#ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)wwiomux.c 3.15 9/19/85"; #endif /* * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California, * All rights reserved. Redistribution permitted subject to * the terms of the Berkeley Software License Agreement. */ #include "ww.h" #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/types.h> /* * Multiple window output handler. * The idea is to copy window outputs to the terminal, via the * display package. We try to give the top most window highest * priority. The only return condition is when there is keyboard * input, which is serviced asynchronously by wwrint(). * When there's nothing to do, we sleep in a select(). * This can be done better with interrupt driven io. But that's * not supported on ptys, yet. * The history of this routine is interesting. */ wwiomux() { register struct ww *w; fd_set imask; register n; register char *p; char c; static struct timeval tv = { 0, 0 }; char noblock; loop: if (wwinterrupt()) return; FD_ZERO(&imask); noblock = 0; for (w = wwhead.ww_forw; w != &wwhead; w = w->ww_forw) { if (w->ww_pty < 0) continue; if (w->ww_obq < w->ww_obe) FD_SET(w->ww_pty, &imask); if (w->ww_obq > w->ww_obp && !w->ww_stopped) noblock = 1; } if (!noblock) { if (wwcurwin != 0) wwcurtowin(wwcurwin); wwupdate(); wwflush(); if (setjmp(wwjmpbuf)) return; wwsetjmp = 1; if (wwinterrupt()) { wwsetjmp = 0; return; } } wwnselect++; n = select(wwdtablesize, &imask, (fd_set *)0, (fd_set *)0, noblock ? &tv : (struct timeval *)0); wwsetjmp = 0; if (n < 0) wwnselecte++; else if (n == 0) wwnselectz++; else for (w = wwhead.ww_forw; w != &wwhead; w = w->ww_forw) { if (w->ww_pty < 0 || !FD_ISSET(w->ww_pty, &imask)) continue; wwnwread++; p = w->ww_obq; if (w->ww_ispty) { if (p == w->ww_ob) { w->ww_obp++; w->ww_obq++; } else p--; c = *p; } n = read(w->ww_pty, p, w->ww_obe - p); if (n < 0) { wwnwreade++; (void) close(w->ww_pty); w->ww_pty = -1; } else if (n == 0) { wwnwreadz++; (void) close(w->ww_pty); w->ww_pty = -1; } else if (!w->ww_ispty) { wwnwreadd++; wwnwreadc += n; w->ww_obq += n; } else if (*p == TIOCPKT_DATA) { n--; wwnwreadd++; wwnwreadc += n; w->ww_obq += n; } else { wwnwreadp++; if (*p & TIOCPKT_STOP) w->ww_stopped = 1; if (*p & TIOCPKT_START) w->ww_stopped = 0; if (*p & TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE) { w->ww_stopped = 0; w->ww_obq = w->ww_obp = w->ww_ob; } } if (w->ww_ispty) *p = c; } for (w = wwhead.ww_forw; w != &wwhead; w = w->ww_forw) if (w->ww_pty >= 0 && w->ww_obq > w->ww_obp && !w->ww_stopped) { n = wwwrite(w, w->ww_obp, w->ww_obq - w->ww_obp); if ((w->ww_obp += n) == w->ww_obq) w->ww_obq = w->ww_obp = w->ww_ob; if (wwinterrupt()) return; break; } goto loop; }