
V6.00.00, 07/04/91
45. Fixed quoting of VSTART/VSTOP on termios
44. Memory leak every time you pipe in or out.
43. echo {foo bar.[ch]}. Did not check for end of word.
42. ANSI prototypes
41. dmove() would leave the source descriptor open when using dup2()
    while (1)
	echo foo >>! bar
    runs out of file descriptors
40. recursive `` expanded via aliases would abort.
39. set home=../relative-path-name was broken.
    set home=../..; cd ..;
38. Incorrect error when changing to directory:
    mkdir not-in-cd-path; chmod -x not-in-cd-path; cd not-in-cd-path;
       not-in-cd-path: No such file or directory.
    it should have said
       not-in-cd-path: Permission denied.
37. if ( \! =~ [\!] ) echo ok, did not echo ok. Quoting inside [] pattern.
36. More than 127 jobs caused job # to go negative
35. unsetenv <pattern> ... Added support for more than one pattern.
34. More background process status report fixes.
33. Apollo builtin support.
32. Glob fix. echo '*' * was not handled properly.
31. Glob fix. setenv FOO `sleep 1` would either cause a segmentation fault.
    or print ambiguous.
30. Glob fix. Quoted characters inside [] were not handled properly.
29. Removed TELL and VMUNIX defines. I think we cannot compile on V6 anyway
28. Overflow check for expansions.
27. Added matchbeep, regular expression history searching.
26. Added code to handle /dev/std{in,out,err}
25. Fixed POSIX speed handling in raw mode.
24. Fixed a flushing bug in the filec code in sh.file.c
23. Compiled and added hp9000s700 to the list of hosts.
22. Fixed horrible bug in gmatch() 
	switch (4)
	case [a-z]:
		echo bug;
	case 4:
		echo ok;
21. Fixes for _SEQUENT_ ut_host.
20. FLUSHO added
19. mkdir foo\`bar; cd foo\`bar; was broken
18. EWOULDBLOCK == EAGAIN on RENO check for that too.
17. Dword() simplified and removed the gotos.
16. Hpux now compiles with POSIX. Moved the local chars modes in ed.init.c
    after the tty modes.
15. Process group fixes for POSIX
14. We need <sys/filio.h> on the suns for FIOCLEX!!! We did not close
    our file descriptors before...
13. A/UX fixes.
12. History events that start with a number are not necessarily numeric:
    > !3d
    3d: Event not fount
11. History loop detection added.
    > alias a \!#
    > b; a
10. Alias loop detection code was ineffective on eager optimizers.
 9. All errors should now go through our table. Next step we should
    add nls error messages.
 8. Unsetenv now globs its arguments! Before it did not...
 7. Added tilde cache and -l flag.
 6. Added autocorrect
 5. Fixed for so that background jobs in scripts get process groups
 4. Fixed amazing memory leak in setenv()...
 3. Added short2qstr() so that we can form quoted strings to be used with glob()
 2. str2short and short2str allocate space dynamically.
 1. Fixed bug related to the is*() routines called with shorts.
    [only if NLS and SHORT_STRINGS are defined].
    (The _ctype_ was getting indexed with shorts...)
 0. Complete overhaul. Brought in the 4.4 csh stuff. Separated most
    tcsh and csh code except where I would have to add more global
    variables. Compiled correctly with both lint and gcc -Wall on
    a sparc running 4.1

V5.20.03, 03/20/91.	- Never released
25. Kanji, SXA additions.
24. (exec foo) should not fail if they are suspended jobs.
23. Support kernel paging stuff on aix 370.
22. Now we handle correctly the environment variables LINES, COLUMNS,
    TERMCAP for window size changes...
21. Tcsh 5.18c+ had broken NULL chars on scripts.
    > cat > foo 
    #!/usr/local/bin/tcsh -f
    echo "foo"
    echo "^V^@"
    echo "bar"
    > chmod +x foo; foo
20. Posix has EAGAIN and not EWOULDBLOCK
19. Don't set ECHOK; makes kill ^U ugly.
18. $shell is SHELLPATH and not $SHELL any more.
17. Added -n flag to cd, pushd, popd and dirs. Documented -l and -v
16. Documented and fixed chase_symlinks and ignore_symlinks.
15. Call endpwent() when you get interrupted...
    cd ~chri<tab>^C
    cd ~christos/<enter>
14. Exec when you have suspended jobs asks for verification.
13. Variable length fixes:
    >set abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz=1
    >echo $abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
    abcdefghijklmnopqrs: Undefined variable
    Now we have better messages too...
12. Icon fixes...
11. Quote expanded glob and history chars too.
10. If someone sets SHIN to O_NDELAY we died... Now we set it back...
 9. unset path; unsetenv PATH; ls-F; (poof) fixed...
 8. Patches for masscomp, and ${var123} lexical analysis fix...
 7. Patch for sunview bug: A partially covered suntool sends SIGWINCH every
    time the text is scrolled, causing annoying redraw effects. Now tcsh
    checks if the size really changed before doing anything.
 6. Interrupt in the middle of cwdcmd, and periodic does not remove the
 5. prompt2 and prompt3 fixes:
    Prompt2 now prints the status of the parser by default.
    Prompt3 can now have the standard prompt escape sequences.
 4. eval file descriptor re-direction fix.
    >set p='w | tail +3'
    >eval $p
    (originally | tail +3 was ignored)
 3. $edit != emacs anymore; it was misleading, 'set edit' enables editing
    'unset edit' disables it.
 2. PERROR define fix. 
 1. irix3.3.1 line discipline fix.

