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 * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
 * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
 * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.

#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)assorted.c	5.1 (Berkeley) 5/29/85";
#endif not lint

#include "externs.h"

table(rig, shot, hittable, on, from, roll)
struct ship *on, *from;
int rig, shot, hittable, roll;
	register int hhits = 0, chits = 0, ghits = 0, rhits = 0;
	int Ghit = 0, Hhit = 0, Rhit = 0, Chit = 0;
	int guns, car, pc, hull;
	int crew[3];
	register int n;
	int rigg[4];
	char *message;
	struct Tables *tp;

	pc = on->file->pcrew;
	hull = on->specs->hull;
	crew[0] = on->specs->crew1;
	crew[1] = on->specs->crew2;
	crew[2] = on->specs->crew3;
	rigg[0] = on->specs->rig1;
	rigg[1] = on->specs->rig2;
	rigg[2] = on->specs->rig3;
	rigg[3] = on->specs->rig4;
	if (shot == L_GRAPE)
		Chit = chits = hittable;
	else {
		tp = &(rig ? RigTable : HullTable)[hittable][roll-1];
		Chit = chits = tp->C;
		Rhit = rhits = tp->R;
		Hhit = hhits = tp->H;
		Ghit = ghits = tp->G;
		if (on->file->FS)
			rhits *= 2;
		if (shot == L_CHAIN) {
			Ghit = ghits = 0;
			Hhit = hhits = 0;
	if (on->file->captured != 0) {
		pc -= (chits + 1) / 2;
		chits /= 2;
	for (n = 0; n < 3; n++)
		if (chits > crew[n]) {
			chits -= crew[n];
			crew[n] = 0;
		} else {
			crew[n] -= chits;
			chits = 0;
	for (n = 0; n < 3; n++)
		if (rhits > rigg[n]){
			rhits -= rigg[n];
			rigg[n] = 0;
		} else {
			rigg[n] -= rhits;
			rhits = 0;
	if (rigg[3] != -1 && rhits > rigg[3]) {
		rhits -= rigg[3];
		rigg[3] = 0;
	} else if (rigg[3] != -1) {
		rigg[3] -= rhits;
	if (rig && !rigg[2] && (!rigg[3] || rigg[3] == -1))
		makesignal(on, "dismasted!", (struct ship *)0);
	if (portside(from, on, 0)) {
		guns = on->specs->gunR;
		car = on->specs->carR;
	} else {
		guns = on->specs->gunL;
		car = on->specs->carL;
	if (ghits > car) {
		ghits -= car;
		car = 0;
	} else {
		car -= ghits;
		ghits = 0;
	if (ghits > guns){
		ghits -= guns;
		guns = 0;
	} else {
		guns -= ghits;
		ghits = 0;
	hull -= ghits;
	if (Ghit)
		Write(portside(from, on, 0) ? W_GUNR : W_GUNL,
			on, 0, guns, car, 0, 0);
	hull -= hhits;
	hull = hull < 0 ? 0 : hull;
	if (on->file->captured != 0 && Chit)
		Write(W_PCREW, on, 0, pc, 0, 0, 0);
	if (Hhit)
		Write(W_HULL, on, 0, hull, 0, 0, 0);
	if (Chit)
		Write(W_CREW, on, 0, crew[0], crew[1], crew[2], 0);
	if (Rhit)
		Write(W_RIGG, on, 0, rigg[0], rigg[1], rigg[2], rigg[3]);
	switch (shot) {
	case L_ROUND:
		message = "firing round shot on %s (%c%c)";
	case L_GRAPE:
		message = "firing grape shot on %s (%c%c)";
	case L_CHAIN:
		message = "firing chain shot on %s (%c%c)";
	case L_DOUBLE:
		message = "firing double shot on %s (%c%c)";
	case L_EXPLODE:
		message = "exploding shot on %s (%c%c)";
	makesignal(from, message, on);
	if (roll == 6 && rig) {
		switch(Rhit) {
		case 0:
			message = "fore topsail sheets parted";
		case 1:
			message = "mizzen shrouds parted";
		case 2:
			message = "main topsail yard shot away";
		case 4:
			message = "fore topmast and foremast shrouds shot away";
		case 5:
			message = "mizzen mast and yard shot through";
		case 6:
			message = "foremast and spritsail yard shattered";
		case 7:
			message = "main topmast and mizzen mast shattered";
		makesignal(on, message, (struct ship *)0);
	} else if (roll == 6) {
		switch (Hhit) {
		case 0:
			message = "anchor cables severed";
		case 1:
			message = "two anchor stocks shot away";
		case 2:
			message = "quarterdeck bulwarks damaged";
		case 3:
			message = "three gun ports shot away";
		case 4:
			message = "four guns dismounted";
		case 5:
			message = "rudder cables shot through";
			Write(W_TA, on, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		case 6:
			message = "shot holes below the water line";
		makesignal(on, message, (struct ship *)0);
	if (Chit > 1 && on->file->readyL&R_INITIAL && on->file->readyR&R_INITIAL) {
		if (on->specs->qual <= 0) {
			makesignal(on, "crew mutinying!", (struct ship *)0);
			on->specs->qual = 5;
			Write(W_CAPTURED, on, 0, on->file->index, 0, 0, 0);
		} else 
			makesignal(on, "crew demoralized", (struct ship *)0);
		Write(W_QUAL, on, 0, on->specs->qual, 0, 0, 0);
	if (!hull)
		strike(on, from);

Cleansnag(from, to, all, flag)
register struct ship *from, *to;
char all, flag;
	if (flag & 1) {
		Write(W_UNGRAP, from, 0, to->file->index, all, 0, 0);
		Write(W_UNGRAP, to, 0, from->file->index, all, 0, 0);
	if (flag & 2) {
		Write(W_UNFOUL, from, 0, to->file->index, all, 0, 0);
		Write(W_UNFOUL, to, 0, from->file->index, all, 0, 0);
	if (!snagged2(from, to)) {
		if (!snagged(from)) {
			unboard(from, from, 1);		/* defense */
			unboard(from, from, 0);		/* defense */
		} else
			unboard(from, to, 0);		/* offense */
		if (!snagged(to)) {
			unboard(to, to, 1);		/* defense */
			unboard(to, to, 0);		/* defense */
		} else
			unboard(to, from, 0);		/* offense */

strike(ship, from)
register struct ship *ship, *from;
	int points;

	if (ship->file->struck)
	Write(W_STRUCK, ship, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
	points = ship->specs->pts + from->file->points;
	Write(W_POINTS, from, 0, points, 0, 0, 0);
	unboard(ship, ship, 0);		/* all offense */
	unboard(ship, ship, 1);		/* all defense */
	switch (die()) {
	case 3:
	case 4:		/* ship may sink */
		Write(W_SINK, ship, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
	case 5:
	case 6:		/* ship may explode */
		Write(W_EXPLODE, ship, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
	Write(W_SIGNAL, ship, 1, (int) "striking her colours!", 0, 0, 0);