/*************************************************************************** * This program is Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988 by Jonathan Payne. JOVE * * is provided to you without charge, and with no warranty. You may give * * away copies of JOVE, including sources, provided that this notice is * * included in all the files. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "jove.h" #include "ctype.h" #include <signal.h> #ifdef ANSICODES # include "termcap.h" #endif void prCTIME() { s_mess(": %f %s", get_time((time_t *) 0, (char *) 0, 0, -1)); } void ChrToOct() { int c, slow; c = waitchar(&slow); if (slow) message(key_strokes); ins_str(sprint("\\%03o", c), NO); } void StrLength() { static char inquotes[] = "Where are the quotes?"; char *first = StrIndex(-1, linebuf, curchar, '"'), *last = StrIndex(1, linebuf, curchar + 1, '"'), c; int numchars = 0; if (first == 0 || last == 0) complain(inquotes); first += 1; while (first < last) { c = *first++; if (c == '\\') { int num; if (!isdigit(*first)) first += 1; else { num = 3; while (num-- && isdigit(*first++) && first < last) ; } } numchars += 1; } s_mess("%d characters", numchars); } /* Transpos cur_char with cur_char - 1 */ void TransChar() { char before; if (curchar == 0 || (eolp() && curchar == 1)) complain((char *) 0); /* BEEP */ if (eolp()) b_char(1); before = linebuf[curchar - 1]; del_char(BACKWARD, 1); f_char(1); insert_c(before, 1); } /* Switch current line with previous one */ void TransLines() { disk_line old_prev; if (firstp(curline)) return; lsave(); old_prev = curline->l_prev->l_dline; curline->l_prev->l_dline = curline->l_dline; curline->l_dline = old_prev; getDOT(); if (!lastp(curline)) line_move(FORWARD, 1, NO); modify(); } void Leave() { longjmp(mainjmp, QUIT); } /* If argument is specified, kill that many lines down. Otherwise, if we "appear" to be at the end of a line, i.e. everything to the right of the cursor is white space, we delete the line separator as if we were at the end of the line. */ void KillEOL() { Line *line2; int char2; int num = arg_value(); if (is_an_arg()) { if (num == 0) { /* Kill to beginning of line */ line2 = curline; char2 = 0; } else { line2 = next_line(curline, num); if ((LineDist(curline, line2) < num) || (line2 == curline)) char2 = length(line2); else char2 = 0; } } else if (blnkp(&linebuf[curchar])) { line2 = next_line(curline, 1); if (line2 == curline) char2 = length(curline); else char2 = 0; } else { line2 = curline; char2 = length(curline); } reg_kill(line2, char2, 0); } /* kill to beginning of sentence */ void KillBos() { negate_arg_value(); KillEos(); } /* Kill to end of sentence */ void KillEos() { Line *line1; int char1; line1 = curline; char1 = curchar; Eos(); reg_kill(line1, char1, 1); } void KillExpr() { Line *line1; int char1; line1 = curline; char1 = curchar; FSexpr(); reg_kill(line1, char1, 1); } void EscPrefix() { HandlePref(pref1map); } void CtlxPrefix() { HandlePref(pref2map); } void MiscPrefix() { HandlePref(miscmap); } void HandlePref(map) data_obj **map; { register data_obj *cp; register int c; int slow; c = waitchar(&slow); if (c == AbortChar) { message("[Aborted]"); rbell(); return; } if (slow) message(key_strokes); cp = map[c]; if (cp == 0) { s_mess("[%sunbound]", key_strokes); rbell(); } else ExecCmd(cp); } void Yank() { Line *line, *lp; Bufpos *dot; if (killbuf[killptr] == 0) complain("[Nothing to yank!]"); lsave(); this_cmd = YANKCMD; line = killbuf[killptr]; lp = lastline(line); dot = DoYank(line, 0, lp, length(lp), curline, curchar, curbuf); set_mark(); SetDot(dot); } void WtModBuf() { if (!ModBufs(NO)) message("[No buffers need saving]"); else put_bufs(is_an_arg()); } void put_bufs(askp) { register Buffer *oldb = curbuf, *b; for (b = world; b != 0; b = b->b_next) { if (!IsModified(b) || b->b_type != B_FILE) continue; SetBuf(b); /* Make this current Buffer */ if (curbuf->b_fname == 0) { char *newname; newname = ask(NullStr, "Buffer \"%s\" needs a file name; type Return to skip: ", b->b_name); if (*newname == 0) continue; setfname(b, newname); } if (askp && (yes_or_no_p("Write %s? ", curbuf->b_fname) == NO)) continue; filemunge(curbuf->b_fname); #if !