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 * Copyright (c) 1986 Regents of the University of California.
 * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
 * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
 *	@(#)dhv.c	2.4 (2.11BSD 2.11BSD) 1997/5/31

 * Rewritten to implement hardware flowcontrol. A lot of clean up was done
 * and the formatting style change to aid in debugging.  1997/4/25 - sms
 * ported to 2.11BSD (uio logic added) 12/22/91 - SMS
 * based on	dh.c 6.3	84/03/15
 * and on	dmf.c	6.2	84/02/16
 * REAL(tm) dhv driver derived from dhu.c by
 * Steve Nuchia at Baylor 22 November 1987
 *	steve@eyeball.bcm.tmc.edu
 * Dave Johnson, Brown University Computer Science
 *	ddj%brown@csnet-relay

#include "dhv.h"
#if NDHV > 0
 * DHV-11 driver
#include "param.h"
#include "dhvreg.h"
#include "conf.h"
#include "user.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "proc.h"
#include "ioctl.h"
#include "tty.h"
#include "ttychars.h"
#include "clist.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "uba.h"
#include "ubavar.h"
#include "systm.h"
#include "syslog.h"
#include <sys/kernel.h>

struct	uba_device dhvinfo[NDHV];

#define	NDHVLINE	(NDHV*8)

 * The minor device number is used as follows:
 *  bits	meaning
 *  0-2		unit number within board
 *  3-5		board number (max of 8)
 *  6		RTS/CTS flow control enabled
 *  7		softcarrier (hardwired line)
#define	UNIT(x)	(minor(x) & 077)
#define SOFTCAR	0x80
#define HWFLOW	0x40


 * DHV's don't have a very good interrupt facility - you get an
 * interrupt when the first character is put into the silo
 * and nothing after that.  Previously an attempt was made to
 * delay a couple of clock ticks with receive interrupts disabled.
 * Unfortunately the code was ineffective because the number of ticks
 * to delay was decremented if a full (90%) or overrun silo was encountered.
 * After two such events the driver was back in interrupt per character
 * mode thus wasting/negating the whole effort.

char	dhv_hwxon[NDHVLINE];	/* hardware xon/xoff enabled, per line */

 * Baud rates: no 50, 200, or 38400 baud; all other rates are from "Group B".
 *	EXTA => 19200 baud
 *	EXTB => 2000 baud
char	dhv_speeds[] =
	{ 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 9 };

struct	tty dhv_tty[NDHVLINE];
int	ndhv = NDHVLINE;
int	dhvact;				/* mask of active dhv's */
int	dhv_overrun[NDHVLINE];
int	dhvstart();
long	dhvmctl(),dmtodhv();
extern	int wakeup();

#if defined(UCB_CLIST)
extern	ubadr_t clstaddr;
#define	cpaddr(x)	(clstaddr + (ubadr_t)((x) - (char *)cfree))
#define	cpaddr(x)	((u_short)(x))

 * Routine called to attach a dhv.
	register caddr_t addr;
	register u_int unit;
    if (addr && unit < NDHV && !dhvinfo[unit].ui_addr)
	dhvinfo[unit].ui_unit = unit;
	dhvinfo[unit].ui_addr = addr;
	dhvinfo[unit].ui_alive = 1;
	return (1);
    return (0);

 * Open a DHV11 line, mapping the clist onto the uba if this
 * is the first dhv on this uba.  Turn on this dhv if this is
 * the first use of it.
dhvopen(dev, flag)
	dev_t dev;
	int 	flag;
	register struct tty *tp;
	register int unit;
	int	dhv, error, s;
	register struct dhvdevice *addr;
	struct uba_device *ui;

	unit = UNIT(dev);
	dhv = unit >> 3;
	if	(unit >= NDHVLINE || (ui = &dhvinfo[dhv])->ui_alive == 0)
	tp = &dhv_tty[unit];
	addr = (struct dhvdevice *)ui->ui_addr;
	tp->t_addr = (caddr_t)addr;
	tp->t_oproc = dhvstart;

