# /* Re-coding of advent in C: file i/o and user i/o */ static char sccsid[] = " io.c 4.1 82/05/11 "; #include "hdr.h" #include <stdio.h> getin(wrd1,wrd2) /* get command from user */ char **wrd1,**wrd2; /* no prompt, usually */ { register char *s; static char wd1buf[MAXSTR],wd2buf[MAXSTR]; int first, numch; *wrd1=wd1buf; /* return ptr to internal string*/ *wrd2=wd2buf; wd2buf[0]=0; /* in case it isn't set here */ for (s=wd1buf, first=1, numch=0;;) { if ((*s=getchar())>='A' && *s <='Z') *s = *s - ('A' -'a'); /* convert to upper case */ if (feof(stdin)) { clearerr(stdin); continue; } switch(*s) /* start reading from user */ { case '\n': *s=0; return; case ' ': if (s==wd1buf||s==wd2buf) /* initial blank */ continue; *s=0; if (first) /* finished 1st wd; start 2nd */ { first=numch=0; s=wd2buf; break; } else /* finished 2nd word */ { FLUSHLINE; *s=0; return; } default: if (++numch>=MAXSTR) /* string too long */ { printf("Give me a break!!\n"); wd1buf[0]=wd2buf[0]=0; FLUSHLINE; return; } s++; } } } confirm(mesg) /* confirm irreversible action */ char *mesg; { register int result; printf("%s",mesg); /* tell him what he did */ if (getchar()=='y') /* was his first letter a 'y'? */ result=1; else result=0; FLUSHLINE; return(result); } yes(x,y,z) /* confirm with rspeak */ int x,y,z; { register int result; register char ch; for (;;) { rspeak(x); /* tell him what we want*/ if ((ch=getchar())=='y') result=TRUE; else if (ch=='n') result=FALSE; FLUSHLINE; if (ch=='y'|| ch=='n') break; printf("Please answer the question.\n"); } if (result==TRUE) rspeak(y); if (result==FALSE) rspeak(z); return(result); } yesm(x,y,z) /* confirm with mspeak */ int x,y,z; { register int result; register char ch; for (;;) { mspeak(x); /* tell him what we want*/ if ((ch=getchar())=='y') result=TRUE; else if (ch=='n') result=FALSE; FLUSHLINE; if (ch=='y'|| ch=='n') break; printf("Please answer the question.\n"); } if (result==TRUE) mspeak(y); if (result==FALSE) mspeak(z); return(result); } FILE *inbuf,*outbuf; int adrptr; /* current seek adr ptr */ int outsw = 0; /* putting stuff to data file? */ char iotape[] = "Ax3F'tt$8hqer*hnGKrX:!l"; char *tape = iotape; /* pointer to encryption tape */ next() /* next char frm file, bump adr */ { register char ch,t; adrptr++; /* seek address in file */ ch=getc(inbuf); if (outsw) /* putting data in tmp file */ { if (*tape==0) tape=iotape; /* rewind encryption tape */ putc(ch ^ *tape++,outbuf); /* encrypt & output char */ } return(ch); } char breakch; /* tell which char ended rnum */ rdata() /* read all data from orig file */ { register int sect; register char ch; if ((inbuf=fopen(DATFILE,"r"))==NULL) /* all the data lives in here */ { printf("Cannot open data file %s\n",DATFILE); exit(0); } if ((outbuf=fopen(TMPFILE,"w"))==NULL) /* the text lines will go here */ { printf("Cannot create output file %s\n",TMPFILE); exit(0); } setup=clsses=1; for (;;) /* read data sections */ { sect=next()-'0'; /* 1st digit of section number */ printf("Section %c",sect+'0'); if ((ch=next())!=LF) /* is there a second digit? */ { FLUSHLF; putchar(ch); sect=10*sect+ch-'0'; } putchar('\n'); switch(sect) { case 0: /* finished reading database */ fclose(inbuf); fclose(outbuf); return; case 1: /* long form descriptions */ rdesc(1); break; case 2: /* short form descriptions */ rdesc(2); break; case 3: /* travel table */ rtrav(); break; case 4: /* vocabulary */ rvoc(); break; case 5: /* object descriptions */ rdesc(5); break; case 6: /* arbitrary messages */ rdesc(6); break; case 7: /* object locations */ rlocs(); break; case 8: /* action defaults */ rdflt(); break; case 9: /* liquid assets */ rliq(); break; case 10: /* class messages */ rdesc(10); break; case 11: /* hints */ rhints(); break; case 12: /* magic messages */ rdesc(12); break; default: printf("Invalid data section number: %d\n",sect); for (;;) putchar(next()); } if (breakch!