#if defined(DOSCCS) && !defined(lint) static char *sccsid = "@(#)sa.c 4.9.2 (2.11BSD GTE) 1997/2/14"; #endif /* * Extensive modifications to internal data structures * to allow arbitrary number of different commands and users added. * * Also added the -f flag, to force no interactive threshold * compression with the -v flag. * * Robert Henry * UC Berkeley * 31jan81 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/acct.h> #include <signal.h> #include <utmp.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <sysexits.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* interpret command time accounting */ #define NC sizeof(acctbuf.ac_comm) struct acct acctbuf; int lflg; int cflg; int Dflg; int dflg; int iflg; int jflg; int Kflg; int kflg; int nflg; int aflg; int rflg; int oflg; int tflg; int vflg; int fflg; int uflg; int thres; int sflg; int bflg; int mflg; struct utmp utmp; #define NAMELG (sizeof(utmp.ut_name)+1) struct Olduser{ int Us_cnt; double Us_ctime; double Us_io; double Us_imem; }; struct user { char name[NC]; /* this is <\001><user id><\000> */ struct Olduser oldu; char us_name[NAMELG]; }; #define us_cnt oldu.Us_cnt #define us_ctime oldu.Us_ctime #define us_io oldu.Us_io #define us_imem oldu.Us_imem /* * We protect ourselves from preposterous user id's by looking * through the passwd file for the highest uid allocated, and * then adding 10 to that. * This prevents the user structure from growing too large. */ #define USERSLOP 10 uid_t maxuser; /* highest uid from /etc/passwd, + 10 for slop*/ struct process { char name[NC]; int count; double realt; double cput; double syst; double imem; double io; }; union Tab{ struct process p; struct user u; }; typedef union Tab cell; int (*cmp)(); /* compares 2 cells; set to appropriate func */ cell *enter(); uid_t getmaxuid(); struct user *finduser(); struct user *wasuser(); /* * Table elements are keyed by the name of the file exec'ed. * Because on large systems, many files can be exec'ed, * a static table size may grow to be too large. * * Table elements are allocated in chunks dynamically, linked * together so that they may be retrieved sequentially. * * An index into the table structure is provided by hashing through * a seperate hash table. * The hash table is segmented, and dynamically extendable. * Realize that the hash table and accounting information is kept * in different segments! * * We have a linked list of hash table segments; within each * segment we use a quadratic rehash that touches no more than 1/2 * of the buckets in the hash table when probing. * If the probe does not find the desired symbol, it moves to the * next segment, or allocates a new segment. * * Hash table segments are kept on the linked list with the first * segment always first (that will probably contain the * most frequently executed commands) and * the last added segment immediately after the first segment, * to hopefully gain something by locality of reference. * * We store the per user information in the same structure as * the per exec'ed file information. This allows us to use the * same managers for both, as the number of user id's may be very * large. * User information is keyed by the first character in the name * being a '\001', followed by four bytes of (long extended) * user id number, followed by a null byte. * The actual user names are kept in a seperate field of the * user structure, and