#if !defined(lint) && defined(DOSCCS) static char sccsid[] = "@(#)cico.c 5.14.1 (2.11BSD) 1997/10/2"; #endif #include <signal.h> #include "uucp.h" #include <setjmp.h> #ifdef USG #include <termio.h> #endif #ifndef USG #include <sgtty.h> #endif #ifdef BSDTCP #include <netdb.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #endif BSDTCP #include <sys/stat.h> #include "uust.h" #include "uusub.h" #if defined(VMS) && defined(BSDTCP) #define NOGETPEER #endif #ifdef BSD2_9 #define NOGETPEER #endif jmp_buf Sjbuf; jmp_buf Pipebuf; /* call fail text */ char *Stattext[] = { "", "BAD SYSTEM", "WRONG TIME TO CALL", "SYSTEM LOCKED", "NO DEVICE", "CALL FAILED", "LOGIN FAILED", "BAD SEQUENCE" }; /* call fail codes */ int Stattype[] = { 0, 0, SS_WRONGTIME, 0, SS_NODEVICE, SS_FAIL, SS_FAIL, SS_BADSEQ }; /* Arguments to setdebug(): */ #define DBG_TEMP 0 /* Create a temporary audit file */ #define DBG_PERM 1 /* Create a permanent audit file */ #define DBG_CLEAN 2 /* Cleanup, discard temp file */ int ReverseRole = 0; int Role = SLAVE; int onesys = 0; int turntime = 30 * 60; /* 30 minutes expressed in seconds */ char *ttyn = NULL; extern int LocalOnly; extern int errno; extern char MaxGrade, DefMaxGrade; extern char Myfullname[]; #ifdef USG struct termio Savettyb; #endif #ifndef USG struct sgttyb Savettyb; #endif /* * this program is used to place a call to a * remote machine, login, and copy files between the two machines. */ main(argc, argv) int argc; register char *argv[]; { register int ret; int seq; char wkpre[NAMESIZE], file[NAMESIZE]; char msg[MAXFULLNAME], *q; register char *p; extern onintr(), timeout(), dbg_signal(); extern char *pskip(); char rflags[MAXFULLNAME]; #ifdef NOGETPEER u_long Hostnumber = 0; #endif NOGETPEER strcpy(Progname, "uucico"); #ifdef BSD4_2 sigsetmask(0L); /* in case we inherit blocked signals */ #endif BSD4_2 signal(SIGINT, onintr); signal(SIGHUP, onintr); signal(SIGQUIT, onintr); signal(SIGTERM, onintr); signal(SIGPIPE, onintr); /* 4.1a tcp-ip stupidity */ signal(SIGFPE, dbg_signal); ret = guinfo(getuid(), User, msg); strcpy(Loginuser, User); uucpname(Myname); ASSERT(ret == 0, "BAD UID", CNULL, ret); setbuf (stderr, CNULL); rflags[0] = '\0'; umask(WFMASK); strcpy(Rmtname, Myname); Ifn = Ofn = -1; while(argc>1 && argv[1][0] == '-'){ switch(argv[1][1]){ case 'd': Spool = &argv[1][2]; break; case 'g': case 'p': MaxGrade = DefMaxGrade = argv[1][2]; break; case 'r': Role = atoi(&argv[1][2]); break; case 'R': ReverseRole++; Role = MASTER; break; case 's': strncpy(Rmtname, &argv[1][2], MAXBASENAME); Rmtname[MAXBASENAME] = '\0'; if (Rmtname[0] != '\0') onesys = 1; break; case 'x': Debug = atoi(&argv[1][2]); if (Debug <= 0) Debug = 1; strcat(rflags, argv[1]); break; case 't': turntime = atoi(&argv[1][2])*60;/* minutes to seconds */ break; case 'L': /* local calls only */ LocalOnly++; break; #ifdef NOGETPEER case 'h': Hostnumber = inet_addr(&argv[1][2]); break; #endif NOGETPEER default: printf("unknown flag %s (ignored)\n", argv[1]); break; } --argc; argv++; } while (argc > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "unknown