
Command		Meaning

y		Yes.  (Or just hit return.)  Prints this article and goes on.
n		No.  Goes on to next article without printing current one.
d		Digest.  Breaks a digest article up into seperate articles.
q		Quit.  Update .newsrc if -l or -x not used.
U		Unsubscribe.  You won't be shown this newsgroup anymore.
c		Cancel an article you posted.
r		Reply.  Reply to article's author via mail.
f [title]	Submit a follow up article.
N [newsgroup]	Go to next newsgroup or named newsgroup.
s [file]	Save.  Article is appended to file (default is "Articles").
s |program	Run program with article as standard input.
e		Erase.  Forget that an article was read.
h		Print verbose header.  Use H for extremely verbose header.
!		Shell escape.
<number>	Go to message #<number> in this newsgroup.
-		Go back to last article.
x		Exit.  Don't update .newsrc.
v		Version.  Print current news version number.

c, f, r, e, h, and s can be followed by -'s to refer to the previous article