/*************************************************************************** * This program is Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988 by Jonathan Payne. JOVE * * is provided to you without charge, and with no warranty. You may give * * away copies of JOVE, including sources, provided that this notice is * * included in all the files. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "jove.h" #include "termcap.h" #include "ctype.h" #include <signal.h> #ifdef MAC # include "mac.h" #else # include <varargs.h> # ifdef F_COMPLETION # include <sys/stat.h> # endif #endif /* MAC */ #ifdef MAC # undef private # define private #endif #ifdef LINT_ARGS private Buffer * get_minibuf(void); private char * real_ask(char *, int (*)(), char *, char *); private int f_complete(int), bad_extension(char *), crush_bads(char **, int), isdir(char *); private void fill_in(char **, int), EVexpand(void); #else private Buffer * get_minibuf(); private char * real_ask(); private int f_complete(), bad_extension(), crush_bads(), isdir(); private void fill_in(), EVexpand(); #endif /* LINT_ARGS */ #ifdef MAC # undef private # define private static #endif int AbortChar = CTL('G'), DoEVexpand = NO; /* should we expand evironment variables? */ int Asking = NO; char Minibuf[LBSIZE]; private Line *CurAskPtr = 0; /* points at some line in mini-buffer */ private Buffer *AskBuffer = 0; /* Askbuffer points to actual structure */ /* The way the mini-buffer works is this: The first line of the mini-buffer is where the user does his stuff. The rest of the buffer contains strings that the user often wants to use, for instance, file names, or common search strings, etc. If he types C-N or C-P while in ask(), we bump the point up or down a line and extract the contents (we make sure is somewhere in the mini-buffer). */ static Buffer * get_minibuf() { if (AskBuffer) { /* make sure ut still exists */ register Buffer *b; for (b = world; b != 0; b = b->b_next) if (b == AskBuffer) return b; } AskBuffer = do_select((Window *) 0, "*minibuf*"); AskBuffer->b_type = B_SCRATCH; return AskBuffer; } /* Add a string to the mini-buffer. */ void minib_add(str, movedown) char *str; { register Buffer *saveb = curbuf; SetBuf(get_minibuf()); LineInsert(1); ins_str(str, NO); if (movedown) CurAskPtr = curline; SetBuf(saveb); } /* look for any substrings of the form $foo in linebuf, and expand them according to their value in the environment (if possible) - this munges all over curchar and linebuf without giving it a second thought (I must be getting lazy in my old age) */ private void EVexpand() { register int c; register char *lp = linebuf, *ep; char varname[128], *vp, *lp_start; Mark *m = MakeMark(curline, curchar, M_FLOATER); while (c = *lp++) { if (c != '$') continue; lp_start = lp - 1; /* the $ */ vp = varname; while (c = *lp++) { if (!isword(c)) break; *vp++ = c; } *vp = '\0'; /* if we find an env. variable with the right name, we insert it in linebuf, and then delete the variable name that we're replacing - and then we continue in case there are others ... */ if (ep = getenv(varname)) { curchar = lp_start - linebuf; ins_str(ep, NO); del_char(FORWARD, strlen(varname) + 1); lp = linebuf + curchar; } } ToMark(m); DelMark(m); } private char * real_ask(delim, d_proc, def, prompt) char *delim, *def, *prompt; int (*d_proc)(); { static int InAsk = 0; jmp_buf savejmp; int c, prompt_len; Buffer *saveb = curbuf; int abort = 0, no_typed = 0; data_obj *push_cmd = LastCmd; int o_a_v = arg_value(), o_i_an_a = is_an_arg(); #ifdef MAC menus_off(); #endif if (InAsk) complain((char *) 0); push_env(savejmp); InAsk += 1; SetBuf(get_minibuf()); if (!inlist(AskBuffer->b_first, CurAskPtr)) CurAskPtr = curline; prompt_len = strlen(prompt); ToFirst(); /* Beginning of buffer. */ linebuf[0] = '\0'; modify(); makedirty(curline); if (setjmp(mainjmp)) if (InJoverc) { /* this is a kludge */ abort = YES; goto cleanup; } for (;;) { clr_arg_value(); last_cmd = this_cmd; init_strokes(); cont: s_mess("%s%s", prompt, linebuf); Asking = curchar + prompt_len; c = getch(); if ((c == EOF) || index(delim, c)) { if (DoEVexpand) EVexpand(); if (d_proc == (int(*)())0 || (*d_proc)(c) == 0) goto cleanup; } else if (c == AbortChar) { message("[Aborted]"); abort = YES; goto cleanup; } else switch (c) { case CTL('N'): case CTL('P'): if (CurAskPtr != 0) { int n = (c == CTL('P') ? -arg_value() : arg_value()); CurAskPtr = next_line(CurAskPtr, n); if (CurAskPtr == curbuf->b_first && CurAskPtr->l_next != 0) CurAskPtr = CurAskPtr->l_next; (void) ltobuf(CurAskPtr, linebuf); modify(); makedirty(curline); Eol(); this_cmd = 0; } break; case CTL('R'): if (def) ins_str(def, NO); else rbell(); break; default: dispatch(c); break; } if (curbuf != AskBuffer) SetBuf(AskBuffer); if (curline != curbuf->b_first) { CurAskPtr = curline; curline = curbuf->b_first; /* with whatever is in linebuf */ } if (this_cmd == ARG_CMD) goto cont; } cleanup: pop_env(savejmp); LastCmd = push_cmd; set_arg_value(o_a_v); set_is_an_arg(o_i_an_a); no_typed = (linebuf[0] == '\0'); strcpy(Minibuf, linebuf); SetBuf(saveb); InAsk = Asking = Interactive = NO; if (!abort) { if (!charp()) { Placur(ILI, 0); flusho(); } if (no_typed) return 0; } else complain(mesgbuf); return Minibuf; } /* VARARGS2 */ char * ask(def, fmt, va_alist) char *def, *fmt; va_dcl { char prompt[128]; char *ans; va_list ap; va_start(ap); format(prompt, sizeof prompt, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); ans = real_ask("\r\n", (int (*)()) 0, def, prompt); if (ans == 0) { /* Typed nothing. */ if (def == 0) complain("[No default]"); return def; } return ans; } /* VARARGS1 */ char * do_ask(delim, d_proc, def, fmt, va_alist) char *delim, *def, *fmt; int (*d_proc)(); va_dcl { char prompt[128]; va_list ap; va_start(ap); format(prompt, sizeof prompt, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return real_ask(delim, d_proc, def, prompt); } /* VARARGS1 */ int yes_or_no_p(fmt, va_alist) char *fmt; va_dcl { char prompt[128]; int c; va_list ap; va_start(ap); format(prompt, sizeof prompt, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); for (;;) { message(prompt); Asking = strlen(prompt); /* so redisplay works */ c = getch(); Asking = NO; if (c == AbortChar) complain("[Aborted]"); switch (CharUpcase(c)) { case 'Y': return YES; case 'N': return NO; default: add_mess("[Type Y or N]"); SitFor(10); } } /* NOTREACHED */ } #ifdef F_COMPLETION static char *fc_filebase; int DispBadFs = YES; /* display bad file names? */ #ifndef MSDOS char BadExtensions[128] = ".o"; #else /* MSDOS */ char BadExtensions[128] = ".obj .exe .com .bak .arc .lib .zoo"; #endif /* MSDOS */ static bad_extension(name) char *name; { char *ip, *bads = BadExtensions; int namelen = strlen(name), ext_len, stop = 0; do { if ((ip = index(bads, ' ')) == 0) { ip = bads + strlen(bads); stop = YES; } if ((ext_len = ip - bads) == 0) continue; if ((ext_len < namelen) && (strncmp(&name[namelen - ext_len], bads, ext_len) == 0)) return YES; } while ((bads = ip + 1), !stop); return NO; } int f_match(file) char *file; { int len = strlen(fc_filebase); if (DispBadFs == NO) if (bad_extension(file)) return NO; return ((len == 0) || #ifdef MSDOS (casencmp(file, fc_filebase, strlen(fc_filebase)) == 0) #else (strncmp(file, fc_filebase, strlen(fc_filebase)) == 0) #endif ); } static isdir(name) char *name; { struct stat stbuf; char