V5.20.02, 12/15/90.
32. /etc/Logout added and merged with /etc/Login flag.
31. Fixed tty chars in ed.init.c. Some of them were not handled correctly.
30. Command execution does not leak memory any more, and doing
    ~ four times does not core-dump.
29. Fixed the notorious csh 'if(' bug (part of the convex fixes)
28. Intelligent getwd() on startup, and canonicalization.
27. Intelligent directory stack. Gets updated when $HOME changes.
26. Directory stack/save-restore additions
25. Convex Fixes.
24. Fixed onlret, and echonl getting stuck on svid.
23. Shouldn't leave tty in raw mode at auto-logout (e.g. when su'ing from a
    csh, this is annoying).
22. Some users had environment EMACS set to something, and with my bad fix
    at pl 1 found that they didn't have echo... (of course, even before my
    "fix", they didn't have editing...). Anyway, refined the check to be
    for EMACS=t, which is what emacs sets when running a subshell.
21. kill -CONT %job, would not update the status of the job, but it would
    just restart it.
20. Sequent fixes.
19. AIX370 signal and TCF fixes.
18. fixed ls-F -l, SIGINT problem.
17. aix on the ps2 does not have strcoll() either.
16. Bind [A - [D and OA to OD in vi mode to the arrow key functions
    so that they work from insert mode.
15. %~ was not working correctly for /home/news and /home/newsbin...
14. Removed $Log$ from sources; it was getting too large...
13. ISC unix fixes.
12. sunos3.x wants <sys/dir.h> not <dirent.h>
11. Remove precmd's, cwdcmd's and periodic cmds that had errors.
10. Compile sunos4.1 using termio. 
 9. Rs6000 line discipline fixes. 
 8. T_Tabs was wrong for termio machines.
 7. Don't bind single keystroke arrow keys, when they are already bound!
 6. Test for newline and tab before deciding not to send shell scripts
    to the bourne shell.
 5. Added LITERAL prompt stuff.
 4. Fixed gethostname() in sh.rest.c to return the nodename.
 3. Do not quote spell checked stuff. This is not very intelligent but
    works better than before.
 2. Fixes for relative path components. (paths that start with a .)
 1. Fixed so that Rawmode() is not called when we are not editing
    (breaks running under emacs)

V5.20.01, 11/15/90.
12. Recognize environment variables too.
11. Always start in Rawmode()
10. don't try to execute binary files using the bourne shell.
 9. Vi change to end of line updates correctly now.
 8. Prompt in continuation lines.
 7. Prompt in if statements fix.
 6. System V ^C works right now.
 5. ^Z works correctly in bindings
 4. Better error messages for variables.
 3. dinit() now is more robust.
 2. Added aux2.0 patches.
 1. Fixed bug with arrow key bindings in ed.screen.c. All the keys
    were bound to up-history!

V5.20.00, 11/10/90.
26. Fixed system V and POSIX time reporting.
25. Fixed ed.screen.c so that it does not use malloc().
24. Fixed SIGWINCH on the iris
23. Fixed ed.screen.c, so that settc works correcly. It used to set
    the termcap with a string that was allocated from the stack!
22. Fixed listing of commands, where the last command was not checked.
21. Fixed which command. It did not work for
    \<command>, if command was aliased.
20. Eliminated CSH4.3 define. You've had enough time to upgrade from 4.2
19. Fixed GotTermCaps to be called only once.
18. Added bindkey -r
17. Attributes were not getting reset correctly.
16. history -t does not print the time-stamp.
15. AddXkey, works now for single character xkeys.
14. filetype() knows better about symlinks.
13. ls-F works with filenames that have metachars
12. Completion/spelling works with quoted things.
11. Fixed refresh bug. Repeat by:
    On an intelligent terminal that has insert and delete chars (xterm)
    > orphan
    > vi orphan.c
    > ^P^P
10. Fixed so that if we don't have a tty on stdin editing is disabled.
 9. Check for nested process forking, to avoid loops such as:
    > alias foo 'set bar=`foo`'
    > foo
 8. Fix setting of AsciiOnly (Per)
 7. tw.spell.c, defined F_OK for systems that don't have it.
 6. ourwait.h had typo in ifdef.
 5. BSD compilers need a cast to int for enums used in 
    switches (Matthew Day)
 4. Found the cause for the core-dump in long backquote 
    expansions (Mark Davies)
 3. Some externs in ed.h needed to be truly externs...
    reported by Mark Davies, bug appeared only on hp9000s800.
 2. Changed $tcsh, and $version strings.
 1. Added internal sprintf function, renamed putchar to CSHputchar,
    printf to CSHprintf, sprintf to CSHsprintf.

