
 * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986 Regents of the University of California.
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
 * provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
 * to the University of California at Berkeley. The name of the University
 * may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
 * software without specific prior written permission. This software
 * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
 *	@(#)in_systm.h	7.2.1 (2.11BSD GTE) 12/31/93

 * Miscellaneous internetwork
 * definitions for kernel.

 * Network types.
 * Internally the system keeps counters in the headers with the bytes
 * swapped so that VAX instructions will work on them.  It reverses
 * the bytes before transmission at each protocol level.  The n_ types
 * represent the types with the bytes in ``high-ender'' order.
typedef u_short n_short;		/* short as received from the net */
typedef u_long	n_long;			/* long as received from the net */

typedef	u_long	n_time;			/* ms since 00:00 GMT, byte rev */

#ifdef pdp11
#define	UCHAR(a)	((u_int)((a)&0xff))

n_time	iptime();