kl.c	modified kl driver to support dlv11-e/f cards and dialin/dialout
	on same line.  To enable modem-controll, define MIN_MODEM and
	MAX_MODEM in kl.h to be the minimum (maximum) minor device number
	that should support modem control.  Note that if these refer to
	non-modem control lines you will not be able to access those lines
	as you will wait (perpetually) for carrier.  To enable speed
	selection, define MIN_SPEED and MAX_SPEED similarly.

klreg.h	a new version of /usr/include/sys/klreg.h.  It includes the
	definitions for the extended capapbilities of the e and f cards.

		Keith Packard
		5440 SE 41st
		Portland, OR 97202