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static char *sccsid = "@(#)lprnote.c	1.1\t1/23/83";

#include "parms.h"
#include "structs.h"
 *	lprnote(io, lprfile, toc, notenum, note)
 *	prints the specified note to lprfile, and makes an entry in
 *	toc file. Paging is taken care of and the page/line stuff is
 *	correctly set at the conclusion.
 *	lprresp(io, lprfile, toc, respnum, rsprec, roffset)
 *	Same as the lprnote routine. Works for responses though.
 *	pagebreak(lprfile)
 *	forces a page break.
 *	Ray Essick	May 13, 1982

#define	NOTENEED	7
#define	RESPNEED	7

extern int  length,					/* length of page */
            left,					/* left on the page */
            page;					/* the pae we are on */

lprnote (io, lprfile, toc, notenum, note)
struct io_f *io;
FILE * lprfile, *toc;
struct note_f  *note;
    struct resp_f   rsprec;
    int     roffset,
    char    line[CMDLEN];
    int     i;
    char    ztime[DATELEN];

    if (left < NOTENEED)				/* room for header and some text? */
	pagebreak (lprfile);				/* make it that way */

    if (strcmp (note->n_id.sys, SYSTEM) && strcmp ("Anonymous", note->n_auth.aname))
	sprintf (line, "%s!%s", note->n_id.sys, note->n_auth.aname);
	sprintf (line, "%s", note->n_auth.aname);
    sprdate (&note->n_date, ztime);			/* format date */

    fprintf (toc, "%3d%s ", notenum, note->n_stat & DIRMES ? "(*)" : "   ");
    for (i = 0; i < TITLEN; i++)
	putc (note->ntitle[i], toc);
    fprintf (toc, "%-*s  %-*s    %d\n", SYSSZ + NAMESZ + 2, line, DATELEN,
	    ztime, page);

    fprintf (lprfile, "\n====    ====    ====    ====    ====    ====    ====\n");
    fprintf (lprfile, "Note %-3d %s  ", notenum,
	    note->n_stat & DIRMES ? "(*)" : "   ");
    for (i = 0; i < TITLEN; i++)
	putc (note->ntitle[i], lprfile);		/* title */

    if (note->n_nresp)
	fprintf (lprfile, "   %d response%c", note->n_nresp,
		note->n_nresp > 1 ? 's' : ' ');
    putc ('\n', lprfile);

    fprintf (lprfile, "%-*s", SYSSZ + NAMESZ + 1, line);

    fprintf (lprfile, "        %s\n\n", ztime);

    left -= 5;						/* count off the header lines */

    left -= pageout (io, &note->n_addr, lprfile);    /* dump text */

    while (left < 0)
	left += length;

    for (i = 1; i <= note->n_nresp; i++)		/* dump responses */
	if (lrsp (io, notenum, i, &rsprec, &roffset, &rblock) == -1)
	    break;					/* bad chain */
	lprresp (io, lprfile, toc, notenum, i, &rsprec, roffset);

lprresp (io, lprfile, toc, notenum, respnum, rsprec, phys)
struct io_f *io;
FILE * lprfile,
struct resp_f  *rsprec;
    char    ztime[DATELEN];
    char    line[CMDLEN];

    if (left < RESPNEED) {				/* room on page? */ 
	pagebreak (lprfile);

    if (strcmp (rsprec->r_id[phys].sys, SYSTEM) && strcmp ("Anonymous", rsprec->r_auth[phys].aname))
	sprintf (line, "%s!%s", rsprec->r_id[phys].sys, rsprec->r_auth[phys].aname);
	sprintf (line, "%s", rsprec->r_auth[phys].aname);
    sprdate (&rsprec->r_when[phys], ztime);
    fprintf (lprfile, "\n==== ==== ====\n");
    fprintf (lprfile, "Response %-4d to Note %-4d\n\t%-*s  %-*s\n\n",
	    respnum, notenum, SYSSZ + NAMESZ + 2, line, DATELEN, ztime);

    left -= 5;						/* count the header */

    left -= pageout (io, &rsprec->r_addr[phys], lprfile);

    while (left < 0)
	left += length;

pagebreak (zfile)
FILE * zfile;
    while (left > 0) {
	putc ('\n', zfile);
    left = length;