
# Copyright (c) 1990 Michael A. Cooper.
# This software may be freely distributed provided it is not sold for 
# profit and the author is credited appropriately.
# $Header: /src/common/usc/bin/qterm/RCS/Makefile,v 5.1 1991/02/20 02:31:50 mcooper Exp $
# Makefile for QTerm

# DIR is the main/top-level directory.
# If you change DIR, run "make reconfig".
DIR = /usr/local

# BIN is were the "qterm" binary gets installed.
BIN = $(DIR)

# MAN is the directory where the "qterm.1" man page goes.
MAN = $(DIR)/man/cat1

# TABFILE should be set to the location you want the qterm table
# file placed in.
TABFILE = $(DIR)/lib/qtermtab

# Add "-DUSG5" to DEFS below, if your system is Unix System V.
# Add "-DHAS_VARARGS" if your system supports varargs.
# Add "-DOPT_COMPAT" if you want compatibility with old command line options.

# On some System V systems you will need to add "-lPW" to LIBS.
LIBS	= -lc

CONFIGFILES	= Makefile qterm.1 options.3
CFILES 		= qterm.c options.c
HFILES		= qterm.h options.h
OBJS 		= qterm.o options.o
LD		= ld

.c.o :
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

all:	qterm qterm.0

qterm: $(OBJS) $(HFILES)
	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) /lib/crt0.o -o qterm $(OBJS) $(LIBS)

	-@for i in $(CONFIGFILES); do \
                echo ReConfiguring $$i...;\
		sed "s;/usr/local;$(DIR);g" < $$i > $$i.tmp;\
		mv -f $$i.tmp $$i;\


	/usr/man/manroff qterm.1 > qterm.0

	shar README qtermtab $(CONFIGFILES) $(CFILES) $(HFILES) > qterm.shar

	rm -f *.o core log *~ \#* qterm qterm.shar o qterm.0

# Install target for BSD machines.
install: qterm qterm.0 qtermtab
	install -c -m 755 qterm $(BIN)
	install -c -m 644 qterm.0 $(MAN)
	install -c -m 644 qtermtab $(TABFILE)

# Install target for System V machines.
install.usg5: qterm qterm.1 qtermtab
	cp qterm $(BIN); chmod 755 $(BIN)/qterm
	cp qterm.1 $(MAN); chmod 644 $(MAN)/qterm.1
	cp qtermtab $(TABFILE); chmod 644 $(TABFILE)