argument %s (ignored)\n", argv[1]); --argc; argv++; } if (Debug && Role == MASTER) chkdebug(); /* Try to run as uucp */ setgid(getegid()); setuid(geteuid()); #ifdef TIOCNOTTY /* * detach uucico from controlling terminal * to defend against rlogind sending us a SIGKILL (!!!) */ if (Role == MASTER && (ret = open("/dev/tty", 2)) >= 0) { ioctl(ret, TIOCNOTTY, STBNULL); close(ret); } #endif TIOCNOTTY #ifdef BSD4_2 if (getpgrp(0) == 0) { /* We have no controlling terminal */ setpgrp(0, getpid()); } #endif BSD4_2 ret = subchdir(Spool); ASSERT(ret >= 0, "CHDIR FAILED", Spool, ret); strcpy(Wrkdir, Spool); if (Debug) { setdebug ((Role == SLAVE) ? DBG_TEMP : DBG_PERM); if (Debug > 0) logent ("Local Enabled", "DEBUG"); } /* * First time through: If we're the slave, do initial checking. */ if (Role == SLAVE) { /* check for /etc/nologin */ if (access(NOLOGIN, 0) == 0) { logent(NOLOGIN, "UUCICO SHUTDOWN"); if (Debug > 4) logent("DEBUGGING", "continuing anyway"); else cleanup(1); } Ifn = 0; Ofn = 1; #ifdef TCPIP /* * Determine if we are on TCPIP */ if (isatty(Ifn) < 0) { IsTcpIp = 1; DEBUG(4, "TCPIP connection -- ioctl-s disabled\n", CNULL); } else IsTcpIp = 0; #endif TCPIP /* initial handshake */ onesys = 1; if (!IsTcpIp) { #ifdef USG ret = ioctl(Ifn, TCGETA, &Savettyb); Savettyb.c_cflag = (Savettyb.c_cflag & ~CS8) | CS7; Savettyb.c_oflag |= OPOST; Savettyb.c_lflag |= (ISIG|ICANON|ECHO); #else !USG ret = ioctl(Ifn, TIOCGETP, &Savettyb); Savettyb.sg_flags |= ECHO; Savettyb.sg_flags &= ~RAW; #endif !USG ttyn = ttyname(Ifn); } fixmode(Ifn); /* * Initial Message -- tell them we're here, and who we are. */ sprintf(msg, "here=%s", Myfullname); omsg('S', msg, Ofn); signal(SIGALRM, timeout); alarm(MAXMSGTIME); if (setjmp(Sjbuf)) { /* timed out */ if (!IsTcpIp) { #ifdef USG ret = ioctl(Ifn, TCSETA, &Savettyb); #else !USG ret = ioctl(Ifn, TIOCSETP, &Savettyb); #endif !USG } cleanup(0); } for (;;) { ret = imsg(msg, Ifn); if (ret != SUCCESS) { alarm(0); if (!IsTcpIp) { #ifdef USG ret = ioctl(Ifn, TCSETA, &Savettyb); #else !USG ret = ioctl(Ifn, TIOCSETP, &Savettyb); #endif !USG } cleanup(0); } if (msg[0] == 'S') break; } alarm(0); q = &msg[1]; p = pskip(q); strncpy(Rmtname, q, MAXBASENAME); Rmtname[MAXBASENAME] = '\0'; /* * Now that we know who they are, give the audit file the right * name. */ setdebug (DBG_PERM); DEBUG(4, "sys-%s\n", Rmtname); /* The versys will also do an alias on the incoming name */ if (versys(&Rmtname)) { /* If we don't know them, we won't talk to them... */ #ifdef NOSTRANGERS logent(Rmtname, "UNKNOWN HOST"); omsg('R', "You are unknown to me", Ofn); cleanup(0); #endif NOSTRANGERS } #ifdef BSDTCP /* we must make sure they are really who they say they * are. We compare the hostnumber with the number in the hosts * table for the site they claim to be. */ if (IsTcpIp) { struct hostent *hp; char *cpnt, *inet_ntoa(); int fromlen; struct sockaddr_in from; extern char PhoneNumber[]; #ifdef NOGETPEER from.sin_addr.s_addr = Hostnumber; from.sin_family = AF_INET; #else !NOGETPEER fromlen = sizeof(from); if (getpeername(Ifn, &from, &fromlen) < 0) { logent(Rmtname, "NOT A TCP CONNECTION"); omsg('R', "NOT TCP", Ofn); cleanup(0); } #endif !NOGETPEER hp = gethostbyaddr(&from.sin_addr, sizeof (struct in_addr), from.sin_family); if (hp == NULL) { /* security break or just old host table? */ logent(Rmtname, "UNKNOWN IP-HOST Name ="); cpnt = inet_ntoa(from.sin_addr), logent(cpnt, "UNKNOWN IP-HOST Number ="); sprintf(wkpre, "%s/%s isn't in my host table", Rmtname, cpnt); omsg('R' ,wkpre ,Ofn); cleanup(0); } if (Debug > 99) logent(Rmtname,"Request from IP-Host name ="); /* * The following is to determine if the name given us by * the Remote uucico matches any of the names * given its network number (remote machine) in our * host table. * We could check the aliases, but that won't work in * all cases (like if you are running the domain * server, where you don't get any aliases). The only * reliable way I can think of that works in ALL cases * is too look up the site in L.sys and see if the * sitename matches what we would call him if we * originated the call. */ /* PhoneNumber contains the official network name of the host we are checking. (set in versys.c) */ if (sncncmp(PhoneNumber, hp->h_name, SYSNSIZE) == 0) { if (Debug > 99) logent(q,"Found in host Tables"); } else { logent(hp->h_name, "FORGED HOSTNAME"); logent(inet_ntoa(from.sin_addr), "ORIGINATED AT"); logent(PhoneNumber, "SHOULD BE"); sprintf(wkpre, "You're not who you claim to be: %s != %s", hp->h_name, PhoneNumber); omsg('R', wkpre, Ofn); cleanup(0); } } #endif BSDTCP if (mlock(Rmtname)) { omsg('R', "LCK", Ofn); cleanup(0); } else if (callback(Loginuser)) { signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); omsg('R', "CB", Ofn); logent("CALLBACK", "REQUIRED"); /* set up for call back */ systat(Rmtname, SS_CALLBACK, "CALLING BACK"); gename(CMDPRE, Rmtname, 'C', file); close(creat(subfile(file), 0666)); xuucico(Rmtname); cleanup(0); } seq = 0; while (*p == '-') { q = pskip(p); switch(*(++p)) { case 'x': if (Debug == 0) { Debug = atoi(++p); if (Debug <= 0) Debug = 1; setdebug(DBG_PERM); if (Debug > 0) logent("Remote Enabled", "DEBUG"); } else { DEBUG(1, "Remote debug request ignored\n", CNULL); } break; case 'Q': seq = atoi(++p); break; case 'p': MaxGrade = DefMaxGrade = *++p; DEBUG(4, "MaxGrade set to %c\n", MaxGrade); break; case 'v': if (strncmp(p, "grade", 5) == 0) { p += 6; MaxGrade = DefMaxGrade = *p++; DEBUG(4, "MaxGrade set to %c\n", MaxGrade); } break; default: break; } p = q; } if (callok(Rmtname) == SS_BADSEQ) { logent("BADSEQ", "PREVIOUS"); omsg('R', "BADSEQ", Ofn); cleanup(0); } #ifdef GNXSEQ if ((ret = gnxseq(Rmtname)) == seq) { omsg('R', "OK", Ofn); cmtseq(); } else { #else !GNXSEQ if (seq == 0) omsg('R', "OK", Ofn); else { #endif !GNXSEQ systat(Rmtname, Stattype[7], Stattext[7]); logent("BAD SEQ", "FAILED HANDSHAKE"); #ifdef GNXSEQ ulkseq(); #endif GNXSEQ omsg('R', "BADSEQ", Ofn); cleanup(0); } if (ttyn != NULL) chmod(ttyn, 0600); } loop: if(setjmp(Pipebuf)) { /* come here on SIGPIPE */ clsacu(); close(Ofn); close(Ifn); Ifn = Ofn = -1; rmlock(CNULL); sleep(3); } if (!onesys) { ret = gnsys(Rmtname, Spool, CMDPRE); setdebug(DBG_PERM); if (ret == FAIL) cleanup(100); if (ret == SUCCESS) cleanup(0); } else if (Role == MASTER && callok(Rmtname) != 0) { logent("SYSTEM STATUS", "CAN NOT CALL"); cleanup(0); } sprintf(wkpre, "%c.