
.xx "intro" "introduction to commands"
.xx "adb" "debugger"
.xx "addbib" "create or extend bibliographic database"
.xx "apply" "apply a command to a set of arguments"
.xx "apropos" "locate commands by keyword lookup"
.xx "ar" "archive and library maintainer"
.xx "as" "VAX-11 assembler"
.xx "at" "execute commands at a later time"
.xx "atq" "print the queue of jobs waiting to be run"
.xx "atrm" "remove jobs spooled by at"
.xx "awk" "pattern scanning and processing language"
.xx "basename" "strip filename affixes"
.xx "bc" "arbitrary-precision arithmetic language"
.xx "bib" "bibliographic formatter; list bibliographic reference items"
.xx "biff" "be notified if mail arrives and who it is from"
.xx "binmail" "send or receive mail among users"
.xx "cal" "print calendar"
.xx "calendar" "reminder service"
.xx "cat" "catenate and print"
.xx "cb" "C program beautifier"
.xx "cc" "C compiler"
.xx "cd" "change working directory"
.xx "checknr" "check nroff/troff files"
.xx "chfn" "change password file information"
.xx "chgrp" "change group"
.xx "chmod" "change mode"
.xx "chsh" "change password file information"
.xx "clear" "clear terminal screen"
.xx "cmp" "compare two files"
.xx "col" "filter reverse line feeds"
.xx "colcrt" "filter nroff output for CRT previewing"
.xx "colrm" "remove columns from a file"
.xx "comm" "select or reject lines common to two sorted files"
.xx "compress" "compress and expand data"
.xx "cp" "copy"
.xx "crypt" "encode/decode"
.xx "csh" "a shell (command interpreter) with C-like syntax"
.xx "ctags" "create a tags file"
.xx "date" "print and set the date"
.xx "dbx" "debugger"
.xx "dc" "desk calculator"
.xx "dd" "convert and copy a file"
.xx "deroff" "remove nroff, troff, tbl and eqn constructs"
.xx "df" "disk free"
.xx "diction" "print wordy sentences; thesaurus for diction"
.xx "diff" "differential file and directory comparator"
.xx "diff3" "3-way differential file comparison"
.xx "du" "summarize disk usage"
.xx "echo" "echo arguments"
.xx "ed" "text editor"
.xx "efl" "Extended Fortran Language"
.xx "eqn" "typeset mathematics"
.xx "error" "analyze and disperse compiler error messages"
.xx "ex" "text editor"
.xx "expand" "expand tabs to spaces, and vice versa"
.xx "expr" "evaluate arguments as an expression"
.xx "f77" "Fortran 77 compiler"
.xx "false" "provide truth values"
.xx "file" "determine file type"
.xx "find" "find files"
.xx "finger" "user information lookup program"
.xx "fmt" "simple text formatter"
.xx "fold" "fold long lines for finite width output device"
.xx "fp" "Functional Programming language compiler/interpreter"
.xx "fpr" "print Fortran file"
.xx "from" "who is my mail from?"
.xx "fsplit" "split a multi-routine Fortran file into individual files"
.xx "ftp" "ARPANET file transfer program"
.xx "gcore" "get core images of running processes"
.xx "gprof" "display call graph profile data"
.xx "graph" "draw a graph"
.xx "grep" "search a file for a pattern"
.xx "groups" "show group memberships"
.xx "head" "give first few lines"
.xx "hostid" "set or print identifier of current host system"
.xx "hostname" "set or print name of current host system"
.xx "indent" "indent and format C program source"
.xx "install" "install binaries"
.xx "iostat" "report I/O statistics"
.xx "join" "relational database operator"
.xx "jove" "an interactive display-oriented text editor"
.xx "kill" "terminate a process with extreme prejudice"
.xx "last" "indicate last logins of users and teletypes"
.xx "lastcomm" "show last commands executed in reverse order"
.xx "ld" "link editor"
.xx "learn" "computer aided instruction about UNIX"
.xx "leave" "remind you when you have to leave"
.xx "lex" "generator of lexical analysis programs"
.xx "lint" "a C program verifier"
.xx "lisp" "lisp interpreter"
.xx "liszt" "compile a Franz Lisp program"
.xx "ln" "make links"
.xx "lock" "reserve a terminal"
.xx "logger" "make entries in the system log"
.xx "login" "sign on"
.xx "look" "find lines in a sorted list"
.xx "lookbib" "build inverted index for a bibliography, find references in a bibliography"
.xx "lorder" "find ordering relation for an object library"
.xx "lpq" "spool queue examination program"
.xx "lpr" "off line print"
.xx "lprm" "remove jobs from the line printer spooling queue"
.xx "lptest" "generate lineprinter ripple pattern"
.xx "ls" "list contents of directory"
.xx "lxref" "lisp cross reference program"
.xx "m4" "macro processor"
.xx "mail" "send and receive mail"
.xx "make" "maintain program groups"
.xx "man" "find manual information by keywords; print out the manual"
.xx "mesg" "permit or deny messages"
.xx "mh" "Message Handler"
.xx "mkdir" "make a directory"
.xx "mkstr" "create an error message file by massaging C source"
.xx "more" "file perusal filter for crt viewing"
.xx "mset" "retrieve ASCII to IBM 3270 keyboard map"
.xx "msgs" "system messages and junk mail program"
.xx "mt" "magnetic tape manipulating program"
.xx "mv" "move or rename files"
.xx "netstat" "show network status"
.xx "newaliases" "rebuild the data base for the mail aliases file"
.xx "nice" "run a command at low priority (\fIsh\fR only)"
.xx "nm" "print name list"
