# include <stdio.h> # include <ctype.h> # include "strfile.h" /* * This program takes a file composed of strings seperated by * lines starting with two consecutive delimiting character (default * character is '%') and creates another file which consists of a table * describing the file (structure from "strfile.h"), a table of seek * pointers to the start of the strings, and the strings, each terinated * by a null byte. Usage: * * % strfile [ - ] [ -cC ] [ -sv ] [ -oir ] sourcefile [ datafile ] * * - - Give a usage summary useful for jogging the memory * c - Change delimiting character from '%' to 'C' * s - Silent. Give no summary of data processed at the end of * the run. * v - Verbose. Give summary of data processed. (Default) * o - order the strings in alphabetic order * i - if ordering, ignore case * r - randomize the order of the strings * * Ken Arnold Sept. 7, 1978 -- * * Added method to indicate dividers. A "%-" will cause the address * to be added to the structure in one of the pointer elements. * * Ken Arnold Nov., 1984 -- * * Added ordering options. */ # define TRUE 1 # define FALSE 0 # define DELIM_CH '-' typedef struct { char first; long pos; } STR; char *Infile = NULL, /* input file name */ Outfile[100] = "", /* output file name */ Delimch = '%', /* delimiting character */ *Usage[] = { /* usage summary */ "usage: strfile [ - ] [ -cC ] [ -sv ] [ -oir ] inputfile [ datafile ]", " - - Give this usage summary", " c - Replace delimiting character with 'C'", " s - Silent. Give no summary", " v - Verbose. Give summary. (default)", " o - order strings alphabetically", " i - ignore case in ordering", " r - randomize the order of the strings", " Default \"datafile\" is inputfile.dat", NULL }; int Sflag = FALSE; /* silent run flag */ int Oflag = FALSE; /* ordering flag */ int Iflag = FALSE; /* ignore case flag */ int Rflag = FALSE; /* randomize order flag */ int Delim = 0; /* current delimiter number */ long *Seekpts; FILE *Sort_1, *Sort_2; /* pointers for sorting */ STRFILE Tbl; /* statistics table */ STR *Firstch; /* first chars of each string */ char *fgets(), *malloc(), *strcpy(), *strcat(); long ftell(); main(ac, av) int ac; char **av; { register char *sp, dc; register long *lp; register unsigned int curseek; /* number of strings */ register long *seekpts, li; /* table of seek pointers */ register FILE *inf, *outf; register int first; register char *nsp; register STR *fp; static char string[257]; getargs(ac, av); /* evalute arguments */ /* * initial counting of input file */ dc = Delimch; if ((inf = fopen(Infile, "r")) == NULL) { perror(Infile); exit(-1); } for (curseek = 0; (sp = fgets(string, 256, inf)) != NULL; ) if (*sp++ == dc && (*sp == dc || *sp == DELIM_CH)) curseek++; curseek++; /* * save space at begginning of file for tables */ if ((outf = fopen(Outfile, "w")) == NULL) { perror(Outfile); exit(-1); } /* * Allocate space for the pointers, adding one to the end so the * length of the final string can be calculated. */ ++curseek; seekpts = (long *) malloc(sizeof *seekpts * curseek); /* NOSTRICT */ if (seekpts == NULL) { perror("calloc"); exit(-1); } if (Oflag) { Firstch = (STR *) malloc(sizeof *Firstch * curseek); if (Firstch == NULL) { perror("calloc"); exit(-1); } } (void) fseek(outf, (long) (sizeof Tbl + sizeof *seekpts * curseek), 0); (void) fseek(inf, (long) 0, 0); /* goto start of input */ /* * write the strings onto the file */ Tbl.str_longlen = 0; Tbl.str_shortlen = (unsigned int) 0xffffffff; lp = seekpts; first = Oflag; *seekpts = ftell(outf); fp = Firstch; do { sp = fgets(string, 256, inf); if (sp == NULL || (*sp == dc && (sp[1] == dc || sp[1] == DELIM_CH))) { putc('\0', outf); *++lp = ftell(outf); li = ftell(outf) - lp[-1] - 1; if (Tbl.str_longlen < li) Tbl.str_longlen = li; if (Tbl.str_shortlen > li) Tbl.str_shortlen = li; if (sp && sp[1] == DELIM_CH && Delim < MAXDELIMS) Tbl.str_delims[Delim++] = lp - seekpts; first = Oflag; } else { if (first) { for (nsp = sp; !isalnum(*nsp); nsp++) continue; if (Iflag && isupper(*nsp)) fp->first = tolower(*nsp); else fp->first = *nsp; fp->pos = *lp; fp++; first = FALSE; } fputs(sp, outf); } } while (sp != NULL); /* * write the tables in */ (void) fclose(inf); Tbl.str_numstr = curseek - 1; if (Oflag) do_order(seekpts, outf); else if (Rflag) randomize(seekpts); (void) fseek(outf, (long) 0, 0); (void) fwrite((char *) &Tbl, sizeof Tbl, 1, outf); (void) fwrite((char *) seekpts, sizeof *seekpts, curseek, outf); (void) fclose(outf); if (!Sflag) { printf("\"%s\" converted to \"%s\"\n", Infile, Outfile); if (curseek == 0) puts("There was 1 string"); else printf("There were %u strings\n", curseek - 1); printf("Longest string: %u byte%s\n", Tbl.str_longlen, Tbl.str_longlen == 1 ? "" : "s"); printf("Shortest string: %u byte%s\n", Tbl.str_shortlen, Tbl.str_shortlen == 1 ? "" : "s"); } exit(0); } /* * This routine evaluates arguments from the command line */ getargs(ac, av) register int ac; register char **av; { register char *sp; register int i; register int bad, j; bad = 0; for (i = 1; i < ac; i++) if (*av[i] == '-' && av[i][1]) { for (sp = &av[i][1]; *sp; sp++) switch (*sp) { case 'c': /* new delimiting char */ if ((Delimch = *++sp) == '\0') { --sp; Delimch = *av[++i]; } if (Delimch <= 0 || Delimch > '~' || Delimch == DELIM_CH) { printf("bad delimiting character: '\\%o\n'", Delimch); bad++; } break; case 's': /* silent */ Sflag++; break; case 'v': /* verbose */ Sflag = 0; break; case 'o': /* order strings */ Oflag++; break; case 'i': /* ignore case in ordering */ Iflag++; break; case 'r': /* ignore case in ordering */ Rflag++; break; default: /* unknown flag */ bad++; printf("bad flag: '%c'\n", *sp); break; } } else if (*av[i] == '-') { for (j = 0; Usage[j]; j++) puts(Usage[j]); exit(0); } else if (Infile) (void) strcpy(Outfile, av[i]); else Infile = av[i]; if (!Infile) { bad++; puts("No input file name"); } if (*Outfile == '\0' && !bad) { (void) strcpy(Outfile, Infile); (void) strcat(Outfile, ".dat"); } if (bad) { puts("use \"strfile -\" to get usage"); exit(-1); } } /* * do_order: * Order the strings alphabetically (possibly ignoring case). */ do_order(seekpts, outf) long *seekpts; FILE *outf; { register int i; register long *lp; register STR *fp; extern int cmp_str(); (void) fflush(outf); Sort_1 = fopen(Outfile, "r"); Sort_2 = fopen(Outfile, "r"); Seekpts = seekpts; qsort((char *) Firstch, Tbl.str_numstr, sizeof *Firstch, cmp_str); i = Tbl.str_numstr; lp = seekpts; fp = Firstch; while (i--) *lp++ = fp++->pos; (void) fclose(Sort_1); (void) fclose(Sort_2); Tbl.str_flags |= STR_ORDERED; } /* * cmp_str: * Compare two strings in the file */ cmp_str(p1, p2) STR *p1, *p2; { register int c1, c2; c1 = p1->first; c2 = p2->first; if (c1 != c2) return c1 - c2; (void) fseek(Sort_1, p1->pos, 0); (void) fseek(Sort_2, p2->pos, 0); while (!isalnum(c1 = getc(Sort_1)) && c1 != '\0') continue; while (!isalnum(c2 = getc(Sort_2)) && c2 != '\0') continue; while (c1 != '\0' && c2 != '\0') { if (Iflag) { if (isupper(c1)) c1 = tolower(c1); if (isupper(c2)) c2 = tolower(c2); } if (c1 != c2) return c1 - c2; c1 = getc(Sort_1); c2 = getc(Sort_2); } return c1 - c2; } /* * randomize: * Randomize the order of the string table. We must be careful * not to randomize across delimiter boundaries. All * randomization is done within each block. */ randomize(seekpts) register long *seekpts; { register int cnt, i, j, start; register long tmp; register long *origsp; Tbl.str_flags |= STR_RANDOM; srnd(time((long *) NULL) + getpid()); origsp = seekpts; for (j = 0; j <= Delim; j++) { /* * get the starting place for the block */ if (j == 0) start = 0; else start = Tbl.str_delims[j - 1]; /* * get the ending point */ if (j == Delim) cnt = Tbl.str_numstr; else cnt = Tbl.str_delims[j]; /* * move things around randomly */ for (seekpts = &origsp[start]; cnt > start; cnt--, seekpts++) { i = rnd(cnt - start); tmp = seekpts[0]; seekpts[0] = seekpts[i]; seekpts[i] = tmp; } } }