(defined(MSDOS) || defined(MAC)) chk_mtime(curbuf, curbuf->b_fname, "save"); #endif file_write(curbuf->b_fname, 0); unmodify(); } SetBuf(oldb); } void ToIndent() { register char *cp, c; for (cp = linebuf; c = *cp; cp++) if (c != ' ' && c != '\t') break; curchar = cp - linebuf; } /* GoLine -- go to a line, usually wired to goto-line, ESC g or ESC G. If no argument is specified it asks for a line number. */ void GoLine() { Line *newline; #ifndef ANSICODES if (!is_an_arg()) set_arg_value(ask_int("Line: ",10)); #else /* not ANSICODES */ if (!is_an_arg() || arg_value() <= 0) { if (SP) { putpad(SP, 1); /* Ask for cursor position */ return; } set_arg_value(ask_int("Line: ", 10)); } #endif /* ANSICODES */ newline = next_line(curbuf->b_first, arg_value() - 1); PushPntp(newline); SetLine(newline); } #ifdef ANSICODES void MoveToCursor(line, col) { register struct scrimage *sp = &PhysScreen[line]; while (sp->s_id == 0) sp = &PhysScreen[--line]; if (sp->s_flags & MODELINE) complain((char *) 0); if (curwind != sp->s_window) SetWind(sp->s_window); SetLine(sp->s_lp); curchar = how_far(sp->s_lp, col); } void AnsiCodes() { int c; int num1 = 0; int num2; static char *unsupported = "[Unsupported ANSI code received]"; while (isdigit(c = getch())) num1 = (num1 * 10) + (c - '0'); switch (c) { case ';': num2 = 0; while (isdigit(c = getch())) num2 = (num2 * 10) + (c - '0'); switch (c) { case 'R': MoveToCursor(--num1, --num2); break; case 'H': Eow(); Bol(); break; default: complain(unsupported); } break; case 'A': PrevLine(); break; case 'B': NextLine(); break; case 'C': ForChar(); break; case 'D': BackChar(); break; case 'H': Bow(); break; case 'J': if (num1 == 2) { ClAndRedraw(); break; } case 'M': /* Enter */ PopMark(); break; case 'P': /* PF1 */ ExecCmd((data_obj *) FindCmd(IncFSearch)); break; case 'Q': /* PF2 */ ExecCmd((data_obj *) FindCmd(QRepSearch)); break; case 'R': /* PF3 */ WtModBuf(); Leave(); break; case 'S': /* PF4 */ KillEOL(); break; case 'l': /* , */ DelNChar(); break; case 'm': /* - */ DelNWord(); break; case 'n': /* . */ SetMark(); break; case 'p': /* 0 */ Bol(); NextLine(); break; case 'q': /* 1 */ ForWord(); break; case 'r': /* 2 */ ForChar(); Eol(); break; case 's': /* 3 */ Yank(); break; case 't': /* 4 */ ExecCmd((data_obj *) FindCmd(ForSearch)); break; case 'u': /* 5 */ ExecCmd((data_obj *) FindCmd(RevSearch)); break; case 'v': /* 6 */ DelReg(); break; case 'w': /* 7 */ PrevPage(); break; case 'x': /* 8 */ NextPage(); break; case 'y': /* 9 */ DelPWord(); break; case 'z': /* Sun function keys send <esc>[Nz */ switch(num1) { case 193: /* L2 */ SetMark(); break; case 194: /* L3 */ PopMark(); break; case 195: /* L4 */ DelReg(); break; case 208: /* R1 */ ExecCmd((data_obj *) FindCmd(QRepSearch)); break; case 209: /* R2 */ ExecCmd((data_obj *) FindCmd(IncFSearch)); break; case 210: /* R3 */ WtModBuf(); break; case 211: /* R4 */ ExecCmd((data_obj *) FindCmd(RepSearch)); break; case 212: /* R5 */ ExecCmd((data_obj *) FindCmd(IncRSearch)); break; case 213: /* R6 */ Leave(); break; case 214: /* R7 */ BackWord(); break; case 215: /* R8 == UpArrow */ break; case 216: /* R9 */ ForWord(); break; case 217: /* R10 == LeftArrow */ break; case 218: /* R11 */ NextWindow(); break; case 219: /* R12 == RightArrow */ break; case 220: /* R13 */ case 221: /* R14 == DownArrow */ break; case 222: /* R15 */ case 225: /* F2 */ case 226: /* F3 */ case 227: /* F4 */ break; case 228: /* F5 */ break; case 229: /* F6 */ break; case 230: /* F7 */ break; case 231: /* F8 */ break; case 232: /* F9 */ break; default: num1 = -1; /* Hack flags failure */ break; } if (num1 >= 0) break; default: complain(unsupported); } } #endif /* ANSICODES */ void NotModified() { unmodify(); } void SetLMargin() { LMargin = calc_pos(linebuf, curchar); } void SetRMargin() { RMargin = calc_pos(linebuf, curchar); }