	if	((dhvact & (1<<dhv)) == 0)
		addr->dhvcsr = DHV_SELECT(0) | DHV_IE;
		dhvact |= (1<<dhv);
		/* anything else to configure whole board */

	s = spltty();
	if	((tp->t_state & TS_ISOPEN) == 0)
		tp->t_state |= TS_WOPEN;
		if	(tp->t_ispeed == 0)
			tp->t_state |= TS_HUPCLS;
			tp->t_ispeed = B9600;
			tp->t_ospeed = B9600;
			tp->t_flags = IFLAGS;
		tp->t_dev = dev;
		if	(dev & HWFLOW)
			tp->t_flags |= RTSCTS;
			tp->t_flags &= ~RTSCTS;
	else if	((tp->t_state & TS_XCLUDE) && u.u_uid)
		error = EBUSY;
		goto out;
	dhvmctl(dev, (long)DHV_ON, DMSET);
	addr->dhvcsr = DHV_SELECT(dev) | DHV_IE;
	if	((addr->dhvstat & DHV_ST_DCD) || (dev & SOFTCAR))
		tp->t_state |= TS_CARR_ON;
	while	((tp->t_state & TS_CARR_ON) == 0 &&
		 (flag & O_NONBLOCK) == 0)
		tp->t_state |= TS_WOPEN;
		sleep((caddr_t)&tp->t_rawq, TTIPRI);
	error = (*linesw[tp->t_line].l_open)(dev, tp);

 * Close a DHV11 line, turning off the modem control.
dhvclose(dev, flag)
	dev_t dev;
	int flag;
	register struct tty *tp;
	register int unit;

	unit = UNIT(dev);
	tp = &dhv_tty[unit];
	if	(!(tp->t_state & (TS_WOPEN|TS_ISOPEN)))
	(*linesw[tp->t_line].l_close)(tp, flag);
	(void) dhvmctl(unit, (long)DHV_BRK, DMBIC);
	(void) dhvmctl(unit, (long)DHV_OFF, DMSET);
	if	(dhv_overrun[unit])
		log(LOG_NOTICE,"dhv%d %d overruns\n",unit,dhv_overrun[unit]);
		dhv_overrun[unit] = 0;

dhvselect(dev, rw)
	dev_t	dev;
	int	rw;
	struct	tty *tp = &dhv_tty[UNIT(dev)];

	return(ttyselect(tp, rw));

dhvread(dev, uio, flag)
	dev_t dev;
	struct uio *uio;
	int flag;
	register struct tty *tp = &dhv_tty[UNIT(dev)];

	return((*linesw[tp->t_line].l_read) (tp, uio, flag));

dhvwrite(dev, uio, flag)
	dev_t dev;
	struct uio *uio;
	int flag;
	register struct tty *tp = &dhv_tty[UNIT(dev)];

	return((*linesw[tp->t_line].l_write) (tp, uio, flag));

 * DHV11 receiver interrupt.

	int	dhv;
	register struct tty *tp;
	register int	c;
	register struct dhvdevice *addr;
	struct tty *tp0;
	struct uba_device *ui;
	int	line, p;

	ui = &dhvinfo[dhv];
	addr = (struct dhvdevice *)ui->ui_addr;
	if	(!addr)
	tp0 = &dhv_tty[dhv<<3];