=LF) /* routines return after "-1" */ FLUSHLF; } } char nbf[12]; rnum() /* read initial location num */ { register char *s; tape = iotape; /* restart encryption tape */ for (s=nbf,*s=0;; s++) if ((*s=next())==TAB || *s=='\n' || *s==LF) break; breakch= *s; /* save char for rtrav() */ *s=0; /* got the number as ascii */ if (nbf[0]=='-') return(-1); /* end of data */ return(atoi(nbf)); /* convert it to integer */ } int seekhere = 1; /* initial seek for output file */ rdesc(sect) /* read description-format msgs */ int sect; { register char *s,*t; register int locc; int seekstart, maystart, adrstart; char *entry; outsw=1; /* these msgs go into tmp file */ if (sect==1) putc('X',outbuf); /* so seekadr > 0 */ adrptr=0; for (oldloc= -1, seekstart=seekhere;;) { maystart=adrptr; /* maybe starting new entry */ if ((locc=rnum())!=oldloc && oldloc>=0 /* finished msg */ && ! (sect==5 && (locc==0 || locc>=100)))/* unless sect 5*/ { switch(sect) /* now put it into right table */ { case 1: /* long descriptions */ ltext[oldloc].seekadr=seekhere; ltext[oldloc].txtlen=maystart-seekstart; break; case 2: /* short descriptions */ stext[oldloc].seekadr=seekhere; stext[oldloc].txtlen=maystart-seekstart; break; case 5: /* object descriptions */ ptext[oldloc].seekadr=seekhere; ptext[oldloc].txtlen=maystart-seekstart; break; case 6: /* random messages */ if (oldloc>RTXSIZ) { printf("Too many random msgs\n"); exit(0); } rtext[oldloc].seekadr=seekhere; rtext[oldloc].txtlen=maystart-seekstart; break; case 10: /* class messages */ ctext[clsses].seekadr=seekhere; ctext[clsses].txtlen=maystart-seekstart; cval[clsses++]=oldloc; break; case 12: /* magic messages */ if (oldloc>MAGSIZ) { printf("Too many magic msgs\n"); exit(0); } mtext[oldloc].seekadr=seekhere; mtext[oldloc].txtlen=maystart-seekstart; break; default: printf("rdesc called with bad section\n"); exit(0); } seekhere += maystart-seekstart; } if (locc<0) { outsw=0; /* turn off output */ seekhere += 3; /* -1<delimiter> */ return; } if (sect!=5 || (locc>0 && locc<100)) { if (oldloc!=locc)/* starting a new message */ seekstart=maystart; oldloc=locc; } FLUSHLF; /* scan the line */ } } rtrav() /* read travel table */ { register int locc; register struct travlist *t; register char *s; char buf[12]; int len,m,n,entries; for (oldloc= -1;;) /* get another line */ { if ((locc=rnum())!=oldloc && oldloc>=0) /* end of entry */ { t->next = 0; /* terminate the old entry */ /* printf("%d:%d entries\n",oldloc,entries); */ /* twrite(oldloc); */ } if (locc== -1) return; if (locc!=oldloc) /* getting a new entry */ { t=travel[locc]=(struct travlist *) malloc(sizeof (struct travlist)); /* printf("New travel list for %d\n",locc); */ entries=0; oldloc=locc; } for (s=buf;; *s++) /* get the newloc number /ASCII */ if ((*s=next())==TAB || *s==LF) break; *s=0; len=length(buf)-1; /* quad long number handling */ /* printf("Newloc: %s (%d chars)\n",buf,len); */ if (len<4) /* no "m" conditions */ { m=0; n=atoi(buf); /* newloc mod 1000 = newloc */ } else /* a long integer */ { n=atoi(buf+len-3); buf[len-3]=0; /* terminate newloc/1000 */ m=atoi(buf); } while (breakch!=LF) /* only do one line at a time */ { if (entries++) t=t->next=(struct travlist *) malloc(sizeof (struct travlist)); t->tverb=rnum();/* get verb from the file */ t->tloc=n; /* table entry mod 1000 */ t->conditions=m;/* table entry / 1000 */ /* printf("entry %d for %d\n",entries,locc); */ } } } twrite(loq) /* travel options from this loc */ int loq; { register struct travlist *t; printf("If"); speak(<ext[loq]); printf("then\n"); for (t=travel[loq]; t!