/* * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. */ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)move.c 5.1 (Berkeley) 5/29/85"; #endif not lint #include "back.h" #ifdef DEBUG #include <stdio.h> FILE *trace; static char tests[20]; #endif struct BOARD { /* structure of game position */ int b_board[26]; /* board position */ int b_in[2]; /* men in */ int b_off[2]; /* men off */ int b_st[4], b_fn[4]; /* moves */ struct BOARD *b_next; /* forward queue pointer */ }; struct BOARD *freeq = -1; struct BOARD *checkq = -1; struct BOARD *bsave(); struct BOARD *nextfree(); /* these variables are values for the * candidate move */ static int ch; /* chance of being hit */ static int op; /* computer's open men */ static int pt; /* comp's protected points */ static int em; /* farthest man back */ static int frc; /* chance to free comp's men */ static int frp; /* chance to free pl's men */ /* these values are the values for the * move chosen (so far) */ static int chance; /* chance of being hit */ static int openmen; /* computer's open men */ static int points; /* comp's protected points */ static int endman; /* farthest man back */ static int barmen; /* men on bar */ static int menin; /* men in inner table */ static int menoff; /* men off board */ static int oldfrc; /* chance to free comp's men */ static int oldfrp; /* chance to free pl's men */ static int cp[5]; /* candidate start position */ static int cg[5]; /* candidate finish position */ static int race; /* game reduced to a race */ move (okay) int okay; /* zero if first move */ { register int i; /* index */ register int l; /* last man */ if (okay) { /* see if comp should double */ if (gvalue < 64 && dlast != cturn && dblgood()) { writel (*Colorptr); dble(); /* double */ /* return if declined */ if (cturn != 1 && cturn != -1) return; } roll(); } race = 0; for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { if (board[i] < 0) l = i; } for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (board[i] > 0) break; } if (i == l) race = 1; /* print roll */ if (tflag) curmove (cturn == -1? 18: 19,0); writel (*Colorptr); writel (" rolls "); writec (D0+'0'); writec (' '); writec (D1+'0'); /* make tty interruptable * while thinking */ if (tflag) cline(); fixtty (noech); /* find out how many moves */ mvlim = movallow(); if (mvlim == 0) { writel (" but cannot use it.\n"); nexturn(); fixtty (raw); return; } /* initialize */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) cp[i] = cg[i] = 0; /* strategize */ trymove (0,0); pickmove(); /* print move */ writel (" and moves "); for (i = 0; i < mvlim; i++) { if (i > 0) writec (','); wrint (p[i] = cp[i]); writec ('-'); wrint (g[i] = cg[i]); makmove (i); } writec ('.'); /* print blots hit */ if (tflag) curmove (20,0); else writec ('\n'); for (i = 0; i < mvlim; i++) if (h[i]) wrhit(g[i]); /* get ready for next move */ nexturn(); if (!okay) { buflush(); sleep (3); } fixtty (raw); /* no more tty interrupt */ } trymove (mvnum,swapped) register int mvnum; /* number of move (rel zero) */ int swapped; /* see if swapped also tested */ { register int pos; /* position on board */ register int rval; /* value of roll */ /* if recursed through all dice * values, compare move */ if (mvnum == mvlim) { binsert (bsave()); return; } /* make sure dice in always * same order */ if (d0 == swapped) swap; /* choose value for this move */ rval = dice[mvnum != 0]; /* find all legitimate moves */ for (pos = bar; pos != home; pos += cturn) { /* fix order of dice */ if (d0 == swapped) swap; /* break if stuck on bar */ if (board[bar] != 0 && pos != bar) break; /* on to next if not occupied */ if (board[pos]*cturn <= 0) continue; /* set up arrays for move */ p[mvnum] = pos; g[mvnum] = pos+rval*cturn; if (g[mvnum]*cturn >= home) { if (*offptr < 0) break; g[mvnum] = home; } /* try to move */ if (makmove (mvnum)) continue; else trymove (mvnum+1,2); /* undo move to try another */ backone (mvnum); } /* swap dice and try again */ if ((!swapped) && D0 != D1) trymove (0,1); } struct BOARD * bsave () { register int i; /* index */ struct BOARD *now; /* current position */ now = nextfree (); /* get free BOARD */ /* store position */ for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) now->b_board[i] = board[i]; now->b_in[0] = in[0]; now->b_in[1] = in[1]; now->b_off[0] = off[0]; now->b_off[1] = off[1]; for (i = 0; i < mvlim; i++) { now->b_st[i] = p[i]; now->b_fn[i] = g[i]; } return (now); } binsert (new) struct BOARD *new; /* item to insert */ { register struct BOARD *p = checkq; /* queue pointer */ register int result; /* comparison result */ if (p == -1) { /* check if queue empty */ checkq = p = new; p->b_next = -1; return; } result = bcomp (new,p); /* compare to first element */ if (result < 0) { /* insert in front */ new->b_next = p; checkq = new; return; } if (result == 0) { /* duplicate entry */ mvcheck (p,new); makefree (new); return; } while (p->b_next != -1) { /* traverse queue */ result = bcomp (new,p->b_next); if (result < 0) { /* found place */ new->b_next = p->b_next; p->b_next = new; return; } if (result == 0) { /* duplicate entry */ mvcheck (p->b_next,new); makefree (new); return; } p = p->b_next; } /* place at end of queue */ p->b_next = new; new->b_next = -1; } bcomp (a,b) struct BOARD *a; struct BOARD *b; { register int *aloc = a->b_board; /* pointer to board a */ register int *bloc = b->b_board; /* pointer to board b */ register int i; /* index */ int result; /* comparison result */ for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { /* compare boards */ result = cturn*(aloc[i]-bloc[i]); if (result) return (result); /* found inequality */ } return (0); /* same position */ } mvcheck (incumbent,candidate) register struct BOARD *incumbent; register struct BOARD *candidate; { register int i; register int result; for (i = 0; i < mvlim; i++) { result = cturn*(candidate->b_st[i]-incumbent->b_st[i]); if (result > 0) return; if (result < 0) break; } if (i == mvlim) return; for (i = 0; i < mvlim; i++) { incumbent->b_st[i] = candidate->b_st[i]; incumbent->b_fn[i] = candidate->b_fn[i]; } } makefree (dead) struct BOARD *dead; /* dead position */ { dead->b_next = freeq; /* add to freeq */ freeq = dead; } struct BOARD * nextfree () { struct BOARD *new; if (freeq == -1) { new = calloc (1,sizeof (struct BOARD)); if (new == 0) { writel ("\nOut of memory\n"); getout(); } new->b_next = -1; return (new); } new = freeq; freeq = freeq->b_next; } pickmove () { /* current game position */ register struct BOARD *now = bsave(); register struct BOARD *next; /* next move */ #ifdef DEBUG if (trace == NULL) trace = fopen ("bgtrace","w"); fprintf (trace,"\nRoll: %d %d%s\n",D0,D1,race? " (race)": ""); fflush (trace); #endif do { /* compare moves */ bcopy (checkq); next = checkq->b_next; makefree (checkq); checkq = next; movcmp(); } while (checkq != -1); bcopy (now); } bcopy (s) register struct BOARD *s; /* game situation */ { register int i; /* index */ for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) board[i] = s->b_board[i]; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { in[i] = s->b_in[i]; off[i] = s->b_off[i]; } for (i = 0; i < mvlim; i++) { p[i] = s->b_st[i]; g[i] = s->b_fn[i]; } } movcmp () { register int i; register int c; #ifdef DEBUG if (trace == NULL) trace = fopen ("bgtrace","w"); #endif odds (0,0,0); if (!race) { ch = op = pt = 0; for (i = 1; i < 25; i++) { if (board[i] == cturn) ch = canhit (i,1); op += abs (bar-i); } for (i = bar+cturn; i != home; i += cturn) if (board[i]*cturn > 1) pt += abs(bar-i); frc = freemen (bar)+trapped (bar,cturn); frp = freemen (home)+trapped (home,-cturn); } for (em = bar; em != home; em += cturn) if (board[em]*cturn > 0) break; em = abs(home-em); #ifdef DEBUG fputs ("Board: ",trace); for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) fprintf (trace, " %d",board[i]); if (race) fprintf (trace,"\n\tem = %d\n",em); else fprintf (trace, "\n\tch = %d, pt = %d, em = %d, frc = %d, frp = %d\n", ch,pt,em,frc,frp); fputs ("\tMove: ",trace); for (i = 0; i < mvlim; i++) fprintf (trace," %d-%d",p[i],g[i]); fputs ("\n",trace); fflush (trace); strcpy (tests,""); #endif if ((cp[0] == 0 && cg[0] == 0) || movegood()) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf (trace,"\t[%s] ... wins.\n",tests); fflush (trace); #endif for (i = 0; i < mvlim; i++) { cp[i] = p[i]; cg[i] = g[i]; } if (!race) { chance = ch; openmen = op; points = pt; endman = em; barmen = abs(board[home]); oldfrc = frc; oldfrp = frp; } menin = *inptr; menoff = *offptr; } #ifdef DEBUG else { fprintf (trace,"\t[%s] ... loses.\n",tests); fflush (trace); } #endif } movegood () { register int n; if (*offptr == 15) return (1); if (menoff == 15) return (0); if (race) { #ifdef DEBUG strcat (tests,"o"); #endif if (*offptr-menoff) return (*offptr > menoff); #ifdef DEBUG strcat (tests,"e"); #endif if (endman-em) return (endman > em); #ifdef DEBUG strcat (tests,"i"); #endif if (menin == 15) return (0); if (*inptr == 15) return (1); #ifdef DEBUG strcat (tests,"i"); #endif if (*inptr-menin) return (*inptr > menin); return (rnum(2)); } else { n = barmen-abs(board[home]); #ifdef DEBUG strcat (tests,"c"); #endif if (abs(chance-ch)+25*n > rnum(150)) return (n? (n < 0): (ch < chance)); #ifdef DEBUG strcat (tests,"o"); #endif if (*offptr-menoff) return (*offptr > menoff); #ifdef DEBUG strcat (tests,"o"); #endif if (abs(openmen-op) > 7+rnum(12)) return (openmen > op); #ifdef DEBUG strcat (tests,"b"); #endif if (n) return (n < 0); #ifdef DEBUG strcat (tests,"e"); #endif if (abs(endman-em) > rnum(2)) return (endman > em); #ifdef DEBUG strcat (tests,"f"); #endif if (abs(frc-oldfrc) > rnum(2)) return (frc < oldfrc); #ifdef DEBUG strcat (tests,"p"); #endif if (abs(n = pt-points) > rnum(4)) return (n > 0); #ifdef DEBUG strcat (tests,"i"); #endif if (*inptr-menin) return (*inptr > menin); #ifdef DEBUG strcat (tests,"f"); #endif if (abs(frp-oldfrp) > rnum(2)) return (frp > oldfrp); return (rnum(2)); } }