
.xx "intro" "introduction to FORTRAN library functions"
.xx "abort" "abnormal termination"
.xx "access" "determine accessability of a file"
.xx "alarm" "execute a subroutine after a specified time"
.xx "bessel" "of two kinds for integer orders"
.xx "bit" "and, or, xor, not, rshift, lshift bitwise functions"
.xx "chdir" "change default directory"
.xx "chmod" "change mode of a file"
.xx "etime" "return elapsed execution time"
.xx "exit" "terminate process with status"
.xx "fdate" "return date and time in an ASCII string"
.xx "flmin" "return extreme values"
.xx "flush" "flush output to a logical unit"
.xx "fork" "create a copy of this process"
.xx "fseek" "reposition a file on a logical unit"
.xx "getarg" "return command line arguments"
.xx "getc" "get a character from a logical unit"
.xx "getcwd" "get pathname of current working directory"
.xx "getenv" "get value of environment variables"
.xx "getlog" "get user's login name"
.xx "getpid" "get process id"
.xx "getuid" "get user or group ID of the caller"
.xx "hostnm" "get name of current host"
.xx "idate" "return date or time in numerical form"
.xx "index" "tell about character objects"
.xx "ioinit" "change f77 I/O initialization"
.xx "kill" "send a signal to a process"
.xx "link" "make a link to an existing file"
.xx "loc" "return the address of an object"
.xx "long" "integer object conversion"
.xx "malloc" "memory allocator"
.xx "perror" "get system error messages"
.xx "plot" "f77 library interface to \fIplot\fR (3X) libraries."
.xx "putc" "write a character to a fortran logical unit"
.xx "qsort" "quick sort"
.xx "rand" "return random values"
.xx "random" "better random number generator"
.xx "rename" "rename a file"
.xx "signal" "change the action for a signal"
.xx "sleep" "suspend execution for an interval"
.xx "stat" "get file status"
.xx "system" "execute a UNIX command"
.xx "time" "return system time"
.xx "topen" "f77 tape I/O"
.xx "traper" "trap arithmetic errors"
.xx "trapov" "trap and repair floating point overflow"
.xx "trpfpe" "trap and repair floating point faults"
.xx "ttynam" "find name of a terminal port"
.xx "unlink" "remove a directory entry"
.xx "wait" "wait for a process to terminate"