/*************************************************************************** * This program is Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988 by Jonathan Payne. JOVE * * is provided to you without charge, and with no warranty. You may give * * away copies of JOVE, including sources, provided that this notice is * * included in all the files. * ***************************************************************************/ /* Contains commands that deal with creating, selecting, killing and listing buffers, and buffer modes, and find-file, etc. */ #include "jove.h" #ifdef MAC # include "mac.h" #else # include <sys/stat.h> #endif #ifdef MAC # undef private # define private #endif #ifdef LINT_ARGS private Buffer * buf_alloc(void), * mak_buf(void); private char * line_cnt(Buffer *, char *); private void BufNSelect(int), defb_wind(Buffer *), kill_buf(Buffer *), mkbuflist(char **); #else private Buffer * buf_alloc(), * mak_buf(); private char * line_cnt(); private void BufNSelect(), defb_wind(), kill_buf(), mkbuflist(); #endif /* LINT_ARGS */ #ifdef MAC # undef private # define private static #endif char *Mainbuf = "Main", *NoName = "Sans un nom!"; Buffer *world = 0, /* First in the list */ *curbuf = 0, *lastbuf = 0; /* Last buffer we were in so we have a default buffer during a select buffer. */ /* Toggle BIT in the current buffer's minor mode flags. If argument is supplied, a positive one always turns on the mode and zero argument always turns it off. */ void TogMinor(bit) { if (is_an_arg()) { if (arg_value() == 0) curbuf->b_minor &= ~bit; else curbuf->b_minor |= bit; } else curbuf->b_minor ^= bit; UpdModLine = YES; } /* Creates a new buffer, links it at the end of the buffer chain, and returns it. */ static Buffer * buf_alloc() { register Buffer *b, *lastbp; lastbp = 0; for (b = world; b != 0; lastbp = b, b = b->b_next) ; b = (Buffer *) emalloc(sizeof (Buffer)); if (lastbp) lastbp->b_next = b; else world = b; b->b_first = 0; b->b_next = 0; #ifdef MAC b->Type = BUFFER; /* kludge, but simplifies menu handlers */ b->Name = 0; #endif return b; } /* Makes a buffer and initializes it. Obsolete. Used to take two arguments, a buffer name and a file name. */ static Buffer * mak_buf() { register Buffer *newb; register int i; newb = buf_alloc(); newb->b_fname = 0; newb->b_name = NoName; set_ino(newb); newb->b_marks = 0; newb->b_themark = 0; /* Index into markring */ /* No marks yet */ for (i = 0; i < NMARKS; i++) newb->b_markring[i] = 0; newb->b_modified = 0; newb->b_type = B_FILE; /* File until proven SCRATCH */ newb->b_ntbf = 0; newb->b_minor = 0; newb->b_major = TEXT; newb->b_first = 0; newb->b_keybinds = 0; #ifdef IPROCS newb->b_process = 0; #endif initlist(newb); #ifdef MAC Bufchange = 1; #endif return newb; } void ReNamBuf() { register char *new = 0, *prompt = ProcFmt, *second = "%s already exists; new name? "; for (;;) { new = ask((char *) 0, prompt, new); if (!buf_exists(new)) break; prompt = second; } setbname(curbuf, new); } void FindFile() { register char *name; char fnamebuf[FILESIZE]; name = ask_file((char *) 0, curbuf->b_fname, fnamebuf); SetABuf(curbuf); SetBuf(do_find(curwind, name, 0)); } private void mkbuflist(bnamp) register char **bnamp; { register Buffer *b; for (b = world; b != 0; b = b->b_next) if (b->b_name != 0) *bnamp++ = b->b_name; *bnamp = 0; } char * ask_buf(def) Buffer *def; { char *bnames[100]; register char *bname; register int offset; char prompt[100]; if (def != 0 && def->b_name != 0) sprintf(prompt, ": %f (default %s) ", def->b_name); else sprintf(prompt, ProcFmt); mkbuflist(bnames); offset = complete(bnames, prompt, RET_STATE); if (offset == EOF) complain((char *) 0); if (offset == ORIGINAL || offset == AMBIGUOUS) bname = Minibuf; else if (offset == NULLSTRING) { if (def) bname = def->b_name; else complain((char *) 0); } else if (offset < 0) complain((char *) 0); else bname = bnames[offset]; return bname; } void BufSelect() { register char *bname; bname = ask_buf(lastbuf); SetABuf(curbuf); SetBuf(do_select(curwind, bname)); } #ifdef MSDOS private void BufNSelect(n) { char *bnames[100]; char *bname; int i; mkbuflist(bnames); for (i=0; i<n; i++) if (bnames[i] == 