filebuf[FILESIZE]; PathParse(name, filebuf); return ((stat(filebuf, &stbuf) != -1) && (stbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR) == S_IFDIR); } private void fill_in(dir_vec, n) register char **dir_vec; { int minmatch = 0, numfound = 0, lastmatch = -1, i, the_same = TRUE, /* After filling in, are we the same as when we were called? */ is_ntdir; /* Is Newly Typed Directory name */ char bads[128]; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* if it's no, then we have already filtered them out in f_match() so there's no point in doing it again */ if (DispBadFs == YES) { if (bad_extension(dir_vec[i])) continue; } if (numfound) minmatch = min(minmatch, numcomp(dir_vec[lastmatch], dir_vec[i])); else minmatch = strlen(dir_vec[i]); lastmatch = i; numfound += 1; } /* Ugh. Beware--this is hard to get right in a reasonable manner. Please excuse this code--it's past my bedtime. */ if (numfound == 0) { rbell(); return; } Eol(); if (minmatch > strlen(fc_filebase)) { the_same = FALSE; null_ncpy(fc_filebase, dir_vec[lastmatch], minmatch); Eol(); makedirty(curline); } is_ntdir = ((numfound == 1) && (curchar > 0) && (linebuf[curchar - 1] != '/') && (isdir(linebuf))); if (the_same && !is_ntdir) { add_mess((n == 1) ? " [Unique]" : " [Ambiguous]"); SitFor(7); } if (is_ntdir) insert_c('/', 1); } extern int alphacomp(); /* called from do_ask() when one of "\r\n ?" is typed. Does the right thing, depending on which. */ static f_complete(c) { char dir[FILESIZE], **dir_vec; int nentries, i; if (c == CR || c == LF) return 0; /* tells ask to return now */ #ifndef MSDOS /* kg */ if ((fc_filebase = rindex(linebuf, '/')) != 0) { #else /* MSDOS */ fc_filebase = rindex(linebuf, '/'); if (fc_filebase == (char *)0) fc_filebase = rindex(linebuf, '\\'); if (fc_filebase == (char *)0) fc_filebase = rindex(linebuf, ':'); if (fc_filebase != (char *)0) { #endif /* MSDOS */ char tmp[FILESIZE]; fc_filebase += 1; null_ncpy(tmp, linebuf, (fc_filebase - linebuf)); if (tmp[0] == '\0') strcpy(tmp, "/"); PathParse(tmp, dir); } else { fc_filebase = linebuf; strcpy(dir, "."); } if ((nentries = scandir(dir, &dir_vec, f_match, alphacomp)) == -1) { add_mess(" [Unknown directory: %s]", dir); SitFor(7); return 1; } if (nentries == 0) { add_mess(" [No match]"); SitFor(7); } else if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') fill_in(dir_vec, nentries); else { /* we're a '?' */ int maxlen = 0, ncols, col, lines, linespercol; TOstart("Completion", FALSE); /* false means newline only on request */ Typeout("(! means file will not be chosen unless typed explicitly)"); Typeout((char *) 0); Typeout("Possible completions (in %s):", dir); Typeout((char *) 0); for (i = 0; i < nentries; i++) maxlen = max(strlen(dir_vec[i]), maxlen); maxlen += 4; /* pad each column with at least 4 spaces */ ncols = (CO - 2) / maxlen; linespercol = 1 + (nentries / ncols); for (lines = 0; lines < linespercol; lines++) { for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) { int isbad, which; which = (col * linespercol) + lines; if (which >= nentries) break; if (DispBadFs == YES) isbad = bad_extension(dir_vec[which]); else isbad = NO; Typeout("%s%-*s", isbad ? "!" : NullStr, maxlen - isbad, dir_vec[which]); } Typeout((char *) 0); } TOstop(); } freedir(&dir_vec, nentries); return 1; } #endif char * ask_file(prmt, def, buf) char *prmt, *def, *buf; { char *ans, prompt[128], *pretty_name = pr_name(def, YES); if (prmt) sprintf(prompt, prmt); else sprintf(prompt, ProcFmt); #ifdef F_COMPLETION ans = real_ask("\r\n \t?", f_complete, pretty_name, prompt); if (ans == 0) complain((char *)0); #else ans = ask(pretty_name, prompt); #endif PathParse(ans, buf); return buf; }