#ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)uusnap.c 5.7 (Berkeley) 10/9/85"; #endif /* * Uusnap - displays a snapshot of the uucp system. * originally by RJKing WECo-MG6565 May 83 */ #include "uucp.h" #include <sys/stat.h> #ifdef NDIR #include "ndir.h" #else #include <sys/dir.h> #endif #include <ctype.h> #ifndef SYSBUF char SYSBUF[BUFSIZ]; #endif #define NSYSTEM 100 /* max # of systems queued */ #define CMDSLEN 5 /* Length of trailer */ #define DATALEN 5 /* Length of trailer */ #define XEQTLEN 5 /* Length of trailer */ #define NUMCTRS 3 /* # file types to count */ #define CMDTYPE 0 /* Index into scnt.cntr */ #define DATTYPE 1 /* Index into scnt.cntr */ #define XEQTYPE 2 /* Index into scnt.cntr */ struct scnt { /* System count structure */ char name[MAXBASENAME+1]; /* Name of system */ short cntr[NUMCTRS]; /* Count */ char stst[32]; /* STST Message */ time_t locked; /* If LCK..sys present */ int st_type; /* STST Type */ int st_count; /* STST Count */ time_t st_lastime; /* STST Last time tried */ time_t st_retry; /* STST Secs to retry */ }; int sndx; /* Number of systems */ struct scnt sys[NSYSTEM]; /* Systems queued */ int xqtisrunning = 0; main() { register int i, j, nlen = 0; time_t curtime, t; setbuf(stdout, SYSBUF); scandir(CMDSDIR, "C.", CMDSLEN, NULL, CMDTYPE); scandir(DATADIR, "D.", DATALEN, NULL, DATTYPE); scandir(XEQTDIR, "X.", XEQTLEN, 'X', XEQTYPE); getstst(SPOOL); time(&curtime); for(i=0; i<sndx; ++i) if((j = strlen(sys[i].name)) > nlen) nlen = j; for(i=0; i<sndx; ++i) { t = (sys[i].st_lastime +sys[i].st_retry) - curtime; /* decide if STST text is worth printing */ if (-t < ONEDAY*2 && sys[i].st_type == SS_WRONGTIME) { sys[i].stst[0] = '\0'; if (sys[i].cntr[0]+sys[i].cntr[1]+sys[i].cntr[2] == 0) continue; /* ignore entire line */ } printf("%-*.*s ", nlen, nlen, sys[i].name); if(sys[i].cntr[CMDTYPE]) printf("%3.d Cmd%s ", sys[i].cntr[CMDTYPE], sys[i].cntr[CMDTYPE]>1?"s":" "); else printf(" --- "); if(sys[i].cntr[DATTYPE]) printf("%3.d Data ", sys[i].cntr[DATTYPE]); else printf(" --- "); if(sys[i].cntr[XEQTYPE]) printf("%3.d Xqt%s ", sys[i].cntr[XEQTYPE], sys[i].cntr[XEQTYPE]>1?"s":" "); else printf(" --- "); if(*sys[i].stst == NULL || sys[i].locked > sys[i].st_lastime) { if(sys[i].locked) printf("LOCKED\n"); else printf("\n"); continue; } printf("%s ", sys[i].stst); /* decide if STST info is worth pursuing */ if (-t < ONEDAY*2 && (sys[i].st_count == 0 || sys[i].st_type == SS_WRONGTIME || (sys[i].st_type == SS_INPROGRESS && sys[i].locked))) { printf("\n"); continue; } t = (sys[i].st_lastime +sys[i].st_retry) - curtime; if (-t < ONEDAY*2 && sys[i].st_type != SS_FAIL) t = 0; if (sys[i].st_count > MAXRECALLS) printf("at MAX RECALLS"); else if (-t >= ONEDAY*2) printf("%ld days ago", (long)-t/ONEDAY); else if (t <= 0) printf("Retry time reached"); else if (t < 60) printf("Retry time %ld sec%s", (long)(t%60), (t%60)!=1? "s": ""); else printf("Retry time %ld min%s", (long)(t/60), (t/60)!