#ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)uucpname.c 5.5 (Berkeley) 10/9/85"; #endif #include "uucp.h" #include <sys/stat.h> /*LINTLIBRARY*/ #ifdef GETMYHNAME #include <UNET/unetio.h> #endif #ifdef UNAME /* Use USG uname() library routine */ #include <sys/utsname.h> #endif #ifdef CCWHOAMI /* Compile in 'sysname' as found in standard(!) include file */ #include <whoami.h> #endif char Myfullname[64]; /* * uucpname(name) get the uucp name * * return code - none */ uucpname(name) register char *name; { register char *s; /* * Since some UNIX systems do not honor the set-user-id bit * when the invoking user is root, we must change the uid here. * So uucp files are created with the correct owner. */ if (geteuid() == 0 && getuid() == 0) { struct stat stbuf; stbuf.st_uid = 0; /* In case the stat fails */ stbuf.st_gid = 0; stat(UUCICO, &stbuf); /* Assume uucico is correctly owned */ setgid(stbuf.st_gid); setuid(stbuf.st_uid); } s = NULL; /* system name unknown, so far */ #ifdef GETHOSTNAME if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') { #ifdef VMS int i = sizeof(Myfullname); #endif VMS s = Myfullname; #ifdef VMS if(gethostname(Myfullname, &i) == -1) { #else !VMS if(gethostname(Myfullname, sizeof(Myfullname)) == -1) { #endif !VMS DEBUG(1, "gethostname", _FAILED); s = NULL; } } #endif GETHOSTNAME #ifdef UNAME /* Use USG library routine */ if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') { struct utsname utsn; if (uname(&utsn) == -1) { DEBUG(1, "uname", _FAILED); s = NULL; } else { strncpy(Myfullname, utsn.nodename, sizeof Myfullname); s = Myfullname; } } #endif #ifdef WHOAMI /* Use fake gethostname() routine */ if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') { s = Myfullname; if (fakegethostname(Myfullname, sizeof(Myfullname)) == -1) { DEBUG(1, "whoami search", _FAILED); s = NULL; } } #endif #ifdef CCWHOAMI /* compile sysname right into uucp */ if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') { s = sysname; strncpy(Myfullname, s, sizeof Myfullname); } #endif #ifdef UUNAME /* uucp name is stored in /etc/uucpname or /local/uucpname */ if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') { FILE *uucpf; s = Myfullname; if (((uucpf = fopen("/etc/uucpname", "r")) == NULL && (uucpf = fopen("/local/uucpname", "r")) == NULL) || fgets(Myfullname, sizeof Myfullname, uucpf) == NULL) { DEBUG(1, "uuname search", _FAILED); s = NULL; } if (s == Myfullname) { register char *p; p = index(s, '\n'); if (p) *p = '\0'; } if (uucpf != NULL) fclose(uucpf); } #endif #ifdef GETMYHNAME /* Use 3Com's getmyhname() routine */ if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') { if ((s = getmyhname()) == NULL) DEBUG(1, "getmyhname", _FAILED); else strncpy(Myfullname, s, sizeof Myfullname); } #endif #ifdef MYNAME if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') { s = MYNAME; strncpy(Myfullname, s, sizeof Myfullname); } #endif if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') { /* * As a last ditch thing, we *could* search Spool * for D.<uucpname> and use that, * but that is too much trouble, isn't it? */ logent("SYSTEM NAME", "CANNOT DETERMINE"); strcpy(Myfullname, "unknown"); } /* * copy uucpname back to caller-supplied buffer, * truncating to MAXBASENAME characters. * Also set up subdirectory names * Truncate names at '.' if found to handle cases like * seismo.css.gov being returned by gethostname(). * uucp sites should not have '.' in their name anyway */ s = index(Myfullname, '.'); if (s != NULL) *s = '\0'; strncpy(name, Myfullname, MAXBASENAME); name[MAXBASENAME] = '\0'; DEBUG(1, "My uucpname = %s\n", name); sprintf(DLocal, "D.%.*s", SYSNSIZE, name); sprintf(DLocalX, "D.%.*sX", SYSNSIZE, name); } #ifdef WHOAMI /* * simulate the 4.2 bsd system call by reading /usr/include/whoami.h * and looking for the #define sysname */ #define HDRFILE "/usr/include/whoami.h" fakegethostname(name, len) char *name; int len; { char buf[BUFSIZ]; char bname[32]; char hname[32]; char nname[128]; register char *p, *q, *nptr; int i; register FILE *fd; fd = fopen(HDRFILE, "r"); if (fd == NULL) return(-1); hname[0] = 0; nname[0] = 0; nptr = nname; while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fd) != NULL) { /* each line in the file */ if (sscanf(buf, "#define sysname \"%[^\"]\"", bname) == 1) { strcpy(hname, bname); } else if (sscanf(buf, "#define nickname \"%[^\"]\"", bname) == 1) { strcpy(nptr, bname); nptr += strlen(bname) + 1; } else if (sscanf(buf, "#define nickname%d \"%[^\"]\"", &i, bname) == 2) { strcpy(nptr, bname); nptr += strlen(bname) + 1; } } fclose(fd); if (hname[0] == 0) return FAIL; strncpy(name, hname, len); p = nname; i = strlen(hname) + 1; q = name + i; while (i < len && (p[0] != 0 || p[1] != 0)) { *q++ = *p++; i++; } *q++ = 0; return SUCCESS; } #endif