%.*s", CMDPRE, SYSNSIZE, Rmtname); signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); if (Role == MASTER) { /* check for /etc/nologin */ if (access(NOLOGIN, 0) == 0) { logent(NOLOGIN, "UUCICO SHUTDOWN"); if (Debug > 4) logent("DEBUGGING", "continuing anyway"); else cleanup(1); } /* master part */ signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); if (Ifn != -1 && Role == MASTER) { write(Ofn, EOTMSG, strlen(EOTMSG)); clsacu(); close(Ofn); close(Ifn); Ifn = Ofn = -1; rmlock(CNULL); sleep(3); } sprintf(msg, "call to %s ", Rmtname); if (mlock(Rmtname) != SUCCESS) { logent(msg, "LOCKED"); US_SST(us_s_lock); goto next; } Ofn = Ifn = conn(Rmtname); if (Ofn < 0) { if (Ofn != CF_TIME) logent(msg, _FAILED); /* avoid excessive 'wrong time' info */ if (Stattype[-Ofn] != SS_WRONGTIME){ systat(Rmtname, Stattype[-Ofn], Stattext[-Ofn]); US_SST(-Ofn); UB_SST(-Ofn); } goto next; } else { logent(msg, "SUCCEEDED"); US_SST(us_s_cok); UB_SST(ub_ok); } #ifdef TCPIP /* * Determine if we are on TCPIP */ if (isatty(Ifn) == 0) { IsTcpIp = 1; DEBUG(4, "TCPIP connection -- ioctl-s disabled\n", CNULL); } else IsTcpIp = 0; #endif if (setjmp(Sjbuf)) goto next; signal(SIGALRM, timeout); alarm(2 * MAXMSGTIME); for (;;) { ret = imsg(msg, Ifn); if (ret != 0) { alarm(0); logent("imsg 1", _FAILED); goto Failure; } if (msg[0] == 'S') break; } alarm(MAXMSGTIME); #ifdef GNXSEQ seq = gnxseq(Rmtname); #else !GNXSEQ seq = 0; #endif !GNXSEQ if (MaxGrade != '\177') { DEBUG(2, "Max Grade this transfer is %c\n", MaxGrade); sprintf(msg, "%s -Q%d -p%c -vgrade=%c %s", Myname, seq, MaxGrade, MaxGrade, rflags); } else sprintf(msg, "%s -Q%d %s", Myname, seq, rflags); omsg('S', msg, Ofn); for (;;) { ret = imsg(msg, Ifn); DEBUG(4, "msg-%s\n", msg); if (ret != SUCCESS) { alarm(0); #ifdef GNXSEQ ulkseq(); #endif GNXSEQ logent("imsg 2", _FAILED); goto Failure; } if (msg[0] == 'R') break; } alarm(0); if (msg[1] == 'B') { /* bad sequence */ logent("BAD SEQ", "FAILED HANDSHAKE"); US_SST(us_s_hand); systat(Rmtname, SS_BADSEQ, Stattext[SS_BADSEQ]); #ifdef GNXSEQ ulkseq(); #endif GNXSEQ goto next; } if (strcmp(&msg[1], "OK") != SAME) { logent(&msg[1], "FAILED HANDSHAKE"); US_SST(us_s_hand); #ifdef GNXSEQ ulkseq(); #endif GNXSEQ systat(Rmtname, SS_INPROGRESS, strcmp(&msg[1], "CB") == SAME? "AWAITING CALLBACK": "FAILED HANDSHAKE"); goto next; } #ifdef GNXSEQ cmtseq(); #endif GNXSEQ } DEBUG(1, "Rmtname %s, ", Rmtname); DEBUG(1, "Role %s, ", Role ? "MASTER" : "SLAVE"); DEBUG(1, "Ifn - %d, ", Ifn); DEBUG(1, "Loginuser - %s\n", Loginuser); ttyn = ttyname(Ifn); alarm(MAXMSGTIME); if (ret=setjmp(Sjbuf)) goto Failure; ret = startup(Role); alarm(0); if (ret != SUCCESS) { logent("startup", _FAILED); Failure: US_SST(us_s_start); systat(Rmtname, SS_FAIL, ret > 0 ? "CONVERSATION FAILED" : "STARTUP FAILED"); goto