#if !defined(lint) && defined(DOSCCS) static char sccsid[] = "@(#)context.c 3.7.1 1996/3/22"; #endif /* * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California, * All rights reserved. Redistribution permitted subject to * the terms of the Berkeley Software License Agreement. */ #include <stdio.h> #include "defs.h" #include "value.h" #include "string.h" #include "context.h" /* * Context push/pop for nested command files. */ cx_alloc() { register struct context *xp; if (cx.x_type != 0) { xp = (struct context *) malloc((unsigned) sizeof (struct context)); if (xp == 0) return -1; *xp = cx; cx.x_link = xp; cx.x_type = 0; } cx.x_erred = 0; cx.x_synerred = 0; cx.x_abort = 0; return 0; } cx_free() { struct context *xp; if ((xp = cx.x_link) != 0) { cx = *xp; free((char *)xp); } else cx.x_type = 0; } cx_beginfile(filename) char *filename; { if (cx_alloc() < 0) return -1; cx.x_type = X_FILE; if ((cx.x_filename = str_cpy(filename)) == 0) goto bad; cx.x_fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (cx.x_fp == 0) goto bad; cx.x_bol = 1; cx.x_lineno = 0; cx.x_errwin = 0; cx.x_noerr = 0; return 0; bad: if (cx.x_filename != 0) str_free(cx.x_filename); cx_free(); return -1; } cx_beginbuf(buf, arg, narg) char *buf; struct value *arg; int narg; { if (cx_alloc() < 0) return -1; cx.x_type = X_BUF; cx.x_bufp = cx.x_buf = buf; cx.x_arg = arg; cx.x_narg = narg; return 0; } cx_end() { switch (cx.x_type) { case X_BUF: break; case X_FILE: (void) fclose(cx.x_fp); str_free(cx.x_filename); break; } cx_free(); }