0) complain("[No such buffer]"); bname = bnames[n-1]; SetABuf(curbuf); SetBuf(do_select(curwind, bname)); } void Buf1Select() { BufNSelect(1); } void Buf2Select() { BufNSelect(2); } void Buf3Select() { BufNSelect(3); } void Buf4Select() { BufNSelect(4); } void Buf5Select() { BufNSelect(5); } void Buf6Select() { BufNSelect(6); } void Buf7Select() { BufNSelect(7); } void Buf8Select() { BufNSelect(8); } void Buf9Select() { BufNSelect(9); } void Buf10Select() { BufNSelect(10); } #endif /* MSDOS */ private void defb_wind(b) register Buffer *b; { register Window *w = fwind; char *alt; if (lastbuf == b || lastbuf == 0) { lastbuf = 0; alt = (b->b_next != 0) ? b->b_next->b_name : Mainbuf; } else alt = lastbuf->b_name; do { if (w->w_bufp == b) { if (one_windp() || alt != Mainbuf) (void) do_select(w, alt); else { Window *save = w->w_next; del_wind(w); w = save->w_prev; } } w = w->w_next; } while (w != fwind || w->w_bufp == b); } Buffer * getNMbuf() { register Buffer *delbuf; register char *bname; bname = ask_buf(curbuf); if ((delbuf = buf_exists(bname)) == 0) complain("[No such buffer]"); if (delbuf->b_modified) confirm("%s modified, are you sure? ", bname); return delbuf; } void BufErase() { register Buffer *delbuf; if (delbuf = getNMbuf()) { initlist(delbuf); delbuf->b_modified = 0; } } private void kill_buf(delbuf) register Buffer *delbuf; { register Buffer *b, *lastb = 0; #ifndef MAC extern Buffer *perr_buf; #endif #ifdef IPROCS pbuftiedp(delbuf); /* check for lingering processes */ #endif for (b = world; b != 0; lastb = b, b = b->b_next) if (b == delbuf) break; if (lastb) lastb->b_next = delbuf->b_next; else world = delbuf->b_next; #define okay_free(ptr) if (ptr) free(ptr) lfreelist(delbuf->b_first); okay_free(delbuf->b_name); okay_free(delbuf->b_fname); flush_marks(delbuf); free((char *) delbuf); if (delbuf == lastbuf) SetABuf(curbuf); #ifndef MAC if (perr_buf == delbuf) { ErrFree(); perr_buf = 0; } #endif defb_wind(delbuf); if (curbuf == delbuf) SetBuf(curwind->w_bufp); #ifdef MAC Bufchange = 1; #endif } /* offer to kill some buffers */ void KillSome() { register Buffer *b, *next; Buffer *oldb; register char *y_or_n; for (b = world; b != 0; b = next) { next = b->b_next; if (yes_or_no_p("Kill %s? ", b->b_name) == NO) continue; if (IsModified(b)) { y_or_n = ask("No", "%s modified; should I save it? ", b->b_name); if (CharUpcase(*y_or_n) == 'Y') { oldb = curbuf; SetBuf(b); SaveFile(); SetBuf(oldb); } } kill_buf(b); } } void BufKill() { Buffer *b; if ((b = getNMbuf()) == 0) return; kill_buf(b); } private char * line_cnt(b, buf) register Buffer *b; char *buf; { register int nlines = 0; register Line *lp; for (lp = b->b_first; lp != 0; lp = lp->l_next, nlines++) ; sprintf(buf, "%d", nlines); return buf; } private char *TypeNames[] = { 0, "Scratch", "File", "Process", }; void BufList() { register char *format = "%-2s %-5s %-11s %-1s %-*s %-s"; register Buffer *b; int bcount = 1, /* To give each buffer a number */ buf_width = 11; char nbuf[10]; for (b = world; b != 0; b = b->b_next) buf_width = max(buf_width, strlen(b->b_name)); TOstart("Buffer list", TRUE); /* true means auto-newline */ Typeout("(* means buffer needs saving)"); Typeout("(+ means file hasn't been read yet)"); Typeout(NullStr); Typeout(format, "NO", "Lines", "Type", NullStr, buf_width, "Name", "File"); Typeout(format, "--", "-----", "----", NullStr, buf_width, "----", "----"); for (b = world; b != 0; b = b->b_next) { Typeout(format, itoa(bcount++), line_cnt(b, nbuf), TypeNames[b->b_type], IsModified(b) ? "*" : b->b_ntbf ? "+" : NullStr, buf_width, /* For the * (variable length field) */ b->b_name, filename(b)); if (TOabort) break; } TOstop(); } void bufname(b) register Buffer *b; { char tmp[100], *cp; int try = 1; if (b->b_fname == 0) complain("[No file name]"); cp = basename(b->b_fname); strcpy(tmp, cp); while (buf_exists(tmp)) { sprintf(tmp, "%s.