/*************************************************************************** * This program is Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988 by Jonathan Payne. JOVE * * is provided to you without charge, and with no warranty. You may give * * away copies of JOVE, including sources, provided that this notice is * * included in all the files. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "jove.h" #include "io.h" #include "termcap.h" #ifdef MAC # include "mac.h" #else # include <varargs.h> #endif #ifdef MAC # undef private # define private #endif #ifdef LINT_ARGS private void doformat(File *, char *, ...), outld(long, int), pad(int, int), PPchar(int, char *), putld(long, int), puts(char *); #else private void doformat(), outld(), pad(), PPchar(), putld(), puts(); #endif /* LINT_ARGS */ #ifdef MAC # undef private # define private static #endif char mesgbuf[MESG_SIZE]; /* VARARGS2 */ void format(buf, len, fmt, ap) char *buf, *fmt; va_list ap; { File strbuf, *sp = &strbuf; sp->f_ptr = sp->f_base = buf; sp->f_fd = -1; /* Not legit for files */ sp->f_cnt = len; sp->f_flags = F_STRING; sp->f_bufsize = len; doformat(sp, fmt, ap); putc('\0', sp); } #ifdef IBMPC int specialmap = 0, specialkey = 0; #define Empty "" char *altseq[133] = { Empty, Empty, Empty, "Ctrl-@", Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, "Left", "Alt-Q", "Alt-W", "Alt-E", "Alt-R", "Alt-T", "Alt-Y", "Alt-U", "Alt-I", "Alt-O", "Alt-P", Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, "Alt-A", "Alt-S", "Alt-D", "Alt-F", "Alt-G", "Alt-H", "Alt-J", "Alt-K", "Alt-L", Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, "Alt-Z", "Alt-X", "Alt-C", "Alt-V", "Alt-B", "Alt-N", "Alt-M", Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, Empty, "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10", Empty, Empty, "Home", "Up", "PageUp", Empty, "Left", Empty, "Right", Empty, "End", "Down", "PageDown", "Ins", "Del", "Shift F1", "Shift F2", "Shift F3", "Shift F4", "Shift F5", "Shift F6", "Shift F7", "Shift F8", "Shift F9", "Shift F10", "Ctrl F1", "Ctrl F2", "Ctrl F3", "Ctrl F4", "Ctrl F5", "Ctrl F6", "Ctrl F7", "Ctrl F8", "Ctrl F9", "Ctrl F10", "Alt F1", "Alt F2", "Alt F3", "Alt F4", "Alt F5", "Alt F6", "Alt F7", "Alt F8", "Alt F9", "Alt F10", "Ctrl PrtSc", "Ctrl Left", "Ctrl Right", "Ctrl End", "Ctrl PageDown", "Ctrl Home", "Alt 1", "Alt 2", "Alt 3", "Alt 4", "Alt 5", "Alt 6", "Alt 7", "Alt 8", "Alt 9", "Alt 0", "Alt Minus", "Alt Equals", "Ctrl PageUp" }; #endif private void PPchar(c, str) int c; char *str; { char *cp = str; #ifdef IBMPC if (specialmap || specialkey) { if (c < 0 || c > 132) c = 0; strcpy(cp, altseq[c]); } else #endif if (c == '\033') strcpy(cp, "ESC"); #ifdef IBMPC /* this character is invisible */ else if (c == '\377') { *cp = 0; } #endif /* IBMPC */ else if (c < ' ') sprintf(cp, "C-%c", c + '@'); else if (c == '\177') strcpy(cp, "^?"); else sprintf(cp, "%c", c); } private struct fmt_state { int precision, width, leftadj; char padc; File *iop; } current_fmt; private void putld(d, base) long d; { int length = 1; long tmpd = d; if (current_fmt.width == 0 && current_fmt.precision) { current_fmt.width = current_fmt.precision; current_fmt.padc = '0'; } while (tmpd = (tmpd / base)) length += 1; if (d < 0) length += 1; if (!current_fmt.leftadj) pad(current_fmt.padc, current_fmt.width - length); if (d < 0) { putc('-', current_fmt.iop); d = -d; } outld(d, base); if (current_fmt.leftadj) pad(current_fmt.padc, current_fmt.width - length); } private void outld(d, base) long d; { register long n; static char chars[] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'}; if (n = (d / base)) outld(n, base); putc((int) (chars[(int) (d % base)]), current_fmt.iop); } private void puts(str) char *str; { int length; register char *cp; if (str == 0) #if pyr