/* * Program Name: symorder.c * Date: January 21, 1994 * Author: S.M. Schultz * * ----------------- Modification History --------------- * Version Date Reason For Modification * 1.0 21Jan94 1. Initial release into the public domain. */ /* * This program reorders the symbol table of an executable. This is * done by moving symbols found in the second file argument (one symbol * per line) to the front of the symbol table. * * NOTE: This program needs to hold the string table in memory. * For the kernel which has not been 'strcompact'd this is about 21kb. * It is highly recommended that 'strcompact' be run first - that program * removes redundant strings, significantly reducing the amount of memory * needed. Running 'symcompact' will reduce the run time needed by * this program by eliminating redundant non-overlaid text symbols. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <a.out.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <signal.h> #include <string.h> #include <sysexits.h> #include <sys/file.h> #define NUMSYMS 125 char *order[NUMSYMS]; int nsorted; char *Pgm; void cleanup(); static char sym1tmp[20], sym2tmp[20], strtmp[20]; static char *strtab, *oldname; main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { FILE *fp, *fp2, *sym1fp, *sym2fp, *strfp; int cnt, nsyms, len, c; char fbuf1[BUFSIZ], fbuf2[BUFSIZ]; off_t symoff, stroff, ltmp; long strsiz; struct nlist sym; struct xexec xhdr; Pgm = argv[0]; signal(SIGQUIT, cleanup); signal(SIGINT, cleanup); signal(SIGHUP, cleanup); if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "usage %s: symlist file\n", Pgm); exit(EX_USAGE); } fp = fopen(argv[2], "r+"); if (!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open '%s' for update\n", Pgm, argv[2]); exit(EX_NOINPUT); } setbuf(fp, fbuf1); cnt = fread(&xhdr, 1, sizeof (xhdr), fp); if (cnt < sizeof (xhdr.e)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Premature EOF reading header\n", Pgm); exit(EX_DATAERR); } if (N_BADMAG(xhdr.e)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Bad magic number\n", Pgm); exit(EX_DATAERR); } nsyms = xhdr.e.a_syms / sizeof (struct nlist); if (!nsyms) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: '%s' stripped\n", Pgm); exit(EX_OK); } stroff = N_STROFF(xhdr); symoff = N_SYMOFF(xhdr); /* * Seek to the string table size longword and read it. Then attempt to * malloc memory to hold the string table. First make a sanity check on * the size. */ fseek(fp, stroff, L_SET); fread(&strsiz, sizeof (long), 1, fp); if (strsiz > 48 * 1024L) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: string table > 48kb\n", Pgm); exit(EX_DATAERR); } strtab = (char *)malloc((int)strsiz); if (!strtab) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: no memory for strings\n", Pgm); exit(EX_OSERR); } /* * Now read the string table into memory. Reduce the size read because * we've already retrieved the string table size longword. Adjust the * address used so that we don't have to adjust each symbol table entry's * string offset. */ cnt = fread(strtab + sizeof (long), 1, (int)strsiz - sizeof (long), fp); if (cnt != (int)strsiz - sizeof (long)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Premature EOF reading strings\n", Pgm); exit(EX_DATAERR); } /* * Now open the file containing the list of symbols to * relocate to the front of the symbol table. */ fp2 = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if (!fp2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can not open '%s'\n", Pgm, argv[1]); exit(EX_NOINPUT); } getsyms(fp2); /* * Create the temporary files which will hold the new symbol table and the * new string table. One temp file receives symbols _in_ the list, * another file receives all other symbols, and the last file receives the * new string table. */ strcpy(sym1tmp, "/tmp/sym1XXXXXX"); mktemp(sym1tmp); strcpy(sym2tmp, "/tmp/sym2XXXXXX"); mktemp(sym2tmp); strcpy(strtmp, "/tmp/strXXXXXX"); mktemp(strtmp); sym1fp = fopen(sym1tmp, "w+"); sym2fp = fopen(sym2tmp, "w+"); strfp = fopen(strtmp, "w+"); if (!sym1fp || !sym2fp || !strfp) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't create %s, %s or %s\n", sym1tmp, sym2tmp, strtmp); exit(EX_CANTCREAT); } setbuf(sym1fp, fbuf2); /* * Now position the executable to the start of the symbol table. For each * symbol scan the list for a match on the symbol name. If the * name matches write the symbol table entry to one tmp file, else write it * to the second symbol tmp file. * * NOTE: Since the symbol table is being rearranged the usefulness of * "local" symbols, especially 'register' symbols, is greatly diminished * Not that they are terribly useful in any event - especially the register * symbols, 'adb' claims to do something with them but doesn't. In any * event this suite of programs is targeted at the kernel and the register * local symbols are of no use. For this reason 'register' symbols are * removed - this has the side effect of even further reducing the symbol * and string tables that must be processed by 'nm', 'ps', 'adb' and so on. * This removal probably should have been done earlier - in 'strcompact' or * 'symcompact' and it may be in the future, but for now just do it here. */ fseek(fp, symoff, L_SET); while (nsyms--) { fread(&sym, sizeof (sym), 1, fp); if (sym.n_type == N_REG) continue; if (inlist(&sym)) fwrite(&sym, sizeof (sym), 1, sym1fp); else fwrite(&sym, sizeof (sym), 1, sym2fp); } /* * Position the executable file to where the symbol table starts. Truncate * the file to the current position to remove the old symbols and strings. Then * write the symbol table entries which are to appear at the front, followed * by the remainder of the symbols. As each symbol is processed adjust the * string table offset and write the string to the strings tmp file. * * It was either re-scan the tmp files with the symbols again to retrieve * the string offsets or simply write the strings to yet another tmp file. * The latter was chosen. */ fseek(fp, symoff, L_SET); ftruncate(fileno(fp), ftell(fp)); ltmp = sizeof (long); rewind(sym1fp); rewind(sym2fp); nsyms = 0; while (fread(&sym, sizeof (sym), 1, sym1fp) == 1) { if (ferror(sym1fp) || feof(sym1fp)) break; oldname = strtab + (int)sym.n_un.n_strx; sym.n_un.n_strx = ltmp; len = strlen(oldname) + 1; ltmp += len; fwrite(&sym, sizeof (sym), 1, fp); fwrite(oldname, len, 1, strfp); nsyms++; } fclose(sym1fp); while (fread(&sym, sizeof (sym), 1, sym2fp) == 1) { if (ferror(sym2fp) || feof(sym2fp)) break; oldname = strtab + (int)sym.n_un.n_strx; sym.n_un.n_strx = ltmp; len = strlen(oldname) + 1; ltmp += len; fwrite(&sym, sizeof (sym), 1, fp); fwrite(oldname, len, 1, strfp); nsyms++; } fclose(sym2fp); /* * Next write the symbol table size longword followed by the * string table itself. */ fwrite(<mp, sizeof (long), 1, fp); rewind(strfp); while ((c = getc(strfp)) != EOF) putc(c, fp); fclose(strfp); /* * And last (but not least) we need to update the a.out header with * the correct size of the symbol table. */ rewind(fp); xhdr.e.a_syms = nsyms * sizeof (struct nlist); fwrite(&xhdr.e, sizeof (xhdr.e), 1, fp); fclose(fp); free(strtab); cleanup(); } inlist(sp) register struct nlist *sp; { register int i; for (i = 0; i < nsorted; i++) { if (strcmp(strtab + (int)sp->n_un.n_strx, order[i]) == 0) return(1); } return(0); } getsyms(fp) FILE *fp; { char asym[128], *start; register char *t, **p; for (p = order; fgets(asym, sizeof(asym), fp) != NULL;) { if (nsorted >= NUMSYMS) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: only doing %d symbols\n", Pgm, NUMSYMS); break; } for (t = asym; isspace(*t); ++t) ; if (!*(start = t)) continue; while (*++t) ; if (*--t == '\n') *t = '\0'; *p++ = strdup(start); ++nsorted; } fclose(fp); } void cleanup() { if (strtmp[0]) unlink(strtmp); if (sym1tmp[0]) unlink(sym1tmp); if (sym2tmp[0]) unlink(sym2tmp); exit(EX_OK); }