	 * Loop fetching characters from the silo for this
	 * dhv until there are no more in the silo.
	while	((c = addr->dhvrbuf) & DHV_RB_VALID)
		line = DHV_RX_LINE(c);
		tp = tp0 + line;
		if	((c & DHV_RB_STAT) == DHV_RB_STAT)
			 * modem changed or diag info
			if	(c & DHV_RB_DIAG)
				if	((c & 0xff) > 0201)
					log(LOG_NOTICE,"dhv%d diag %o\n",dhv, c&0xff);
			if	(!(tp->t_dev & SOFTCAR) || 
				  (tp->t_flags & MDMBUF))
							(c & DHV_ST_DCD) != 0);
			if	(tp->t_flags & RTSCTS)
				if	(c & DHV_ST_CTS)
					tp->t_state &= ~TS_TTSTOP;
					tp->t_state |= TS_TTSTOP;
					dhvstop(tp, 0);
		if	((tp->t_state&TS_ISOPEN) == 0)
		if	(c & (DHV_RB_PE|DHV_RB_DO|DHV_RB_FE))
		    	if	(c & DHV_RB_PE)
				p = tp->t_flags & (EVENP|ODDP);
				if	(p == EVENP || p == ODDP)
			if	(c & DHV_RB_DO)
				dhv_overrun[(dhv << 3) + line]++;
				/* bit-bucket the silo to free the cpu */
				while	(addr->dhvrbuf & DHV_RB_VALID)
			if	(c & DHV_RB_FE)
 * At framing error (break) generate an interrupt in cooked/cbreak mode.  
 * Let the char through in RAW mode for autobauding getty's.  The 
 * DH driver * has been using the 'brkc' character for years - see
 * the comment in dh.c
				if	(!(tp->t_flags&RAW))
#ifdef	OLDWAY
					c = tp->t_intrc;
					c = tp->t_brkc;
#if NBK > 0
		if	(tp->t_line == NETLDISC)
			c &= 0x7f;
			BKINPUT(c, tp);
			if	(!(c & DHV_RB_PE) && dhv_hwxon[(dhv<<3)+line] &&
				 ((c & 0x7f) == CSTOP || (c & 0x7f) == CSTART))
			(*linesw[tp->t_line].l_rint)(c, tp);

 * Ioctl for DHV11.
dhvioctl(dev, cmd, data, flag)
	register dev_t dev;
	u_int cmd;
	caddr_t data;
	register struct tty *tp;
	register int unit = UNIT(dev);
	int error;

	tp = &dhv_tty[unit];
	error = (*linesw[tp->t_line].l_ioctl)(tp, cmd, data, flag);
	if	(error >= 0)
	error = ttioctl(tp, cmd, data, flag);
	if	(error >= 0)
		if	(cmd == TIOCSETP || cmd == TIOCSETN || 
			 cmd == TIOCLSET || cmd == TIOCLBIC ||
			 cmd == TIOCLBIS || cmd == TIOCSETD || cmd == TIOCSETC)

	switch	(cmd)
		case	TIOCSBRK:
			(void) dhvmctl(unit, (long)DHV_BRK, DMBIS);
		case	TIOCCBRK:
			(void) dhvmctl(unit, (long)DHV_BRK, DMBIC);
		case	TIOCSDTR:
			(void) dhvmctl(unit, (long)DHV_DTR|DHV_RTS, DMBIS);
		case	TIOCCDTR:
			(void) dhvmctl(unit, (long)DHV_DTR|DHV_RTS, DMBIC);
		case	TIOCMSET:
			(void) dhvmctl(dev, dmtodhv(*(int *)data), DMSET);
		case	TIOCMBIS:
			(void) dhvmctl(dev, dmtodhv(*(int *)data), DMBIS);
		case	TIOCMBIC:
			(void) dhvmctl(dev, dmtodhv(*(int *)data), DMBIC);
		case	TIOCMGET:
			*(int *)data = dhvtodm(dhvmctl(dev, 0L, DMGET));

static long
	register int bits;
	long b = 0;

	if	(bits & TIOCM_RTS) b |= DHV_RTS;
	if	(bits & TIOCM_DTR) b |= DHV_DTR;
	if	(bits & TIOCM_LE) b |= DHV_LE;

	long bits;
	register int b = 0;

	if	(bits & DHV_DSR) b |= TIOCM_DSR;
	if	(bits & DHV_RNG) b |= TIOCM_RNG;
	if	(bits & DHV_CAR) b |= TIOCM_CAR;
	if	(bits & DHV_CTS) b |= TIOCM_CTS;
	if	(bits & DHV_RTS) b |= TIOCM_RTS;
	if	(bits & DHV_DTR) b |= TIOCM_DTR;
	if	(bits & DHV_LE) b |= TIOCM_LE;