next; } else { if (ttyn != NULL) { char startupmsg[BUFSIZ]; extern int linebaudrate; sprintf(startupmsg, "startup %s %d baud", &ttyn[5], linebaudrate); logent(startupmsg, "OK"); } else logent("startup", "OK"); US_SST(us_s_gress); systat(Rmtname, SS_INPROGRESS, "TALKING"); ret = cntrl(Role, wkpre); DEBUG(1, "cntrl - %d\n", ret); signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGALRM, timeout); if (ret == SUCCESS) { logent("conversation complete", "OK"); US_SST(us_s_ok); rmstat(Rmtname); } else { logent("conversation complete", _FAILED); US_SST(us_s_cf); systat(Rmtname, SS_FAIL, "CONVERSATION FAILED"); } alarm(MAXMSGTIME); DEBUG(4, "send OO %d,", ret); if (!setjmp(Sjbuf)) { for (;;) { omsg('O', "OOOOO", Ofn); ret = imsg(msg, Ifn); if (ret != 0) break; if (msg[0] == 'O') break; } } alarm(0); clsacu(); rmlock(CNULL); } next: if (!onesys) { goto loop; } cleanup(0); } #ifndef USG struct sgttyb Hupvec; #endif /* * cleanup and exit with "code" status */ cleanup(code) register int code; { signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); rmlock(CNULL); sleep(5); /* Wait for any pending output */ clsacu(); logcls(); if (Role == SLAVE) { if (!IsTcpIp) { #ifdef USG Savettyb.c_cflag |= HUPCL; (void) ioctl(0, TCSETA, &Savettyb); #else !USG (void) ioctl(0, TIOCHPCL, STBNULL); #ifdef TIOCSDTR (void) ioctl(0, TIOCCDTR, STBNULL); sleep(2); (void) ioctl(0, TIOCSDTR, STBNULL); #else !TIOCSDTR (void) ioctl(0, TIOCGETP, &Hupvec); Hupvec.sg_ispeed = B0; Hupvec.sg_ospeed = B0; (void) ioctl(0, TIOCSETP, &Hupvec); #endif !TIOCSDTR sleep(2); (void) ioctl(0, TIOCSETP, &Savettyb); /* make *sure* exclusive access is off */ (void) ioctl(0, TIOCNXCL, STBNULL); #endif !USG } if (ttyn != NULL) chmod(ttyn, 0600); } if (Ofn != -1) { if (Role == MASTER) write(Ofn, EOTMSG, strlen(EOTMSG)); close(Ifn); close(Ofn); } #ifdef DIALINOUT /* reenable logins on dialout */ reenable(); #endif DIALINOUT if (code == 0) xuuxqt(); else DEBUG(1, "exit code %d\n", code); setdebug (DBG_CLEAN); exit(code); } /* * on interrupt - remove locks and exit */ onintr(inter) register int inter; { char str[30]; signal(inter, SIG_IGN); sprintf(str, "SIGNAL %d", inter); logent(str, "CAUGHT"); US_SST(us_s_intr); if (*Rmtname && strncmp(Rmtname, Myname, MAXBASENAME)) systat(Rmtname, SS_FAIL, str); if (inter == SIGPIPE && !onesys) longjmp(Pipebuf, 1); cleanup(inter); } /* * Catch a special signal * (SIGFPE, ugh), and toggle debugging between 0 and 30. * Handy for looking in on long running uucicos. */ dbg_signal() { Debug = (Debug == 0) ? 30 : 0; setdebug(DBG_PERM); if (Debug > 0) logent("Signal Enabled", "DEBUG"); } /* * Check debugging requests, and open RMTDEBUG audit file if necessary. If an * audit file is needed, the parm argument indicates how to create the file: * * DBG_TEMP - Open a temporary file, with filename = RMTDEBUG/pid. * DBG_PERM - Open a permanent audit file, filename = RMTDEBUG/Rmtname. * If a temp file already exists, it is mv'ed to be permanent. * DBG_CLEAN - Cleanup; unlink temp files. * * Restrictions - this code can only cope with one open