=0; t=t->next) { printf("verb %d takes you to ",t->tverb); if (t->tloc<=300) speak(<ext[t->tloc]); else if (t->tloc<=500) printf("special code %d\n",t->tloc-300); else rspeak(t->tloc-500); printf("under conditions %d\n",t->conditions); } } rvoc() { register char *s; /* read the vocabulary */ register int index; char buf[6]; for (;;) { index=rnum(); if (index<0) break; for (s=buf,*s=0;; s++) /* get the word */ if ((*s=next())==TAB || *s=='\n' || *s==LF || *s==' ') break; /* terminate word with newline, LF, tab, blank */ if (*s!='\n' && *s!=LF) FLUSHLF; /* can be comments */ *s=0; /* printf("\"%s\"=%d\n",buf,index);*/ vocab(buf,-2,index); } /* prht(); */ } rlocs() /* initial object locations */ { for (;;) { if ((obj=rnum())<0) break; plac[obj]=rnum(); /* initial loc for this obj */ if (breakch==TAB) /* there's another entry */ fixd[obj]=rnum(); else fixd[obj]=0; } } rdflt() /* default verb messages */ { for (;;) { if ((verb=rnum())<0) break; actspk[verb]=rnum(); } } rliq() /* liquid assets &c: cond bits */ { register int bitnum; for (;;) /* read new bit list */ { if ((bitnum=rnum())<0) break; for (;;) /* read locs for bits */ { cond[rnum()] |= setbit[bitnum]; if (breakch==LF) break; } } } rhints() { register int hintnum,i; hntmax=0; for (;;) { if ((hintnum=rnum())<0) break; for (i=1; i<5; i++) hints[hintnum][i]=rnum(); if (hintnum>hntmax) hntmax=hintnum; } } rspeak(msg) int msg; { if (msg!=0) speak(&rtext[msg]); } mspeak(msg) int msg; { if (msg!=0) speak(&mtext[msg]); } doseek(offset) /* do 2 seeks to get to right place in the file */ unsigned offset; { extern unsigned filesize; lseek(datfd,(long)offset+(long)filesize, 0); #ifdef notdef blockadr=chadr=0; if (offset<0) /* right place is offset+filesize*/ { blockadr += 64; /* take off 32768 bytes */ chadr += offset+32768; /* & make them into 64 blocks */ } else chadr += offset; if (filesize<0) /* data starts after file */ { blockadr += 64; /* which may also be large */ chadr += filesize+32768; } else chadr += filesize; if (chadr<0) /* and the leftovers may be lge */ { blockadr += 64; chadr += 32768; } seek(datfd,blockadr,3); /* get within 32767 */ seek(datfd,chadr,1); /* then the rest of the way */ #endif } speak(msg) /* read, decrypt, and print a message (not ptext) */ struct text *msg;/* msg is a pointer to seek address and length of mess */ { register char *s,nonfirst; register char *tbuf; doseek(msg->seekadr); if ((tbuf=(char *) malloc(msg->txtlen+1))<0) bug(109); read(datfd,tbuf,msg->txtlen); s=tbuf; nonfirst=0; while (s-tbuf<msg->txtlen) /* read a line at a time */ { tape=iotape; /* restart decryption tape */ while ((*s++^*tape++)!=TAB); /* read past loc num */ /* assume tape is longer than location number */ /* plus the lookahead put together */ if ((*s^*tape)=='>' && (*(s+1)^*(tape+1))=='$' && (*(s+2)^*(tape+2))=='<') break; if (blklin&&!nonfirst++) putchar('\n'); do { if (*tape==0) tape=iotape;/* rewind decryp tape */ putchar(*s^*tape); } while ((*s++^*tape++)!=LF); /* better end with LF */ } free(tbuf); } pspeak(msg,skip) /* read, decrypt an print a ptext message */ int msg; /* msg is the number of all the p msgs for this place */ int skip; /* assumes object 1 doesn't have prop 1, obj 2 no prop 2 &c*/ { register char *s,nonfirst; register char *tbuf; char *numst; int lstr; doseek(ptext[msg].seekadr); if ((tbuf=(char *) malloc((lstr=ptext[msg].txtlen)+1))<0) bug(108); read(datfd,tbuf,lstr); s=tbuf; nonfirst=0; while (s-tbuf<lstr) /* read a line at a time */ { tape=iotape; /* restart decryption tape */ for (numst=s; (*s^= *tape++)!=TAB; s++); /* get number */ *s++=0; /* decrypting number within the string */ if (atoi(numst)!=100*skip && skip>=0) { while ((*s++^*tape++)!=LF) /* flush the line */ if (*tape==0) tape=iotape; continue; } if ((*s^*tape)=='>' && (*(s+1)^*(tape+1))=='$' && (*(s+2)^*(tape+2))=='<') break; if (blklin && ! nonfirst++) putchar('\n'); do { if (*tape==0) tape=iotape; putchar(*s^*tape); } while ((*s++^*tape++)!=LF); /* better end with LF */ if (skip<0) break; } free(tbuf); }