY: You do not own the relation %0.~
5815	COPY: An unterminated "c0" field occured while filling domain %0.
	There were %1 tuples successfully copyied from %2 into %3~
5816	COPY: The full pathname must be specified for
	the file %0~
5817	COPY: The maximum width of the output file cannot
	exceed 1024 bytes per tuple.~
5818	COPY: %0 is a view and can't be copied~
5819	COPY: Warning: %0 duplicate tuples were ignored.~
5820	COPY: Warning: %0 domains had control characters
	which were converted to blanks.~
5821	COPY: Warning: %0 c0 character domains were truncated.~
5822	COPY: Relation %0 is protected.~