=1? "s": ""); if(sys[i].st_count > 1) printf(" Count: %d\n", sys[i].st_count); else printf("\n"); } if (xqtisrunning) printf("\nUuxqt is running\n"); exit(0); } scandir(dnam, prfx, flen, fchr, type) char *dnam, *prfx, fchr; { register struct direct *dentp; register DIR *dirp; register int i, fnamlen, plen; char fnam[MAXNAMLEN+1]; plen = strlen(prfx); if(chdir(dnam) < 0) { perror(dnam); exit(1); } if ((dirp = opendir(".")) == NULL) { perror(dnam); exit(1); } while((dentp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { if(*dentp->d_name == '.') continue; if(strncmp(dentp->d_name, prfx, plen) != SAME) { fprintf(stderr, "strange file (%s) in %s\n", dentp->d_name, dnam); continue; } strcpy(fnam, &dentp->d_name[plen]); fnamlen = strlen(fnam); if(flen > 0) { char c; fnamlen -= flen; c = fnam[fnamlen]; if (islower(c)) c = toupper(c); if (type == DATTYPE && (c != 'S' && c != 'B')) { fnamlen -= 2; /* For Honey DanBer */ fnam[fnamlen] = NULL; } else { fnam[fnamlen] = NULL; fnamlen = MAXBASENAME; /* yes, after = NULL*/ } } else { for(; fnamlen>0; --fnamlen) { if(fnam[fnamlen] == fchr) { fnam[fnamlen] = NULL; break; } } fnamlen = MAXBASENAME; } for(i=0; i<sndx; ++i) { if(strncmp(fnam, sys[i].name, fnamlen) == SAME) { ++sys[i].cntr[type]; break; } } if(i == sndx) { strcpy(sys[i].name, fnam); ++sys[i].cntr[type]; ++sndx; } } closedir(dirp); } getstst(sdir) char *sdir; { register int i, csys; register char *tp; char fnam[MAXNAMLEN+1], buff[128]; register struct direct *dentp; register DIR *dirp; register FILE *st; struct stat stbuf; long atol(); if (chdir(sdir) < 0) { perror(sdir); exit(1); } if ((dirp = opendir(LOCKDIR)) == NULL) { perror(sdir); exit(1); } while ((dentp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(&dentp->d_name[5], X_LOCK) == SAME) { xqtisrunning++; continue; } if(strncmp(dentp->d_name, "LCK..", 5) == SAME) { if(strncmp(&dentp->d_name[5], "tty", 3) == SAME || strncmp(&dentp->d_name[5], "cul", 3) == SAME) continue; strcpy(fnam, dentp->d_name); for(csys=0; csys<sndx; ++csys) { if(strncmp(&fnam[5], sys[csys].name, SYSNSIZE) == SAME) break; } strcpy(sys[csys].name, &fnam[5]); if(csys == sndx) { ++sndx; } if (stat(fnam, &stbuf) < 0) sys[csys].locked = 1; else sys[csys].locked = stbuf.st_mtime; continue; } } closedir(dirp); if (chdir("STST") < 0) { perror("STST"); exit(1); } if ((dirp = opendir(".")) == NULL) { perror("STST"); exit(1); } while ((dentp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { if(*dentp->d_name == '.') continue; strcpy(fnam, dentp->d_name); for(csys=0; csys<sndx; ++csys) { if(strncmp(fnam, sys[csys].name, SYSNSIZE) == SAME) break; } strcpy(sys[csys].name, fnam); if(csys == sndx) { ++sndx; } if((st = fopen(fnam, "r")) == NULL) { sys[csys].stst[0] = '\0'; continue; } buff[0] = '\0'; fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), st); fclose(st); if(tp = rindex(buff, ' ')) *tp = NULL; /* drop system name */ else continue; for(i=0, tp=buff; i<4; ++i, ++tp) if((tp = index(tp, ' ')) == NULL) break; if(i != 4) continue; strncpy(sys[csys].stst, tp, sizeof(sys[csys].stst)); tp = buff; sys[csys].st_type = atoi(tp); tp = index(tp+1, ' '); sys[csys].st_count = atoi(tp+1); tp = index(tp+1, ' '); sys[csys].st_lastime = atol(tp+1); tp = index(tp+1, ' '); sys[csys].st_retry = atol(tp+1); } } /* * Return the ptr in sp at which the character c appears; * NULL if not found */ char * index(sp, c) register char *sp, c; { do { if (*sp == c) return sp; } while (*sp++); return NULL; } /* * Return the ptr in sp at which the character c last * appears; NULL if not found */ char * rindex(sp, c) register char *sp, c; { register char *r; r = NULL; do { if (*sp == c) r = sp; } while (*sp++); return r; }