
This file describes all the files that make up the mp distribution.

Directory mp: the pretty printer for mail, news articles and text files.

header.c            - mail and news header manipulation routines.
io.c                - input/output routines for mp.
main.c              - includes variable declarations and main().
misc.c              - miscelaneous routines used by mp.
print.c             - PostScript printing routines.

extern.h            - External declaractions.
mp.h                - Macro and constant definitions.
patchlevel.h        - Current patchlevel for this release of mp.

README              - describes what mp is, and how to get started.
Makefile.dist       - Master Makefile used to build mp on Unix systems.
mailp               - a shell script frontend for running mp.
MANIFEST            - tells you what archive part each file was posted in.
FILES               - what you're reading now.
CHANGES             - change history. Will be updated with each new patch.
TODO                - bugs and suggested enhancements. Volunteers?
mp.el               - emacs code to print with mp.

mp.common.ps        - mp prologue file containing routines common to all.
mp.pro.ps           - standard mp prologue file.
mp.pro.l.ps         - standard mp prologue file for landscape (2 columns).
mp.pro.alt.ps       - alternative mp prologue file.
mp.pro.altl.ps      - alternative style for landscape prologue file.
mp.pro.ff.ps        - mp Filofax prologue file.
mp.pro.fp.ps        - mp Franklin Planner prologue file.
mp.pro.tm.ps        - mp Time Manager prologue file.
mp.pro.ts.ps        - mp Time/System International prologue file.
mp.pro.old          - previous standard mp prologue file.
mp.pro.l.old        - previous standard mp prologue file for landscape mode.

mp.man              - the mp manual page (troff/nroff -man format).
mp.man.text         - plain text version of the mp manual page.
mailp.man           - the mailp manual page (troff/nroff -man format).
mailp.man.text       - plain text version of the mailp manual page.

Sub-directory Data: test data files for new versions of mp.
Data/Mail           - a mail article.
Data/MailFolder     - a simple mail folder.
Data/NewsArticle1   - a news article.
Data/NewsArticle2   - another news article.
Data/NewsDigest     - a digest of news articles.