/* * Initialize an MSDOS diskette. Read the boot sector, and switch to the * proper floppy disk device to match the format on the disk. Sets a bunch * of global variables. Returns 0 on success, or 1 on failure. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include "msdos.h" #define FULL_CYL #define WORD(x) ((boot->x)[0] + ((boot->x)[1] << 8)) #define DWORD(x) ((boot->x)[0] + ((boot->x)[1] << 8) + ((boot->x)[2] << 16) + ((boot->x)[3] << 24)) unsigned int num_clus; /* total number of cluster */ int num_fat; /* the number of FAT tables */ long disk_offset; /* skip this many bytes */ int fat_bits; /* the FAT encoding scheme */ extern int fd, fat_len, dir_len, dir_start, clus_size, dir_dirty, disk_dirty; extern int fat_error, disk_size; extern long disk_current; extern char *mcwd; extern unsigned char *fat_buf, *disk_buf, *dir_buf; extern struct device devices[]; static struct bootsector *read_boot(); int init(drive, mode) char drive; int mode; { int fat_start, tracks, heads, sectors, old_dos; char *malloc(), *name, *expand(); void perror(), exit(), reset_chain(), free(), fat_read(); struct bootsector *boot; struct device *dev; if (fd != -1) { close(fd); free((char *) fat_buf); free((char *) disk_buf); free((char *) dir_buf); } /* check out the drive letter */ dev = devices; while (dev->drive) { if (dev->drive == drive) break; dev++; } if (!dev->drive) { fprintf(stderr, "Drive '%c:' not supported\n", drive); return(1); } /* open the device */ while (dev->name) { if (dev->drive != drive) break; name = expand(dev->name); if ((fd = open(name, mode | dev->mode)) < 0) { perror("init: open"); exit(1); } /* set default parameters, if needed */ if (dev->gioctl) { if ((*(dev->gioctl)) (fd, dev->tracks, dev->heads, dev->sectors)) goto try_again; } /* read the boot sector */ disk_offset = dev->offset; if ((boot = read_boot()) == NULL) goto try_again; heads = WORD(nheads); sectors = WORD(nsect); if (heads && sectors) tracks = WORD(psect) / (unsigned) (heads * sectors); /* sanity checking */ old_dos = 0; if (!heads || heads > 100 || !sectors || sectors > 500 || tracks > 5000 || !boot->clsiz) { /* * The above technique will fail on diskettes that * have been formatted with very old MSDOS, so we * resort to the old table-driven method using the * media signature (first byte in FAT). */ unsigned char temp[MSECTOR_SIZE]; if (read(fd, (char *) temp, MSECTOR_SIZE) != MSECTOR_SIZE) temp[0] = '0'; switch (temp[0]) { case 0xfe: /* 160k */ tracks = 40; sectors = 8; heads = 1; dir_start = 3; dir_len = 4; clus_size = 1; fat_len = 1; num_clus = 313; break; case 0xfc: /* 180k */ tracks = 40; sectors = 9; heads = 1; dir_start = 5; dir_len = 4; clus_size = 1; fat_len = 2; num_clus = 351; break; case 0xff: /* 320k */ tracks = 40; sectors = 8; heads = 2; dir_start = 3; dir_len = 7; clus_size = 2; fat_len = 1; num_clus = 315; break; case 0xfd: /* 360k */ tracks = 40; sectors = 9; heads = 2; dir_start = 5; dir_len = 7; clus_size = 2; fat_len = 2; num_clus = 354; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Probable non-MSDOS disk\n"); close(fd); fd = -1; return(1); } fat_start = 1; num_fat = 2; old_dos = 1; } /* check the parameters */ if (dev->tracks && !dev->gioctl) { if (dev->tracks == tracks && dev->heads == heads && dev->sectors == sectors) break; } else break; try_again: close(fd); fd = -1; dev++; } if (fd == -1) { if (boot != NULL && dev->tracks) fprintf(stderr, "No support for %d tracks, %d heads, %d sector diskettes\n", tracks, heads, sectors); return(1); } /* set new parameters, if needed */ if (dev->gioctl) { if ((*(dev->gioctl)) (fd, tracks, heads, sectors)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't set disk parameters\n"); close(fd); fd = -1; return(1); } } /* * all numbers are in sectors, except num_clus (which is in clusters) */ if (!old_dos) { clus_size = boot->clsiz; fat_start = WORD(nrsvsect); fat_len = WORD(fatlen); dir_start = fat_start + (boot->nfat * fat_len); dir_len = WORD(dirents) * MDIR_SIZE / (unsigned) MSECTOR_SIZE; /* * For DOS partitions > 32M */ if (WORD(psect) == 0) num_clus = (unsigned int) (DWORD(bigsect) - dir_start - dir_len) / clus_size; else num_clus = (unsigned int) (WORD(psect) - dir_start - dir_len) / clus_size; num_fat = boot->nfat; } /* more sanity checking */ if (clus_size * MSECTOR_SIZE > MAX_CLUSTER) { fprintf(stderr, "Cluster size of %d is larger than max of %d\n", clus_size * MSECTOR_SIZE, MAX_CLUSTER); close(fd); fd = -1; return(1); } if (!old_dos && WORD(secsiz) != MSECTOR_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "Sector size of %d is not supported\n", WORD(secsiz)); close(fd); fd = -1; return(1); } /* full cylinder buffering */ #ifdef FULL_CYL disk_size = (dev->tracks) ? (sectors * heads) : 1; #else /* FULL_CYL */ disk_size = (dev->tracks) ? sectors : 1; #endif /* FULL_CYL */ /* * The driver in Dell's SVR4 v2.01 is unreliable with large writes. */ #ifdef DELL disk_size = 1; #endif /* DELL */ disk_buf = (unsigned char *) malloc((unsigned int) disk_size * MSECTOR_SIZE); if (disk_buf == NULL) { perror("init: malloc"); exit(1); } /* read the FAT sectors */ disk_current = -1000L; disk_dirty = 0; fat_error = 0; fat_bits = dev->fat_bits; fat_read(fat_start); /* set dir_chain[] to root directory */ dir_dirty = 0; reset_chain(NEW); return(0); } /* * Fix the info in the MCWD file to be a proper directory name. Always * has a leading separator. Never has a trailing separator (unless it is * the path itself). */ char * fix_mcwd() { FILE *fp; struct stat sbuf; char *s, *strcpy(), *strcat(), *mcwd_path, *getenv(), *strncpy(); char buf[BUFSIZ], *file, *expand(); static char ans[MAX_PATH]; long now, time(); mcwd_path = getenv("MCWD"); if (mcwd_path == NULL || *mcwd_path == '\0') mcwd_path = "$HOME/.mcwd"; file = expand(mcwd_path); if (stat(file, &sbuf) < 0) return("A:/"); /* * Ignore the info, if the file is more than 6 hours old */ time(&now); if (now - sbuf.st_mtime > 6 * 60 * 60) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: \"%s\" is out of date, contents ignored\n", file); return("A:/"); } if (!(fp = fopen(file, "r"))) return("A:/"); if (!fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, fp)) return("A:/"); buf[strlen(buf) -1] = '\0'; fclose(fp); /* drive letter present? */ s = buf; if (buf[0] && buf[1] == ':') { strncpy(ans, buf, 2); ans[2] = '\0'; s = &buf[2]; } else strcpy(ans, "A:"); /* add a leading separator */ if (*s != '/' && *s != '\\') { strcat(ans, "/"); strcat(ans, s); } else strcat(ans, s); /* translate to upper case */ for (s = ans; *s; ++s) { if (islower(*s)) *s = toupper(*s); if (*s == '\\') *s = '/'; } /* if only drive, colon, & separator */ if (strlen(ans) == 3) return(ans); /* zap the trailing separator */ if (*--s == '/') *s = '\0'; return(ans); } /* * Read the boot sector. We glean the disk parameters from this sector. */ static struct bootsector * read_boot() { long lseek(); static struct bootsector boot; if (lseek(fd, disk_offset, 0) < 0) return(NULL); /* read the first sector */ if (read(fd, (char *) &boot, MSECTOR_SIZE) != MSECTOR_SIZE) return(NULL); return(&boot); }