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# include	"../ingres.h"
# include	"../aux.h"
# include	"../access.h"

**  OPENR -- Open a relation into a descriptor
**	Openr will open the named relation into the given descriptor
**	according to the mode specified. When searching for a name,
**	a relation owner by the current user will be searched for first.
**	If none is found then one owned by the DBA will be search for.
**	There are several available modes for opening a relation. The
**	most common are
**		mode 0 -- open for reading
**		mode 2 -- open for writing (mode 1 works identically).
**	Other modes which can be used to optimize performance:
**		mode -1 -- get relation-relation tuple and tid only.
**      			Does not open the relation.
**		mode -2 -- open relation for reading after a previous
**      			call of mode -1.
**		mode -3 -- open relation for writing after a previous
**      			call of mode -1.
**		mode -4 -- open relation for reading. Assumes that relation
**      			was previously open (eg relation & attributed
**      			have been filled) and file was closed by closer.
**		mode -5 -- open relation for writing. Same assumptions as
**      			mode -4.
**	Parameters:
**		dx - a pointer to a struct descriptor (defined in ingres.h)
**		mode - can be 2,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5
**		name - a null terminated name (only first 12 chars looked at)
**	Returns:
**		1 - relation does not exist
**		0 - ok
**		<0 - error. Refer to the error codes in access.h
**	Side Effects:
**		Opens the physical file if required. Fill the
**		descriptor structure. Initializes the access methods
**		if necessary.
**	Requires:
**		access method routine:
**			acc_init()
**			clearkeys()
**			find()
**		most the access methods + the unix open() function
**	Called By:
**		everyone
**	Trace Flags:
**		Uses trace flag 90
**	Diagnostics:
**		none
**	Syserrs:
**		openr:bd md -- call to openr with illegal mode.
**	History:
**		10-6-78 (rse) - documented

openr(dx, mode, name)
struct descriptor	*dx;
int			mode;
char			*name;

	register struct descriptor	*d;
	register int			retval, filemode;
	char				filename[MAXNAME+3];

	d = dx;

#	ifdef xATR1
	if (tTf(90, -1))
		printf("openr:%.12s,%d\n", name, mode);
#	endif
#	ifdef xATM
	if (tTf(76, 2))
		timtrace(21, 0);
#	endif

	/* init admin */

	/* process according to mode */

	filemode = 0;
	switch (mode)

	  case -1:
		retval = get_reltuple(d, name);

	  case 1:
	  case 2:
		filemode = 2;

	  case 0:
		if (retval = get_reltuple(d, name))

	  case -2:
	  case -3:
		if (retval = get_attuples(d))

	  case -5:
		if (mode == -3 || mode == -5)
			filemode = 2;

	  case -4:
		/* descriptor is filled. open file */
		ingresname(d->relid, d->relowner, filename);
		/* can't open a view */
		if (d->relstat & S_VIEW)
			retval = acc_err(AMOPNVIEW_ERR);	/* view */
		if ((d->relfp = open(filename, filemode)) < 0)
			retval = acc_err(AMNOFILE_ERR);	/* can't open file */
		d->relopn = (d->relfp + 1) * 5;
		if (filemode == 2)
			d->relopn = -d->relopn;
		d->reladds = 0;
		retval = 0;

		syserr("openr:bd md=%d", mode);

	/* return */

#	ifdef xATR1
	if (tTf(90, 4) && mode != -1 && retval != 1)
	if (tTf(90, -1))
		printf("openr rets %d\n", retval);
#	endif

#	ifdef xATM
	if (tTf(76, 2))
		timtrace(22, 0);
#	endif
	return (retval);

get_reltuple(dx, name)
struct descriptor	*dx;
char			*name;

**	Get the tuple for the relation specified by 'name'
**	and put it in the descriptor 'dx'.
**	First a relation named 'name' owned
**	by the current user is searched for. If that fails,
**	then a relation owned by the dba is searched for.

	register struct descriptor	*d;
	struct relation			rel;
	register int			i;
	char				filename[MAXNAME+3];

	d = dx;


	/* make believe relation relation is read only for concurrency */
	Admin.adreld.relopn = abs(Admin.adreld.relopn);

	/* relation relation is open. Search for relation 'name' */
	setkey(&Admin.adreld, &rel, name, RELID);
	setkey(&Admin.adreld, &rel, Usercode, RELOWNER);

	if ((i = getequal(&Admin.adreld, &rel, d, &d->reltid)) == 1)
		/* not a user relation. try relation owner by dba */
		setkey(&Admin.adreld, &rel, Admin.adhdr.adowner, RELOWNER);
		i = getequal(&Admin.adreld, &rel, d, &d->reltid);

	flush_rel(&Admin.adreld, TRUE);

#	ifdef xATR1
	if (tTf(90, 1))
		printf("get_reltuple: %d\n", i);
#	endif

	/* restore relation relation to read/write mode */
	Admin.adreld.relopn = -Admin.adreld.relopn;
	return (i);

struct descriptor	*dx;

	register struct descriptor	*d;
	struct attribute		attr, attkey;
	register int			i, dom;
	int				numatts;
	struct tup_id			tid1, tid2;

	d = dx;


	/* zero all format types */
	for (i = 0; i <= d->relatts; i++)
		d->relfrmt[i] = 0;

	/* prepare to scan attribute relation */
	setkey(&Admin.adattd, &attkey, d->relid, ATTRELID);
	setkey(&Admin.adattd, &attkey, d->relowner, ATTOWNER);
	if (i = find(&Admin.adattd, EXACTKEY, &tid1, &tid2, &attkey))
		return (i);

	numatts = d->relatts;

	while (numatts && !get(&Admin.adattd, &tid1, &tid2, &attr, TRUE))

		/* does this attribute belong? */
		if (bequal(&attr, &attkey, MAXNAME + 2))

			/* this attribute belongs */
			dom = attr.attid;	/* get domain number */

			if (d->relfrmt[dom])
				break;	/* duplicate attribute. force error */

			d->reloff[dom] = attr.attoff;
			d->relfrmt[dom] = attr.attfrmt;
			d->relfrml[dom] = attr.attfrml;
			d->relxtra[dom] = attr.attxtra;

	/* make sure all the atributes were there */
	for (dom = 1; dom <= d->relatts; dom++)
		if (d->relfrmt[dom] == 0)
			numatts = 1;	/* force an error */
	if (numatts)
		i = acc_err(AMNOATTS_ERR);

	flush_rel(&Admin.adattd, TRUE);

#	ifdef xATR1
	if (tTf(90, 3))
		printf("get_attr ret %d\n", i);
#	endif

	return (i);