%d", cp, try); try += 1; } setbname(b, tmp); } void initlist(b) register Buffer *b; { lfreelist(b->b_first); b->b_first = b->b_dot = b->b_last = 0; (void) listput(b, b->b_first); SavLine(b->b_dot, NullStr); b->b_char = 0; AllMarkSet(b, b->b_dot, 0); if (b == curbuf) getDOT(); } /* Returns pointer to buffer with name NAME, or if NAME is a string of digits returns the buffer whose number equals those digits. Otherwise, returns 0. */ Buffer * buf_exists(name) register char *name; { register Buffer *bp; int n; if (name == 0) return 0; for (bp = world; bp != 0; bp = bp->b_next) if (strcmp(bp->b_name, name) == 0) return bp; /* Doesn't match any names. Try for a buffer number... */ if (chr_to_int(name, 10, YES, &n) != INT_BAD) { for (bp = world; n > 1; bp = bp->b_next) { if (bp == 0) break; n -= 1; } return bp; } return 0; } /* Returns buffer pointer with a file name NAME, if one exists. Stat's the file and compares inodes, in case NAME is a link, as well as the actual characters that make up the file name. */ Buffer * file_exists(name) register char *name; { struct stat stbuf; register struct stat *s = &stbuf; register Buffer *b = 0; char fnamebuf[FILESIZE]; #ifdef MSDOS strlwr(name); #endif /* MSDOS */ if (name) { PathParse(name, fnamebuf); if (stat(fnamebuf, s) == -1) s->st_ino = 0; for (b = world; b != 0; b = b->b_next) { if ( #ifndef MSDOS (b->b_ino != 0 && b->b_ino == s->st_ino && b->b_dev != 0 && b->b_dev == s->st_dev) || #endif /* MSDOS */ (strcmp(b->b_fname, fnamebuf) == 0)) break; } } return b; } char * ralloc(obj, size) register char *obj; { register char *new; if (obj) new = realloc(obj, (unsigned) size); if (new == 0 || !obj) new = emalloc(size); return new; } void setbname(b, name) register Buffer *b; register char *name; { UpdModLine = YES; /* Kludge ... but speeds things up considerably */ if (name) { if (b->b_name == NoName) b->b_name = 0; b->b_name = ralloc(b->b_name, strlen(name) + 1); strcpy(b->b_name, name); } else b->b_name = 0; #ifdef MAC Bufchange = 1; #endif } void setfname(b, name) register Buffer *b; register char *name; { char wholename[FILESIZE], oldname[FILESIZE], *oldptr = oldname; Buffer *save = curbuf; SetBuf(b); UpdModLine = YES; /* Kludge ... but speeds things up considerably */ if (b->b_fname == 0) oldptr = 0; else strcpy(oldname, b->b_fname); if (name) { #ifdef MSDOS strlwr(name); #endif /* MSDOS */ PathParse(name, wholename); curbuf->b_fname = ralloc(curbuf->b_fname, strlen(wholename) + 1); strcpy(curbuf->b_fname, wholename); } else b->b_fname = 0; DoAutoExec(curbuf->b_fname, oldptr); curbuf->b_mtime = curbuf->b_dev = curbuf->b_ino = 0; /* until they're known. */ SetBuf(save); #ifdef MAC Bufchange = 1; #endif } void set_ino(b) register Buffer *b; { struct stat stbuf; if (b->b_fname == 0 || stat(pr_name(b->b_fname, NO), &stbuf) == -1) { b->b_dev = 0; b->b_ino = 0; b->b_mtime = 0; } else { b->b_dev = stbuf.st_dev; b->b_ino = stbuf.st_ino; b->b_mtime = stbuf.st_mtime; } } /* Find the file `fname' into buf and put in in window `w' */ Buffer * do_find(w, fname, force) register Window *w; register char *fname; { register Buffer *b; b = file_exists(fname); if (b == 0) { b = mak_buf(); setfname(b, fname); bufname(b); set_ino(b); b->b_ntbf = 1; } if (force) { Buffer *oldb = curbuf; SetBuf(b); /* this'll read the file */ SetBuf(oldb); } if (w) tiewind(w, b); return b; } /* set alternate buffer */ void SetABuf(b) Buffer *b; { if (b != 0) lastbuf = b; } /* check to see if BP is a valid buffer pointer */ int valid_bp(bp) register Buffer *bp; { register Buffer *b; for (b = world; b != 0; b = b->b_next) if (b == bp) break; return b != 0; } void SetBuf(newbuf) register Buffer *newbuf; { register Buffer *oldb = curbuf, *b; if (newbuf == curbuf || newbuf == 0) return; if (!valid_bp(newbuf)) complain("Internal error: (0x%x) is not a valid buffer pointer!", newbuf); lsave(); curbuf = newbuf; curline = newbuf->b_dot; curchar = newbuf->b_char; getDOT(); /* do the read now ... */ if (curbuf->b_ntbf) read_file(curbuf->b_fname, 0); #ifdef MAC Modechange = 1; #endif #ifdef IPROCS if (oldb != 0 && ((oldb->b_process == 0) != (curbuf->b_process == 0))) { if (curbuf->b_process) PushPBs(); /* Push process bindings */ else if (oldb->b_process) PopPBs(); } #endif } Buffer * do_select(w, name) register Window *w; register char *name; { register Buffer *new; if ((new = buf_exists(name)) == 0) { new = mak_buf(); setfname(new, (char *) 0); setbname(new, name); } if (w) tiewind(w, new); return new; }