is filled in upon demand later. * Iteration through all users by low user id to high user id * is done by just probing the table, which is gross. */ #define USERKEY '\001' #define ISPROCESS(tp) (tp->p.name[0] && (tp->p.name[0] != USERKEY)) #define ISUSER(tp) (tp->p.name[0] && (tp->p.name[0] == USERKEY)) #define TABDALLOP 500 struct allocbox{ struct allocbox *nextalloc; cell tabslots[TABDALLOP]; }; struct allocbox *allochead; /*head of chunk list*/ struct allocbox *alloctail; /*tail*/ struct allocbox *newbox; /*for creating a new chunk*/ cell *nexttab; /*next table element that is free*/ int tabsleft; /*slots left in current chunk*/ int ntabs; /* * Iterate through all symbols in the symbol table in declaration * order. * struct allocbox *allocwalk; * cell *sp, *ub; * * sp points to the desired item, allocwalk and ub are there * to make the iteration go. */ #define DECLITERATE(allocwalk, walkpointer, ubpointer) \ for(allocwalk = allochead; \ allocwalk != 0; \ allocwalk = allocwalk->nextalloc) \ for (walkpointer = &allocwalk->tabslots[0],\ ubpointer = &allocwalk->tabslots[TABDALLOP], \ ubpointer = ubpointer > ( (cell *)alloctail) \ ? nexttab : ubpointer ;\ walkpointer < ubpointer; \ walkpointer++ ) #define TABCHUNKS(allocwalk, tabptr, size) \ for (allocwalk = allochead; \ allocwalk != 0; \ allocwalk = allocwalk->nextalloc) \ if ( \ (tabptr = &allocwalk->tabslots[0]), \ (size = \ ( (&allocwalk->tabslots[TABDALLOP]) \ > ((cell *)alloctail) \ ) \ ? (nexttab - tabptr) : TABDALLOP \ ), \ 1 \ ) #define PROCESSITERATE(allocwalk, walkpointer, ubpointer) \ DECLITERATE(allocwalk, walkpointer, ubpointer) \ if (ISPROCESS(walkpointer)) #define USERITERATE(allocwalk, walkpointer, ubpointer) \ DECLITERATE(allocwalk, walkpointer, ubpointer) \ if (ISUSER(walkpointer)) /* * When we have to sort the segmented accounting table, we * create a vector of sorted queues that is merged * to sort the entire accounting table. */ struct chunkdesc { cell *chunk_tp; int chunk_n; }; /* * Hash table segments and manager */ #define NHASH 1103 struct hashdallop { int h_nused; struct hashdallop *h_next; cell *h_tab[NHASH]; }; struct hashdallop *htab; /* head of the list */ int htabinstall; /* install the symbol */ double treal; double tcpu; double tsys; double tio; double timem; cell *junkp; double ncom; time_t expand(); /* * usracct saves records of type Olduser. * There is one record for every possible uid less than * the largest uid seen in the previous usracct or in savacct. * uid's that had no activity correspond to zero filled slots; * thus one can index the file and get the user record out. * It would be better to save only user information for users * that the system knows about to save space, but that is not * upward compatabile with the old system. * * In the old version of sa, uid's greater than 999 were not handled * properly; this system will do that. */ #ifdef DEBUG #define USRACCT "./usracct" #define SAVACCT "./savacct" #define ACCT "./acct" #else #define USRACCT "/usr/adm/usracct" #define SAVACCT "/usr/adm/savacct" #define ACCT "/usr/adm/acct" #endif DEBUG char *usracct = USRACCT; char *savacct = SAVACCT; int cellcmp(); cell *junkp = 0; int thres = 0; int htabinstall = 1; int (*cmp)(); /* we assume pagesize is at least 1k */ int pgdiv; #define pgtok(x) ((x) / pgdiv) extern tcmp(), ncmp(), Bcmp(), dcmp(), Dcmp(), kcmp(), Kcmp(); extern double sum(); main(argc, argv) char **argv; { FILE *ff; double ft; register struct allocbox *allocwalk; register cell *tp, *ub; char *acctfn; int i, j, size, nchunks, smallest, c; struct chunkdesc *chunkvector; pgdiv = getpagesize() / 1024; if (pgdiv == 0) pgdiv = 1; maxuser = getmaxuid(); tabinit(); cmp = tcmp; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "oiblcdDjkKnartsv:fumU:S:")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'o': oflg++; break; case 'i': iflg++; break; case 'b': bflg++; cmp = Bcmp; break; case 'l': lflg++; break; case 'c': cflg++; break; case 'd': dflg++; cmp = dcmp; break; case 'D': Dflg++; cmp = Dcmp; break; case 'j': jflg++; break; case 'k': kflg++; cmp = kcmp; break; case 'K': Kflg++; cmp = Kcmp; break; case 'n': nflg++; cmp = ncmp; break; case 'a': aflg++; break; case 'r': rflg++; break; case 't': tflg++; break; case 's': sflg++; aflg++; break; case 'v': vflg++; thres = atoi(optarg); break; case 'f': fflg++; /* force v option; no tty interaction */ break; case 'u': uflg++; break; case 'm': mflg++; break; case 'U': usracct = optarg; break; case 'S': savacct = optarg; break; default: (void)usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } switch (argc - optind) { case 1: acctfn = argv[optind]; break; case 0: acctfn = ACCT; break; default: (void)usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } if (thres == 0) thres = 1; if (iflg==0) init(); doacct(acctfn); if (uflg) return; /* * cleanup pass * put junk together */ if (vflg) strip(); if(!aflg) PROCESSITERATE(allocwalk, tp, ub){ for(j=0; j<NC; j++) if(tp->p.name[j] == '?') goto yes; if(tp->p.count != 1) continue; yes: if(junkp == 0) junkp = enter("***other"); junkp->p.count += tp->p.count; junkp->p.realt += tp->p.realt; junkp->p.cput += tp->p.cput; junkp->p.syst += tp->p.syst; junkp->p.imem += tp->p.imem; junkp->p.io += tp->p.io; tp->p.name[0] = 0; } if (sflg) { signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); if ((ff = fopen(usracct, "w")) != NULL) { static struct user ZeroUser = {0}; struct user *up; uid_t uid; /* * Write out just enough user slots, * filling with zero slots for users that * weren't found. * The file can be indexed directly by uid * to get the correct record. */ for (uid = 0; uid < maxuser; uid++){ if ( (up = wasuser(uid)) != 0) fwrite((char *)&(up->oldu), sizeof(struct Olduser),1,ff); else fwrite((char *)&(ZeroUser.oldu), sizeof(struct Olduser),1,ff); } } if ((ff = fopen(savacct, "w")) == NULL) { printf("Can't save\n"); exit(EX_OK); } PROCESSITERATE(allocwalk, tp, ub) fwrite((char *)&(tp->p), sizeof(struct process), 1, ff); fclose(ff); signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); } /* * sort and print */ if (mflg) { printmoney(); exit(EX_OK); } column(ncom, treal, tcpu, tsys, timem, tio); printf("\n"); /* * the fragmented table is sorted by sorting each fragment * and then merging. */ nchunks = 0; TABCHUNKS(allocwalk, tp, size){ qsort(tp, size, sizeof(cell), cellcmp); nchunks ++; } chunkvector = (struct chunkdesc *)calloc(nchunks, sizeof(struct chunkdesc)); nchunks = 0; TABCHUNKS(allocwalk, tp, size){ chunkvector[nchunks].chunk_tp = tp; chunkvector[nchunks].chunk_n = size; nchunks++; } for(; nchunks; ){ /* * Find the smallest element at the head of the queues. */ smallest = 0; for (i = 1; i < nchunks; i++){ if (cellcmp(chunkvector[i].chunk_tp, chunkvector[smallest].chunk_tp) < 0) smallest = i; } tp = chunkvector[smallest].chunk_tp++; /* * If this queue is drained, drop the chunk count, * and readjust the queues. */ if (--chunkvector[smallest].chunk_n == 0){ nchunks--; for (i = smallest; i < nchunks; i++) chunkvector[i] = chunkvector[i+1]; } if (ISPROCESS(tp)){ ft = tp->p.count; column(ft, tp->p.realt, tp->p.cput, tp->p.syst, tp->p.imem, tp->p.io); printf(" %.14s\n", tp->p.name); } } /* iterate to merge the lists */ } void usage() { fprintf(stderr, "Usage sa [-oiblcdDjkKnartsfum] [-S savacct] [-U usracct] [file]\n"); exit(EX_USAGE); } printmoney() { register uid_t uid; register char *cp; register struct user *up; getnames(); /* fetches all of the names! */ for (uid = 0; uid < maxuser; uid++) { if ( (up = wasuser(uid)) != 0){ if (up->us_cnt) { if (up->us_name[0]) printf("%-8s", up->us_name); else printf("%-8u", uid); printf("%7u %9.2fcpu %10.0ftio %12.0fk*sec\n", up->us_cnt, up->us_ctime / 60, up->us_io, up->us_imem / AHZ); } } } } column(n, a, b, c, d, e) double n, a, b, c, d, e; { printf("%8.0f", n); if(cflg) { if(n == ncom) printf("%9s", ""); else printf("%8.2f%%", 100.*n/ncom); } col(n, a, treal, "re"); if (oflg) col(n, 60*AHZ*(b/(b+c)), tcpu+tsys, "u/s"); else if(lflg) { col(n, b, tcpu, "u"); col(n, c, tsys, "s"); } else col(n, b+c, tcpu+tsys, "cp"); if(tflg) printf("%8.1fre/cp", a/(b+c)); if(dflg || !Dflg) printf("%10.0favio", e/(n?n:1)); else printf("%10.0ftio", e); if (kflg || !Kflg) printf("%10.0fk", d/((b+c)!=0.0?(b+c):1.0)); else printf("%10.0fk*sec", d/AHZ); } col(n, a, m, cp) double n, a, m; char *cp; { if(jflg) printf("%11.2f%s", a/(n*(double)AHZ), cp); else printf("%11.2f%s", a/(60.*(double)AHZ), cp); if(cflg) { if(a == m) printf("%9s", ""); else printf("%8.2f%%", 100.*a/m); } } doacct(f) char *f; { FILE *ff; long x, y, z; struct acct fbuf; register char *cp; register int c; register struct user *up; register cell *tp; #ifdef DEBUG int nrecords = 0; #endif DEBUG if ((ff = fopen(f, "r"))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s\n", f); return; } while (fread((char *)&fbuf, sizeof(fbuf), 1, ff) == 1) { #ifdef DEBUG if (++nrecords % 1000 == 0) fprintf(stderr, "Input record from %s number %d\n", f, nrecords); #endif DEBUG for (cp = fbuf.ac_comm; *cp && cp < &fbuf.ac_comm[NC]; cp++) if (!isascii(*cp) || iscntrl(*cp)) *cp = '?'; if (cp == fbuf.ac_comm) *cp++ = '?'; if (fbuf.ac_flag&AFORK) { if (cp >= &fbuf.ac_comm[NC]) cp = &fbuf.ac_comm[NC-1]; *cp++ = '*'; } if (cp < &fbuf.ac_comm[NC]) *cp = '\0'; x = expand(fbuf.ac_utime) + expand(fbuf.ac_stime); y = pgtok((u_short)fbuf.ac_mem); z = expand(fbuf.ac_io) / AHZ; if (uflg) { printf("%3u %6.2f cpu %8luk mem %6ld io %.*s\n", fbuf.ac_uid, x/(double)AHZ, y, z, NC, fbuf.ac_comm); continue; } up = finduser(fbuf.ac_uid); if (up == 0) continue; /* preposterous user id */ up->us_cnt++; up->us_ctime += x/(double)AHZ; up->us_imem += x * y; up->us_io += z; ncom += 1.0; tp = enter(fbuf.ac_comm); tp->p.imem += x * y; timem += x * y; tp->p.count++; x = expand(fbuf.ac_etime); tp->p.realt += x; treal += x; x = expand(fbuf.ac_utime); tp->p.cput += x; tcpu += x; x = expand(fbuf.ac_stime); tp->p.syst += x; tsys += x; tp->p.io += z; tio += z; } fclose(ff); } /* * Generalized cell compare routine, to cast out users */ cellcmp(p1, p2) register cell *p1, *p2; { if (ISPROCESS(p1)){ if (ISPROCESS(p2)) return((*cmp)(p1, p2)); return(-1); } if (ISPROCESS(p2)) return(1); return(0); } ncmp(p1, p2) register cell *p1, *p2; { if(p1->p.count == p2->p.count) return(tcmp(p1, p2)); if(rflg) return(p1->p.count - p2->p.count); return(p2->p.count - p1->p.count); } Bcmp(p1, p2) cell *p1, *p2; { double f1, f2; double sum(); f1 = sum(p1)/p1->p.count; f2 = sum(p2)/p2->p.count; if(f1 < f2) { if(rflg) return(-1); return(1); } if(f1 > f2) { if(rflg) return(1); return(-1); } return(0); } Kcmp(p1, p2) register cell *p1, *p2; { if (p1->p.imem < p2->p.imem) { if(rflg) return(-1); return(1); } if (p1->p.imem > p2->p.imem) { if(rflg) return(1); return(-1); } return(0); } kcmp(p1, p2) register cell *p1, *p2; { double a1, a2; a1 = p1->p.imem / ((p1->p.cput+p1->p.syst)?(p1->p.cput+p1->p.syst):1); a2 = p2->p.imem / ((p2->p.cput+p2->p.syst)?(p2->p.cput+p2->p.syst):1); if (a1 < a2) { if(rflg) return(-1); return(1); } if (a1 > a2) { if(rflg) return(1); return(-1); } return(0); } dcmp(p1, p2) register cell *p1, *p2; { double a1, a2; a1 = p1->p.io / (p1->p.count?p1->p.count:1); a2 = p2->p.io / (p2->p.count?p2->p.count:1); if (a1 < a2) { if(rflg) return(-1); return(1); } if (a1 > a2) { if(rflg) return(1); return(-1); } return(0); } Dcmp(p1, p2) register cell *p1, *p2; { if (p1->p.io < p2->p.io) { if(rflg) return(-1); return(1); } if (p1->p.io > p2->p.io) { if(rflg) return(1); return(-1); } return(0); } tcmp(p1, p2) cell *p1, *p2; { extern double sum(); double f1, f2; f1 = sum(p1); f2 = sum(p2); if(f1 < f2) { if(rflg) return(-1); return(1); } if(f1 > f2) { if(rflg) return(1); return(-1); } return(0); } double sum(p) cell *p; { if(p->p.name[0] == 0) return(0.0); return( p->p.cput + p->p.syst); } init() { struct user userbuf; struct process tbuf; register cell *tp; register struct user *up; uid_t uid; FILE *f; if ((f = fopen(savacct, "r")) == NULL) goto gshm; while (fread((char *)&tbuf, sizeof(struct process), 1, f) == 1) { tp = enter(tbuf.name); ncom += tbuf.count; tp->p.count = tbuf.count; treal += tbuf.realt; tp->p.realt = tbuf.realt; tcpu += tbuf.cput; tp->p.cput = tbuf.cput; tsys += tbuf.syst; tp->p.syst = tbuf.syst; tio += tbuf.io; tp->p.io = tbuf.io; timem += tbuf.imem; tp->p.imem = tbuf.imem; } fclose(f); gshm: if ((f = fopen(usracct, "r")) == NULL) return; for(uid = 0; fread((char *)&(userbuf.oldu), sizeof(struct Olduser), 1, f) == 1; uid++){ if (userbuf.us_cnt){ up = finduser(uid); if (up == 0) continue; /* preposterous user id */ up->oldu = userbuf.oldu; } } fclose(f); } strip() { int c; register struct allocbox *allocwalk; register cell *tp, *ub, *junkp; if (fflg) printf("Categorizing commands used %d times or fewer as **junk**\n", thres); junkp = enter("**junk**"); PROCESSITERATE(allocwalk, tp, ub){ if (tp->p.name[0] && tp->p.count <= thres) { if (!fflg) printf("%.14s--", tp->p.name); if (fflg || ((c=getchar())=='y')) { tp->p.name[0] = '\0'; junkp->p.count += tp->p.count; junkp->p.realt += tp->p.realt; junkp->p.cput += tp->p.cput; junkp->p.syst += tp->p.syst; junkp->p.imem += tp->p.imem; junkp->p.io += tp->p.io; } if (!fflg) while (c && c!='\n') c = getchar(); } } } time_t expand(t) register unsigned int t; { time_t nt; nt = t&017777; t >>= 13; while (t!