
This file contains visible (incompatible) changes to the users.
This version of tcsh has the following new things:

* History searching searches using regular expressions too.
* The autolist values that controlled beeping are not supported any more;
  used matchbeep instead.
* /etc/Login and /etc/Logout were renamed to /etc/csh.login /etc/csh.logout
  and /etc/csh.cshrc was added
* prompt2 and prompt3 can have prompt escapes.
* eval pipes work
* ignore_symlinks works

5.20 PL2
* %{..%} escapes in prompt

5.20 PL0
* bindkey -r
* history -t
* shell variables in paths expand correctly.
* variable expansion 
* quoted expansions now work.
* new version and tcsh variable format

5.19 PL2
* NLS support
* New bindkey and echotc builtins
* Underline and Bold in the prompt; additions and changes to the prompt and 
  who syntax (%u is now %n, so that %u can be used to turn undeline off, 
  and %n is now \n).
* rmstar needs to be set to protect from accidental removal
* Fixed editor, and spell line.
* Glob-expand, on arguments.
* Added process migration builtins for aix370

5.19 PL1
* Maintainance release for mainly the rs6000

5.19 PL0
* 8 bit clean code, by using 16 bit strings.
* Mostly shared strings (a side-effect)
* Highlights everywhere (and in ls-F) filenames that contain characters
  with the eighth bit set (or passes them unchanged depending on the
  variable 'nometa')
* Newline in the prompt via %n.
* dirs takes also a -v flag for `vertical display'
* There is a new variable `listjobs' which controls if and how jobs
  are displayed when a new job is suspended. [Idea from the mtXinu 
  code, very useful for novice users who hit control-Z 10 times on
  the same job!]
  set listjobs=long, jobs -l is executed every time a job is suspended.
  set listjobs=short, jobs is executed every time a job is suspended.
* Passes lint... At least on a sun.