
# Public domain - 1997/1/10 - sms
#	@(#)Makefile	1.0 (2.11BSD) 1997/1/10
# DESTDIR is defined here to be something which does *NOT* exist - it must be
#  specified on the command line when doing a "make DESTDIR=/mnt distribution".
#  This is aimed at avoiding overwriting the system disk's /etc files.
# Example:
#	mount /dev/ra1a /mnt
#	make DESTDIR=/mnt distribution


SUBDIR= root uucp
FILES= aliases crontab disktab dtab fstab ftpusers gettytab group hosts \
	hosts.allow hosts.deny inetd.conf inetd.conf.nowrappers \
	motd netstart networks ntp.conf passwd phones printcap protocols \
	rc rc.local remote services shells syslog.conf ttys

all install depend lint clean tags:

	-@mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}/dev
	@chmod 755 ${DESTDIR}/dev
	-@mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}/etc
	@chmod 755 ${DESTDIR}/etc
	@chown ${OWN}.${GRP} ${DESTDIR}/dev ${DESTDIR}/etc
	-@mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}/usr/spool/mqueue
	@chmod 755 ${DESTDIR}/usr/spool/mqueue
	@chown ${OWN}.${GRP} ${DESTDIR}/usr/spool/mqueue

	install -c -o ${OWN} -g ${GRP} -m 644 ${FILES} ${DESTDIR}/etc
	install -c -o root -g wheel -m  600 master.passwd ${DESTDIR}/etc
	install -c -o ${OWN} -g ${GRP} -m 600 hosts.equiv ${DESTDIR}/etc
	install -c -o ${OWN} -g ${GRP} -m 555 MAKEDEV.local MAKEDEV \
	install -c -o ${OWN} -g operator -m 664 /dev/null \
	install -c -o ${OWN} -g operator -m 664 /dev/null \
	install -c -o ${OWN} -g operator -m 664 /dev/null \
	-@mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}/usr/adm ${DESTDIR}/var/run ${DESTDIR}/var/db
	@chmod 655 ${DESTDIR}/usr/adm ${DESTDIR}/var/run ${DESTDIR}/var/db
	@chown ${OWN}.${GRP} ${DESTDIR}/usr/adm ${DESTDIR}/var/run \
	install -c -o ${OWN} -g ${GRP} -m 644 /dev/null \
	install -c -o ${OWN} -g ${GRP} -m 644 /dev/null \
	install -c -o ${OWN} -g ${GRP} -m 644 /dev/null \
	install -c -o ${OWN} -g operator -m 664 /dev/null \
	install -c -o ${OWN} -g ${GRP} -m 644 /dev/null \
	install -c -o ${OWN} -g ${GRP} -m 644 /dev/null \
	install -c -o ${OWN} -g ${GRP} -m 644 /dev/null \
	install -c -o nobody -g ${GRP} -m 644 /dev/null \
	install -c -o ${OWN} -g ${GRP} -m 644 /dev/null \
	install -c -o ${OWN} -g ${GRP} -m 644 /dev/null \
	install -c -o ${OWN} -g ${GRP} -m 644 /dev/null \
	install -c -o ${OWN} -g ${GRP} -m 644 /dev/null \
	install -c -o ${OWN} -g ${GRP} -m 644 /dev/null \
	install -c -o uucp -g daemon -m 600 /dev/null \
	-for i in ${SUBDIR}; do \
		(cd $$i; make DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} distribution); done