debug file at a time. * Each call creates a new file; if an old one of the same name exists it will * be overwritten. */ setdebug(parm) int parm; { char buf[BUFSIZ]; /* Buffer for building filenames */ static char *temp = NULL; /* Ptr to temporary file name */ static int auditopen = 0; /* Set to 1 when we open a file */ struct stat stbuf; /* File status buffer */ /* * If movement or cleanup of a temp file is indicated, we do it no * matter what. */ if (temp != CNULL && parm == DBG_PERM) { sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", RMTDEBUG, Rmtname); unlink(buf); if (link(temp, buf) != 0) { Debug = 0; assert("RMTDEBUG LINK FAIL", temp, errno); cleanup(1); } parm = DBG_CLEAN; } if (parm == DBG_CLEAN) { if (temp != CNULL) { unlink(temp); free(temp); temp = CNULL; } return; } if (Debug == 0) return; /* Gotta be in debug to come here. */ /* * If we haven't opened a file already, we can just return if it's * alright to use the stderr we came in with. We can if: * * Role == MASTER, and Stderr is a regular file, a TTY or a pipe. * * Caution: Detecting when stderr is a pipe is tricky, because the 4.2 * man page for fstat(2) disagrees with reality, and System V leaves it * undefined, which means different implementations act differently. */ if (!auditopen && Role == MASTER) { if (isatty(fileno(stderr))) return; else if (fstat(fileno(stderr), &stbuf) == 0) { #ifdef USG /* Is Regular File or Fifo */ if ((stbuf.st_mode & 0060000) == 0) return; #else !USG #ifdef BSD4_2 /* Is Regular File */ if ((stbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG || stbuf.st_mode == 0) /* Is a pipe */ return; #else !BSD4_2 /* Is Regular File or Pipe */ if ((stbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG) return; #endif BSD4_2 #endif USG } } /* * We need RMTDEBUG directory to do auditing. If the file doesn't exist, * then we forget about debugging; if it exists but has improper owner- * ship or modes, we gripe about it in ERRLOG. */ if (stat(RMTDEBUG, &stbuf) != SUCCESS) { Debug = 0; return; } if ((geteuid() != stbuf.st_uid) || /* We must own it */ ((stbuf.st_mode & 0170700) != 040700)) { /* Directory, rwx */ Debug = 0; assert("INVALID RMTDEBUG DIRECTORY:", RMTDEBUG, stbuf.st_mode); return; } if (parm == DBG_TEMP) { sprintf(buf, "%s/%d", RMTDEBUG, getpid()); temp = (char *)malloc(strlen (buf) + 1); if (temp == CNULL) { Debug = 0; assert("RMTDEBUG MALLOC ERROR:", temp, errno); cleanup(1); } strcpy(temp, buf); } else sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", RMTDEBUG, Rmtname); unlink(buf); if (freopen(buf, "w", stderr) != stderr) { Debug = 0; assert("FAILED RMTDEBUG FILE OPEN:", buf, errno); cleanup(1); } setbuf(stderr, CNULL); auditopen = 1; } /* * catch SIGALRM routine */ timeout() { extern int HaveSentHup; if (!HaveSentHup) { logent(Rmtname, "TIMEOUT"); if (*Rmtname && strncmp(Rmtname, Myname, MAXBASENAME)) { US_SST(us_s_tmot); systat(Rmtname, SS_FAIL, "TIMEOUT"); } } longjmp(Sjbuf, 1); } static char * pskip(p) register char *p; { while(*p && *p != ' ') ++p; while(*p && *p == ' ') *p++ = 0; return p; }