 * Set parameters from open or stty into the DHV hardware
 * registers.
	int	unit;
	register struct tty *tp;
	register struct dhvdevice *addr;
	register int lpar;
	int	s;

	tp = &dhv_tty[unit];
	addr = (struct dhvdevice *)tp->t_addr;
	 * Block interrupts so parameters will be set
	 * before the line interrupts.
	s = spltty();
	if	((tp->t_ispeed) == 0)
		tp->t_state |= TS_HUPCLS;
		(void)dhvmctl(unit, (long)DHV_OFF, DMSET);
		goto out;
	lpar = (dhv_speeds[tp->t_ospeed]<<12) | (dhv_speeds[tp->t_ispeed]<<8);
	if	(tp->t_ispeed == B134)
	else if (tp->t_flags & (RAW|LITOUT|PASS8))
		lpar |= DHV_LP_BITS8;
	if	(tp->t_flags&EVENP)
		lpar |= DHV_LP_EPAR;
	if	((tp->t_flags & EVENP) && (tp->t_flags & ODDP))
		/* hack alert.  assume "allow both" means don't care */
		/* trying to make xon/xoff work with evenp+oddp */
		lpar |= DHV_LP_BITS8;
		lpar &= ~DHV_LP_PENABLE;
	if	((tp->t_ospeed) == B110)
		lpar |= DHV_LP_TWOSB;
	addr->dhvcsr = DHV_SELECT(unit) | DHV_IE;
	addr->dhvlpr = lpar;
	dhv_hwxon[unit] = !(tp->t_flags & RAW) &&
		(tp->t_line == OTTYDISC || tp->t_line == NTTYDISC) &&
		tp->t_stopc == CSTOP && tp->t_startc == CSTART;

	if	(dhv_hwxon[unit])
		addr->dhvlcr |= DHV_LC_OAUTOF;
		addr->dhvlcr &= ~DHV_LC_OAUTOF;
		delay(25L); /* see the dhv manual, sec 3.3.6 */
		addr->dhvlcr2 |= DHV_LC2_TXEN;

 * DHV11 transmitter interrupt.
 * Restart each line which used to be active but has
 * terminated transmission since the last interrupt.
	int dhv;
	register struct tty *tp;
	register struct dhvdevice *addr;
	struct tty *tp0;
	struct uba_device *ui;
	register int line, t;
	u_short cntr;
	ubadr_t base;

	ui = &dhvinfo[dhv];
	tp0 = &dhv_tty[dhv<<4];
	addr = (struct dhvdevice *)ui->ui_addr;
	while	((t = addr->dhvcsrh) & DHV_CSH_TI)
		line = DHV_TX_LINE(t);
		tp = tp0 + line;
		tp->t_state &= ~TS_BUSY;
		if	(t & DHV_CSH_NXM)
			log(LOG_NOTICE, "dhv%d,%d NXM\n", dhv, line);
		if	(tp->t_state&TS_FLUSH)
			tp->t_state &= ~TS_FLUSH;
			addr->dhvcsrl = DHV_SELECT(line) | DHV_IE;
			base = (ubadr_t) addr->dhvbar1;
			 * Clists are either:
			 *	1)  in kernel virtual space,
			 *	    which in turn lies in the
			 *	    first 64K of physical memory or
			 *	2)  at UNIBUS virtual address 0.
			 * In either case, the extension bits are 0.
			if	(!ubmap)
				base |= (ubadr_t)((addr->dhvbar2 & 037) << 16);
		        cntr = base - cpaddr(tp->t_outq.c_cf);
		if	(tp->t_line)

 * Start (restart) transmission on the given DHV11 line.
	register struct tty *tp;
	register struct dhvdevice *addr;
	register int unit, nch;
	ubadr_t car;
	int s;

	unit = UNIT(tp->t_dev);
	addr = (struct dhvdevice *)tp->t_addr;

	 * Must hold interrupts in following code to prevent
	 * state of the tp from changing.
	s = spltty();
	 * If it's currently active, or delaying, no need to do anything.
	if	(tp->t_state&(TS_TIMEOUT|TS_BUSY|TS_TTSTOP))
		goto out;
	 * If there are sleepers, and output has drained below low
	 * water mark, wake up the sleepers..