=0) { t--; nt <<= 3; } return(nt); } static char UserKey[NAMELG + 2]; char * makekey(uid) uid_t uid; { sprintf(UserKey+1, "%04x", uid); UserKey[0] = USERKEY; return(UserKey); } struct user * wasuser(uid) uid_t uid; { struct user *tp; htabinstall = 0; tp = finduser(uid); htabinstall = 1; return(tp); } /* * Only call this if you really want to insert it in the table! */ struct user * finduser(uid) uid_t uid; { if (uid > maxuser){ fprintf(stderr, "Preposterous user id, %u: ignored\n", uid); return(0); } return((struct user*)enter(makekey(uid))); } /* * Set the names of all users in the password file. * We will later not print those that didn't do anything. */ getnames() { register struct user *tp; register struct passwd *pw; setpwent(); while (pw = getpwent()){ /* use first name in passwd file for duplicate uid's */ if ((tp = wasuser(pw->pw_uid)) != 0 && !isalpha(tp->us_name[0])) strncpy(tp->us_name, pw->pw_name, NAMELG); } endpwent(); } uid_t getmaxuid() { register struct user *tp; register struct passwd *pw; uid_t maxuid = 0; setpwent(); while(pw = getpwent()){ if (pw->pw_uid > maxuid) maxuid = pw->pw_uid; } endpwent(); return(maxuid); } tabinit() { allochead = 0; alloctail = 0; nexttab = 0; tabsleft = 0; htab = 0; ntabs = 0; htaballoc(); /* get the first part of the hash table */ } #define ALLOCQTY sizeof (struct allocbox) cell * taballoc() { if (tabsleft == 0){ newbox = (struct allocbox *)calloc(1, ALLOCQTY); tabsleft = TABDALLOP; nexttab = &newbox->tabslots[0]; if (alloctail == 0){ allochead = alloctail = newbox; } else { alloctail->nextalloc = newbox; alloctail = newbox; } } --tabsleft; ++ntabs; #ifdef DEBUG if (ntabs % 100 == 0) printf("##Accounting table slot # %d\n", ntabs); #endif DEBUG return(nexttab++); } htaballoc() { register struct hashdallop *new; #ifdef DEBUG static int ntables = 0; printf("%%%New hash table chunk allocated, number %d\n", ++ntables); #endif DEBUG new = (struct hashdallop *)calloc(1, sizeof (struct hashdallop)); if (htab == 0) htab = new; else { /* add AFTER the 1st slot */ new->h_next = htab->h_next; htab->h_next = new; } } #define HASHCLOGGED (NHASH / 2) /* * Lookup a symbol passed in as the argument. * * We take pains to avoid function calls; this function * is called quite frequently, and the calling overhead * contributes significantly to the overall execution speed of sa. */ cell * enter(name) char *name; { static int initialprobe; register cell **hp; register char *from, *to; register int len, nprobes; static struct hashdallop *hdallop, *emptyhd; static cell **emptyslot, **hp_ub; emptyslot = 0; for (nprobes = 0, from = name, len = 0; *from && len < NC; nprobes <<= 2, nprobes += *from++, len++) continue; nprobes += from[-1] << 5; nprobes %= NHASH; if (nprobes < 0) nprobes += NHASH; initialprobe = nprobes; for (hdallop = htab; hdallop != 0; hdallop = hdallop->h_next){ for (hp = &(hdallop->h_tab[initialprobe]), nprobes = 1, hp_ub = &(hdallop->h_tab[NHASH]); (*hp) && (nprobes < NHASH); hp += nprobes, hp -= (hp >= hp_ub) ? NHASH:0, nprobes += 2) { from = name; to = (*hp)->p.name; for (len = 0; (len<NC) && *from; len++) if (*from++ != *to++) goto nextprobe; if (len >= NC) /*both are maximal length*/ return(*hp); if (*to == 0) /*assert *from == 0*/ return(*hp); nextprobe: ; } if (*hp == 0 && emptyslot == 0 && hdallop->h_nused < HASHCLOGGED) { emptyslot = hp; emptyhd = hdallop; } } if (emptyslot == 0) { htaballoc(); hdallop = htab->h_next; /* aren't we smart! */ hp = &hdallop->h_tab[initialprobe]; } else { hdallop = emptyhd; hp = emptyslot; } if (htabinstall){ *hp = taballoc(); hdallop->h_nused++; for(len = 0, from = name, to = (*hp)->p.name; (len<NC); len++) if ((*to++ = *from++) == '\0') break; return(*hp); } return(0); }