str = ""; #else str = "(null)"; #endif length = strlen(str); if (current_fmt.precision == 0 || length < current_fmt.precision) current_fmt.precision = length; else length = current_fmt.precision; cp = str; if (!current_fmt.leftadj) pad(' ', current_fmt.width - length); while (--current_fmt.precision >= 0) putc(*cp++, current_fmt.iop); if (current_fmt.leftadj) pad(' ', current_fmt.width - length); } private void pad(c, amount) register int c, amount; { while (--amount >= 0) putc(c, current_fmt.iop); } private void doformat(sp, fmt, ap) register File *sp; register char *fmt; va_list ap; { register char c; struct fmt_state prev_fmt; prev_fmt = current_fmt; current_fmt.iop = sp; while (c = *fmt++) { if (c != '%') { putc(c, current_fmt.iop); continue; } current_fmt.padc = ' '; current_fmt.precision = current_fmt.leftadj = current_fmt.width = 0; c = *fmt++; if (c == '-') { current_fmt.leftadj = YES; c = *fmt++; } if (c == '0') { current_fmt.padc = '0'; c = *fmt++; } while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { current_fmt.width = current_fmt.width * 10 + (c - '0'); c = *fmt++; } if (c == '*') { current_fmt.width = va_arg(ap, int); c = *fmt++; } if (c == '.') { c = *fmt++; while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { current_fmt.precision = current_fmt.precision * 10 + (c - '0'); c = *fmt++; } if (c == '*') { current_fmt.precision = va_arg(ap, int); c = *fmt++; } } reswitch: /* At this point, fmt points at one past the format letter. */ switch (c) { case '%': putc('%', current_fmt.iop); break; case 'O': case 'D': case 'X': putld(va_arg(ap, long), (c == 'O') ? 8 : (c == 'D') ? 10 : 16); break; case 'b': { Buffer *b = va_arg(ap, Buffer *); puts(b->b_name); break; } case 'c': putc(va_arg(ap, int), current_fmt.iop); break; case 'o': case 'd': case 'x': putld((long) va_arg(ap, int), (c == 'o') ? 8 : (c == 'd') ? 10 : 16); break; case 'f': /* current command name gets inserted here! */ puts(LastCmd->Name); break; case 'l': c = CharUpcase(*++fmt); goto reswitch; case 'n': if (va_arg(ap, int) != 1) puts("s"); break; case 'p': { char cbuf[20]; PPchar(va_arg(ap, int), cbuf); puts(cbuf); break; } case 's': puts(va_arg(ap, char *)); break; default: complain("Unknown format directive: \"%%%c\"", c); } } current_fmt = prev_fmt; } /* VARARGS1 */ char * sprint(fmt, va_alist) char *fmt; va_dcl { va_list ap; static char line[100]; va_start(ap); format(line, sizeof line, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return line; } /* VARARGS1 */ void printf(fmt, va_alist) char *fmt; va_dcl { va_list ap; va_start(ap); #ifndef IBMPC doformat(stdout, fmt, ap); #else /* IBMPC */ write_em(sprint(fmt, ap)); /* doformat(stdout, fmt, ap); */ #endif /* IBMPC */ va_end(ap); } /* VARARGS1 */ void fprintf(fp, fmt, va_alist) File *fp; char *fmt; va_dcl { va_list ap; va_start(ap); doformat(fp, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } /* VARARGS2 */ void sprintf(str, fmt, va_alist) char *str, *fmt; va_dcl { va_list ap; va_start(ap); format(str, 130, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } /* VARARGS1 */ void s_mess(fmt, va_alist) char *fmt; va_dcl { va_list ap; if (InJoverc) return; va_start(ap); format(mesgbuf, sizeof mesgbuf, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); message(mesgbuf); } /* VARARGS1 */ void f_mess(fmt, va_alist) char *fmt; va_dcl { va_list ap; va_start(ap); format(mesgbuf, sizeof mesgbuf, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); DrawMesg(NO); UpdMesg = YES; /* still needs updating (for convenience) */ } /* VARARGS1 */ void add_mess(fmt, va_alist) char *fmt; va_dcl { int mesg_len = strlen(mesgbuf); va_list ap; if (InJoverc) return; va_start(ap); format(&mesgbuf[mesg_len], (sizeof mesgbuf) - mesg_len, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); message(mesgbuf); }