## ## I wrote this Makefile, based on comments in the source. -rich $alz. ## Define INDEX to use index() in place of strchr() (v7, BSD). 1 = -DINDEX #1 = -UINDEX ## Define MEMCPY when an efficient memcpy() exists (SysV). 2 = -DMEMCPY #2 = -UMEMCPY ## Define MKDIR when a mkdir() system call is present (4.2BSD, SysVr3). 3 = -DMKDIR #3 = -UMKDIR ## Define NOVOID if your compiler doesn't like void casts. 4 = -DNOVOID #4 = -UNOVOID ## Define SYSTIME to use <sys/time.h> rather than <time.h> (4.2BSD). 5 = -DSYSTEM #5 = -USYSTEM ## Define VOIDFIX to allow pointers to functions returning void (non-PCC). #6 = -DVOIDFIX 6 = -UVOIDFIX ## Define CTC3B2 to support AT&T 3B2 streaming cartridge tape. #7 = -DCTC3B2 7 = -UCTC3B2 CFLAGS = $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 -O all: afio afio.0 afio: afio.o $(CC) -i $(CFLAGS) -o afio afio.o install: all install -s -c -m 0751 afio ${DESTDIR}/usr/local/afio install -c -m 444 -o bin -g bin afio.0 ${DESTDIR}/usr/local/man/cat1 afio.0: afio.1 rm -f afio.0 /usr/man/manroff afio.1 > afio.0 clean: rm -f *.o afio afio.0