.xx "notes" "a news system"
.xx "nroff" "text formatting"
.xx "od" "octal, decimal, hex, ascii dump"
.xx "pagesize" "print system page size"
.xx "passwd" "change password file information"
.xx "patch" "a program for applying a diff file to an original"
.xx "pc" "Pascal compiler"
.xx "pdx" "pascal debugger"
.xx "pi" "Pascal interpreter code translator"
.xx "pix" "Pascal interpreter and executor"
.xx "plot" "graphics filters"
.xx "pmerge" "pascal file merger"
.xx "pr" "print file"
.xx "printenv" "print out the environment"
.xx "prof" "display profile data"
.xx "ps" "process status"
.xx "ptx" "permuted index"
.xx "pwd" "working directory name"
.xx "px" "Pascal interpreter"
.xx "pxp" "Pascal execution profiler"
.xx "pxref" "Pascal cross-reference program"
.xx "quota" "display disc usage and limits"
.xx "ranlib" "convert archives to random libraries"
.xx "ratfor" "rational Fortran dialect"
.xx "rcp" "remote file copy"
.xx "rcsintro" "introduction to RCS commands"
.xx "rdist" "remote file distribution program"
.xx "readnews" "read news articles"
.xx "refer" "find and insert literature references in documents"
.xx "rev" "reverse lines of a file"
.xx "rlogin" "remote login"
.xx "rm" "remove (unlink) files or directories"
.xx "rmail" "handle remote mail received via uucp"
.xx "rmdir" "remove (unlink) directories or files"
.xx "roffbib" "run off bibliographic database"
.xx "rsh" "remote shell"
.xx "ruptime" "show host status of local machines"
.xx "rwho" "who's logged in on local machines"
.xx "sccs" "front end for the SCCS subsystem"
.xx "script" "make typescript of terminal session"
.xx "sed" "stream editor"
.xx "sendbug" "mail a system bug report to 4bsd-bugs"
.xx "sh" "command language"
.xx "size" "size of an object file"
.xx "sleep" "suspend execution for an interval"
.xx "soelim" "eliminate \&.so's from nroff input"
.xx "sort" "sort or merge files"
.xx "sortbib" "sort bibliographic database"
.xx "spell" "find spelling errors"
.xx "spline" "interpolate smooth curve"
.xx "split" "split a file into pieces"
.xx "strings" "find the printable strings in a object, or other binary, file"
.xx "strip" "remove symbols and relocation bits"
.xx "struct" "structure Fortran programs"
.xx "stty" "set terminal options"
.xx "style" "analyze surface characteristics of a document"
.xx "su" "substitute user id temporarily"
.xx "sum" "sum and count blocks in a file"
.xx "symorder" "rearrange name list"
.xx "sysline" "display system status on status line of a terminal"
.xx "systat" "display system statistics on a crt"
.xx "tabs" "set terminal tabs"
.xx "tail" "deliver the last part of a file"
.xx "talk" "talk to another user"
.xx "tar" "tape archiver"
.xx "tbl" "format tables for nroff or troff"
.xx "tc" "photoypesetter simulator"
.xx "tcopy" "copy a mag tape"
.xx "tee" "pipe fitting"
.xx "telnet" "user interface to the TELNET protocol"
.xx "test" "condition command"
.xx "tftp" "trivial file transfer program"
.xx "time" "time a command"
.xx "tip" "connect to a remote system"
.xx "tk" "paginator for the Tektronix 4014"
.xx "tn3270" "full-screen remote login to IBM VM/CMS"
.xx "touch" "update date last modified of a file"
.xx "tp" "manipulate tape archive"
.xx "tr" "translate characters"
.xx "troff" "text formatting and typesetting"
.xx "true" "provide truth values"
.xx "tset" "terminal dependent initialization"
.xx "tsort" "topological sort"
.xx "tty" "get terminal name"
.xx "ul" "do underlining"
.xx "unifdef" "remove ifdef'ed lines"
.xx "uniq" "report repeated lines in a file"
.xx "units" "conversion program"
.xx "uptime" "show how long system has been up"
.xx "users" "compact list of users who are on the system"
.xx "uucp" "unix to unix copy"
.xx "uuencode" "encode/decode a binary file for transmission via mail"
.xx "uulog" "display UUCP log files"
.xx "uuname" "list names of UUCP hosts"
.xx "uuq" "examine or manipulate the uucp queue"
.xx "uusend" "send a file to a remote host"
.xx "uux" "unix to unix command execution"
.xx "vacation" "return ``I am on vacation'' indication"
.xx "vgrind" "grind nice listings of programs"
.xx "vi" "screen oriented (visual) display editor based on ex"
.xx "vlp" "Format Lisp programs to be printed with nroff, vtroff, or troff"
.xx "vmstat" "report virtual memory statistics"
.xx "vnews" "read news articles"
.xx "vwidth" "make troff width table for a font"
.xx "w" "who is on and what they are doing"
.xx "wait" "await completion of process"
.xx "wall" "write to all users"
.xx "wc" "word count"
.xx "what" "show what versions of object modules were used to construct a file"
.xx "whatis" "describe what a command is"
.xx "whereis" "locate source, binary, and or manual for program"
.xx "which" "locate a program file including aliases and paths (\fIcsh\fR only)"
.xx "who" "who is on the system"
.xx "whoami" "print effective current user id"
.xx "whois" "DARPA Internet user name directory service"
.xx "window" "window environment"
.xx "write" "write to another user"
.xx "xsend" "secret mail"
.xx "xstr" "extract strings from C programs to implement shared strings"
.xx "yacc" "yet another compiler-compiler"
.xx "yes" "be repetitively affirmative"