V5.19.02, 10/23/90.
36. Added /etc/cshrc for the SGI irises.
35. Added expand-variables function.
34. Documented $time in tcsh.man
33. Shell variables are now 'recognized' when expanding/listing things.
32. ls-F does not eat the last slash on the / directory!
31. Strings bound to keys are printed inside double quotes.
30. History now remembers the exact line, not just an unparsed version of
    the tokens.
29. Renamed itoa to Itoa(), so things in libc that use itoa() don't break.
28. Ported to IBM aix/ps2. 
27. Fixed eval so that it forks when the output is piped
    Repeat by:
    > who | grep $user
    > eval who | grep $user
26. Fixed so that 'nice <builtin changing the working directory>' does not
    nice or fork.
    Consider doing:
    nice cd /tmp && rm *.c (don't try it!!!)
    [what actually happens is that nice has to fork, then the child executes
     chdir, and the parent stays where it was]
25. Added Dan's patches (nls, builtin bindkey, fixes to the editor).
24. Added aix370, migrate, getspath, getspath, getxvers, setxvers
23. Added builtin echotc, removed sl and el.
22. Ported to 4.4 BSD. This involved changing the way lots of flags worked,
    cleanup of the SVID stuff, and addition of more compilation flags.
    Now POSIX can work whed BSD is defined...
21. Fixed so that el, sl work. Actually they are to be removed soon and
    be replaced with echotc.
20. Avoid the Quoted Space hack for alias when printing jobs!
    [aliases to the same name avoid further alias expansion, by 
     inserting a quoted space in front of the command. In SHORT_STRINGS
     QUOTE is the 15th bit so print ignores it thinking it is the
     end of the string. So we just skip the Quoted Space....]
    Repeat by:
    > set notify
    > alias ls ls -F
    > (ls) &
    Prints        Exit 0 (
    Should print: Exit 0 ( ls -F )
19. Fixed so that "", '', ``, all produce ': Command not found',
    and not the spurious messages.
    Repeat by:
    > set path = (/bin /usr/bin .... .)
    > ""
    /some/path/name/: Command not found
18. Enable the use of <ctype.h> macros if they exist and NLS is defined.
    NLS code is not ready yet.
17. Fixed rmstar and continue_jobs code, so that they are not compile
    options, but shell variables. Now you need to 'set rmstar' to get
    enable rmstar.
16. Fixed SIGWINCH, SIGWINDOW, and setting of li, co, that broke
    suntools, and others.
    Repeat by:
    Start a shelltool of size other than 80x34
    > telltc
    > stty -a
    do not report the same number of lines and columns.
15. More fixes to tw.parse.c, and tw.spell.c.
14. More fixes to sh.char.c.
13. Fixed coredump caused by ``.
12. Fixed spell-line code..
11. Trapped SIGCHLD in sh.sem.c, while forking. Still there is a small
    race, but the probability of happening is smaller!
10. Fixed sh.char.c to be ISO compliant.
 9. Added expand-glob
 8. Fixed ourwait.h for little endians.
 7. Fixed that foreach i (^D expands correctly.
 6. Fixed so that listmax is ignored in ls-F.
 5. Fixed spelling correction so that single letter words and words that
    contain globbing chars do not get spell checked.
 4. Changed NeXT HOSTTYPE to next, since all HOSTTYPE's are lower case.
 3. Fixed symmetry, and changed symmetry HOSTTYPE from sequent to symmetry.
 2. Added boldfacing, underlining chars.
 1. Added IRIX3.3.1 support.

V5.19.01, 9/26/90.
7. Brought the README file up-to-date, and changed the bug report
   address to point to me.
6. sh.lex.c. In addla(), overflow computation was wrong.
5. Fixed SHELLPATH, to be set correctly when $SHELL is not set.
4. Fixed print statement in sh.proc.c that contained \215.
3. Fixed the Makefile and MAKEDIFFS so that a tahoe diff can be made.
2. RS6000: hacked around execv bug, and ed.init.c warning.
1. Editor should not be enabled when we don't have a tty.