	 * Now restart transmission unless the output queue is
	 * empty.
	if	(tp->t_outq.c_cc == 0)
		goto out;
	addr->dhvcsrl = DHV_SELECT(unit) | DHV_IE;
 * If CTS is off and we're doing hardware flow control then mark the output
 * as stopped and do not transmit anything.
	if	((addr->dhvstat & DHV_ST_CTS) == 0 && (tp->t_flags & RTSCTS))
		tp->t_state |= TS_TTSTOP;
		goto out;
 * This is where any per character delay handling for special characters
 * would go if ever implemented again.  The call to ndqb would be replaced
 * with a scan for special characters and then the appropriate sleep/wakeup
 * done.
	nch = ndqb(&tp->t_outq, 0);
	 * If characters to transmit, restart transmission.
	if	(nch)
		car = cpaddr(tp->t_outq.c_cf);
		addr->dhvcsrl = DHV_SELECT(unit) | DHV_IE;
		addr->dhvlcr &= ~DHV_LC_TXABORT;
		addr->dhvbcr = nch;
		addr->dhvbar1 = loint(car);
		if	(ubmap)
			addr->dhvbar2 = (hiint(car) & DHV_BA2_XBA) | DHV_BA2_DMAGO;
			addr->dhvbar2 = (hiint(car) & 037) | DHV_BA2_DMAGO;
		tp->t_state |= TS_BUSY;

 * Stop output on a line, e.g. for ^S/^Q or output flush.
dhvstop(tp, flag)
	register struct tty *tp;
	register struct dhvdevice *addr;
	register int unit, s;

	addr = (struct dhvdevice *)tp->t_addr;
	 * Block input/output interrupts while messing with state.
	s = spltty();
	if	(tp->t_state & TS_BUSY)
		 * Device is transmitting; stop output
		 * by selecting the line and setting the
		 * abort xmit bit.  We will get an xmit interrupt,
		 * where we will figure out where to continue the
		 * next time the transmitter is enabled.  If
		 * TS_FLUSH is set, the outq will be flushed.
		 * In either case, dhvstart will clear the TXABORT bit.
		unit = UNIT(tp->t_dev);
		addr->dhvcsrl = DHV_SELECT(unit) | DHV_IE;
		addr->dhvlcr |= DHV_LC_TXABORT;
		delay(25L); /* see the dhv manual, sec 3.3.6 */
		addr->dhvlcr2 |= DHV_LC2_TXEN;
		if	((tp->t_state&TS_TTSTOP)==0)
			tp->t_state |= TS_FLUSH;
	(void) splx(s);

 * DHV11 modem control
static long
dhvmctl(dev, bits, how)
	dev_t dev;
	long bits;
	int how;
	register struct dhvdevice *dhvaddr;
	register int unit;
	register struct tty *tp;
	long mbits;
	int s;

	unit = UNIT(dev);
	tp = dhv_tty + unit;
	dhvaddr = (struct dhvdevice *) tp->t_addr;
	s = spltty();
	dhvaddr->dhvcsr = DHV_SELECT(unit) | DHV_IE;
	 * combine byte from stat register (read only, bits 16..23)
	 * with lcr register (read write, bits 0..15).
	mbits = (u_short)dhvaddr->dhvlcr | ((long)dhvaddr->dhvstat << 16);
	switch	(how)
		case	DMSET:
			mbits = (mbits & 0xff0000L) | bits;
		case	DMBIS:
			mbits |= bits;
		case	DMBIC:
			mbits &= ~bits;
		case	DMGET:
			(void) splx(s);
	dhvaddr->dhvlcr = (mbits & 0xffff) | DHV_LC_RXEN;
	if	(dhv_hwxon[unit])
		dhvaddr->dhvlcr |= DHV_LC_OAUTOF;
	dhvaddr->dhvlcr2 = DHV_LC2_TXEN;
	(void) splx(s);