
# This program is Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988 by Jonathan Payne.  JOVE #
# is provided to you without charge, and with no warranty.  You may give  #
# away copies of JOVE, including sources, provided that this notice is    #
# included in all the files.                                              #

MEM = L  			# M for medium or L for large
DEB = -Gs -Ot		# use -Zi and MEM = M for debugging
# define LINT_ARGS to use function prototypes
# linker flags: for debugging use /NOE/NOI/F/B/PAC/CO/STACK:0x2000
# set VPATH as below if you have sources in SRC
SRC = .
# VPATH = .;..	# should read .;$(SRC) - but doesn't work

OBJECTS = keymaps.obj funcdefs.obj abbrev.obj ask.obj buf.obj c.obj \
	case.obj ctype.obj delete.obj extend.obj argcount.obj \
	insert.obj io.obj jove.obj macros.obj marks.obj misc.obj move.obj \
	paragrap.obj proc.obj re.obj re1.obj scandir.obj \
	table.obj tune.obj util.obj vars.obj wind.obj \
	fmt.obj disp.obj term.obj version.obj fp.obj screen.obj getch.obj

HEADERS = ctype.h io.h jove.h re.h table.h temp.h termcap.h tune.h externs.h

jove.exe:	$(OBJECTS) $(HEADERS)
	link $(OBJECTS) $(LIB)\setargv,jove $(LDFLAGS);


setmaps.exe:	setmaps.obj funcdefs.c
	cl setmaps.obj

setmaps.obj:	funcdefs.c keymaps.txt
	cl $(CFLAGS) $(SRC)\setmaps.c

keymaps.c:	setmaps.exe keymaps.txt
	setmaps < keymaps.txt > keymaps.c

keymaps.obj:	keymaps.c jove.h
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I$(SRC) -c keymaps.c

# to avoid accidental loss under unix
tune.c:	tune.dos
	copy tune.dos tune.c

tune.obj: tune.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I$(SRC) -c tune.c

	-rm *.obj setmaps.exe keymaps.c *.bak *.map